Total BS btw.. I bought this bike with the expectation that I could update it myself. I live in the mountains without any bike shops close to me. I like the bike, but will be looking elsewhere for my next ride.It just so happens that I called Specialized to ask this question last Friday.
I inquired because "Mission Control" has now been sunsetted and the new "Specialized" app has no ability to update firmware or even to check which firmware has been installed. Now when I open "Mission Control" it specifically says "Mission Control has been sunsetted...please download the Specialized app". Mission Control is now completely dead and not available for use (at least for me).
Customer Service was very nice....but Spesh no longer provides a means for the consumer to update firmware (and he claimed that the Mission Control app had only allowed the update of the TCU but NOT for the motor and/or battery). I let him know that not providing information related to the availability of updates and not providing explanation as to the content of the updates lacked transparency. He indicated that he understood.
I now have 2 Spesh ebikes. One of them was purchased from an LBS that provides lifetime 'free tuneups' including software updates.
My other Spesh bike was bought from Erik's who charges $30 to update.
It seems wrong to spend $30 for an 'update' that you were unaware of....and that you have no concept of what changes any given update produces. The manager at Erik's told me that it notifies him of the update contents when he hooks the bike up to the computer. He also indicated that he would be happy to update me for free (nice guy....and I frequent the shop).
I'm guessing that Spesh had problems with the over-the-air updates direct to consumers.....and I'd believe it. Spesh told me that there have been 2 or 3 updates since the purchase date of my Vado I plan to drop off my SL for my 'free tune up' soon. What will those updates provide? Nobody knows lol.