Got my 1st "cheater" shout today

John ware

Active Member
I was out for a quick 10 mile sprint today and cruising along at 23-25 mph when from across the road, going the opposite direction came the infamous "cheater" shout. The guy looked like he spent as much on his cloths as I did on my Stromer.

Caught me off guard and at the passing speeds I didn't have time for an instant come back.

Anyone have a favorite?

My daughter suggested "caveman".
Yes, ignore it. Or stop, have a chat and educate the person politely about ebikes so he will know better next time - you could even give him a go.

The former is quicker and not at all inflammatory.

The latter takes much more time, can lead to a scuffle if he misreads your approach and, will probably only work anyway if, 1) he has an open mind and, 2) if your bike has a legal PAS type assistance (or, technically, you may actually be "cheating" by many people's definition).

Many use the 'cheater' label as playful recognition of someone 'taking the easy way'. I've even used it upon myself when someone got the wrong impression that I commute to work solely by my own power, responding to them with with 'yes, but I cheat a bit - this is an electric bike'. Not saying what was in that guy's head, but he might have been jesting. I might have responded with '... and LOVING it!'
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I've been riding an ebike in self-righteous Seattle for 16 years, and have gotten many a verbal rotten tomato thrown my way. As I get older, I can't make out what people say as well, and that helps. But also, on my 13 mile commute I now regularly encounter a handful of other ebikers. Think of those joining you as issuing silent compliments, and that may drown out the nasty stuff. Haters gonna hate.
Haven't had any while riding YET, but my next door neighbor gave me an earfull which I attribute to just plain ole ignorance.
Yes, I suspect it's some combination of jealousy, ignorance or fixation on the current way. Just depends on the person as to the balance of the 3.

I think it's interesting that my wife and I were riding our "traditional" 18 speed custom tandem, fully loaded with gear, over the mountain passes of New Zealand or across the state of Iowa while that guy was still in diapers.

I'm sure the horse and buggy crowd had some choice words for those new fangled things called cars too.
I was out for a quick 10 mile sprint today and cruising along at 23-25 mph when from across the road, going the opposite direction came the infamous "cheater" shout. The guy looked like he spent as much on his cloths as I did on my Stromer.

Caught me off guard and at the passing speeds I didn't have time for an instant come back.

Anyone have a favorite?

My daughter suggested "caveman".
Shout "Rule #5 Dude"

P.S. I live for these kinds of comments......................................
My answer is simple, each to his or her own. The fact is, electric got me back into cycling. Some exercise is better than none. Likely some are jealous too, after all, there are expensive. Last, we have distracted laws in Vancouver, so the other rider should just keep eyes ahead looking for dangers.
Fortunately no one has called me a "cheater," though they've probably thought it. I have had people come up and pass me and ask me if that's an ebike. I have no problem with my choice so to each their own. The fact that I can still be passed while riding an ebike (and fairly easily at that), kind of makes the unspoken point to the non ebike rider "this woman is not in shape and is obviously no threat to my manly cycling prowess even with her ebike."
Many use the 'cheater' label as playful recognition of someone 'taking the easy way'. I've even used it upon myself when someone got the wrong impression that I commute to work solely by my own power, responding to them with with 'yes, but I cheat a bit - this is an electric bike'. Not saying what was in that guy's head, but he might have been jesting. I might have responded with '... and LOVING it!'
Make sure to sound like Get Smart. Lol
As a women I'm used to many things being yelled at me from the safety of their vehicle, I usually opt for the middle finger of defiance but this most recent case while I was on my bicycle with my 2 year old in the trailer and 9 year old in toe I opted for just ignore it.
As a women I'm used to many things being yelled at me from the safety of their vehicle, I usually opt for the middle finger of defiance but this most recent case while I was on my bicycle with my 2 year old in the trailer and 9 year old in toe I opted for just ignore it.
No two wheeler ever won an argument with a cage...............
Perhaps my daughters original suggestion of "caveman" still applies. Or maybe her other suggestion, which I hesitated to post before, may be more appropriate. "Kiss my eButt"
I've ridden recumbents mostly for the past 15 years. You guys have NO idea what abuse is. ;0)
My favorite was always "that's a lazy mans bike" as though being comfortable takes all the effort away. This not uncommon while in the midst of a metric century or other similar ride.........

And then there's the few so dim that they can't get their little minds around the concept so they just laugh.
I usually laugh back at the slack jawed wonders.
Well at the very least you're not consuming petrol when you are "cheating by riding an ebike." Can they say that when they're in their cars to run their errands?