If batteries are re-usable . Why is it less then 5% are actually recycled ? What's happening that we aren't bothering ? Is it true they can be reused ? Seems odd if the figures of 90 % can be recycled . It's not being done . Especially when they are so costly environmentally to produce in the first place . As well as economically . The ground where it's mined from can't be reused I think a minimum of 50 years . I believe I have read 100 years . Plus it completely destroys all animal life .
Elon is simply capitalizing : I don't think he believes the planet is in danger . It's not . Quit believing what you read online . How is an EV more efficient. And what pollutions are there in the World besides China . WHo refuses to use Filters . As I said I have no issue with EV as an addition . But as a sole source ? Impossible . Gas and Oil brought us into the Modern Era . Wind Solar and EV is a step back .
You need to keep up . Enron was a lie . I suppose you don't believe millions have died from C-19 Vaccines /
The argument is does the planet need saving ? Are we experiencing more Earthquakes and worse more frequent storms due to climate ? Where's the evidence ? In the 1980's in the USA . We had massive snow storms . Record snow falls . And what did they tell us ? That we'd be in an ICE AGE by 2000. Never even came close . Then it changed to massive heat . Now it's climate change . Climate changes everyday .
Would you agree that most people today are deceived ? If you answer no you are deceived

Would you agree Earthquakes and Storm size and frequency are increasing ? Do you agree that man today is self righteous lovers of Self ? That Homosexuality is exploding ? DO you agree we are fast approaching a Digital system with a World govt ? Do you agree that AI can already easily monitor the whole of the planet ? Worse then we have ever seen ? Would you agree there's no current strong world leader with answers for peace and security ? Would you agree Covid was the first virus that ever effected the whole planet all at once ? Would you agree that ALIENS / UFO's with real ships who appear to travel in an out of our dimension. Is a true thing ? Would you agree that among all nations . Israel is the most hated ? Even though they are the most environmentally safe nation by current standards . Would you agree that mankind is not only capable of destroying everything . But that we are already in WW3? Would you agree that over 70% of all the Fish , Birds and mammal wildlife has died off since 1976?
All that I just mentioned in the last paragraph are true things . They are also all things that have gotten way more intense in the last 10 years . Most of us just didn't know about it pre Covid .