Electric Car thread

Actually, you don't have to move; you can run for office and vote how our federal dollars should be used.

Should it be spent to imprison the traitors from Jan 6 who think democracy don't exist in our country and demand special diet & pillow while in prison, when colored folks are getting killed by police even before arrest is made or just knocked on the wrong door and have to used federal dollars to pay for lawsuits & settlements?

I think federal dollar for infrastructure that I don't use but can others can benefit is still a better deal.
I feel real sorry for any black person who has to interact with the Police fraternity, something is very wrong, are they going to start stopping Black EBike riders and see if they are stolen( When you grok the danger of "Fraternities" your wisdom has vastly increased)
Doesn't bother me any still want one.I understand it is saving nothing but aggrevation,I depise servicing ICE vehicles, however there is a way to extend oil change intrevals( to at least 10k) "Amsoil" a oil anlysis 250 K miles on a Chevy 4 cyl sez so and the thing still runs fine, the moral is do not overmaintain I usd to be guilty of that now I try run conventinal oil at least 5K. There a couple things that one should service at least during vehicle life brake fluid( this applies to EVs as well) and the transmission fluid, looked at a light diesel service pack the other day and it was $99 not counting the fluids. Do not understand the diesel "mystique' for light trucks, apparently they are expensive to service and apparently you cant keep a muffler on them. I got so sick of the racket from 4BTs and 6BTs when I did construction their noise makes me sick, make mine quiet, make it electric-Hope Dr.Greer is right a massive paradigm shift in the next few years( my Ebike may run on zero point energy-its a thing non believers)
The problem is some EV are fine . They want it all electric . They are even trying to change building codes that require electric stoves . We happen to like electric stoves . Easier to clean and only one coil to replace . If it even needs it . It's a mandatory thing . All being crammed down our throats over a lie . What they are really saying when they say Carbon emissions need to disappear . They are talking about life itself . Every person and every animal that breaths -emits CO2 . The very thing they say is killing earth . It's just BS , that the average person doesn't stop to think about . The Elitist's want us dead . They refer to us as useless eaters . Why do you think they are pushing this race crap. You reduce a people to race = Elimination of that race . That's what Stalin , Mau, Hitler's , Nero , Mohamamd and other's like them did . Anyone speaking against this is at risk .
That must be a monster generator...
Now THIS is a monster generator:


It's a power ship capable of producing 470 mega watts!

Just think of the size of the extension cord they need to plug it in! 😄
The problem is some EV are fine . They want it all electric . They are even trying to change building codes that require electric stoves . We happen to like electric stoves . Easier to clean and only one coil to replace . If it even needs it . It's a mandatory thing . All being crammed down our throats over a lie . What they are really saying when they say Carbon emissions need to disappear . They are talking about life itself . Every person and every animal that breaths -emits CO2 . The very thing they say is killing earth . It's just BS , that the average person doesn't stop to think about . The Elitist's want us dead . They refer to us as useless eaters . Why do you think they are pushing this race crap. You reduce a people to race = Elimination of that race . That's what Stalin , Mau, Hitler's , Nero , Mohamamd and other's like them did . Anyone speaking against this is at risk .
You should look for more sound sources of informations, like Actual scientific sources that can clarify for you the details you are clearly missing by sticking to conspiracy theory circles.....
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Electric cars are utterly stupid . Dumb Dumb Dumb . Far more damage to the environment and animal habitats then oil will ever be . They are killing the planet and telling you they are saving it . What a Deception for the crowd to follow . If this offends you ? Good maybe it will wake you up .
Ok, glad I found the GBR forum, as in GasBikeReview.com.

I was scared there for a minute as I need help servicing the 2-stoke engine on my gas-powered bicycle. Thought about an electric bicycle, but that battery manufacturing does so much damage to the environment and besides, I need something loud so pedestrians on the bike path get out of my way.

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LOL Why expose yourself to that > I wonder how many EV's explode yearly they don't report ? Probably a bunch
you get 600 high amperage volts running through you you are probably going to boil, linemen have to be real careful with the voltages they work around ,where the electricity goes to ground or exits it leaves holes in the body.
you get 600 high amperage volts running through you you are probably going to boil, linemen have to be real careful with the voltages they work around ,where the electricity goes to ground or exits it leaves holes in the body.
Aparently Tesla's newest cars are 800 volts, others run even higher. I think the power line into my house is only 220 volts, and triple phase industrial motors mostly draw 440 to 660 volts IIRC. How do you even charge something like that with solar?😳.

That kind of voltage is a totally different beast from the low voltage 12 to 48 volts stuff we usually see. Probably beyond what most electricians work with , as well.
Ok, glad I found the GBR forum, as in GasBikeReview.com.

I was scared there for a minute as I need help servicing the 2-stoke engine on my gas-powered bicycle. Thought about an electric bicycle, but that battery manufacturing does so much damage to the environment and besides, I need something loud so pedestrians on the bike path get out of my way.

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Leave it to a lefty to argue using an exception to the rule. Do you understand how lithium is mined ? It's 1000 plus times worse . Plus we aren't talking about E-Bikes . We are talking about everything . People like you don't get it do you ? The save the earth BS isn't about anything other then control . 15 minute cities , Social Credit Scoring , Digital money ? Where do you think that's all leading to ? Especially when C02 is actually essential for things to grow . The more we have the more plant life flourishes .

Electric Cars aren't efficient. Quiet ? Yet we are mining a product that ruins the land , destroys wildlife . Is impossible to dispose of . Plus you still need fossil fuels to produce it . You can't even make batteries without coal mines .

Electric companies are in trouble with supplying off the grid now . To believe this is the future is nonsense . Are we going to plus an extension cord in to travel abroad ? Or is the real goal to make travel of any distance impossible for the average person ?
Aparently Tesla's newest cars are 800 volts, others run even higher. I think the power line into my house is only 220 volts, and triple phase industrial motors mostly draw 440 to 660 volts IIRC. How do you even charge something like that with solar?😳.

That kind of voltage is a totally different beast from the low voltage 12 to 48 volts stuff we usually see. Probably beyond what most electricians work with , as well.
Many battery packs are designed in sections or strings of cells. The strings can be charged in parallel at a lower voltage and then put in series to get the higher voltage required.

An overly simplified illustration:

Leave it to a lefty to argue using an exception to the rule. Do you understand how lithium is mined ? It's 1000 plus times worse . Plus we aren't talking about E-Bikes . We are talking about everything . People like you don't get it do you ? The save the earth BS isn't about anything other then control . 15 minute cities , Social Credit Scoring , Digital money ? Where do you think that's all leading to ? Especially when C02 is actually essential for things to grow . The more we have the more plant life flourishes .

Electric Cars aren't efficient. Quiet ? Yet we are mining a product that ruins the land , destroys wildlife . Is impossible to dispose of . Plus you still need fossil fuels to produce it . You can't even make batteries without coal mines .

Electric companies are in trouble with supplying off the grid now . To believe this is the future is nonsense . Are we going to plus an extension cord in to travel abroad ? Or is the real goal to make travel of any distance impossible for the average person ?
"Lefty?" Why are you assuming that, especially considering Elon Musk is himself a Ron DeSantis supporter?

"Exception to the rule?" Please explain how lithium is mined differently for electric bikes than it is for electric cars.

"Do you understand how lithium is mined ?" Do you understand the difference in quantities needed for one time versus constant refilling? There's a big difference mining something once to build the car versus mining something continuously to fuel it over its lifetime:

And then add in recycling of the battery materials versus the pollution from burning gasoline. Read more here.

"Electric Cars aren't efficient." They are more efficient than gasoline-powered cars. Matter of fact, most EVs are so efficient that even when powered with electricity generated exclusively from coal they pollute less. Look up efficiency of gasoline engines - there are indisputable facts that a gasoline engine can't be more than 35% efficient, due to thermal and other losses.

"You can't even make batteries without coal mines . " Sort-of. It is true that refining of some battery materials requires high heat, which today is economically viable only by burning fossil fuels (not necessarily coal), but again, overall the impact on the environment over a vehicle's lifetime is less for EVs than for ICE vehicles. Here's another good article: https://climate.mit.edu/ask-mit/how-much-co2-emitted-manufacturing-batteries

"Electric companies are in trouble with supplying off the grid now . " That's not really true. California, for instance, hasn't had troubles since the illegal Enron-enabled diverting of power, also due to more renewable sources being added to the gird. And since most vehicle charging takes place at night when electricity demand is low, EV charging actually helps increase power plant utilization, which lowers overall cost per kW.

Of course, you actually believe that more CO2 is better and that EVs are part of a giant conspiracy to control all of us. So, you're your own worst enemy in any logical argument.
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Imagine living on a shrinking pacific island and reading BS about the world needing more co2 to feed the trees.

Disclaimer - clearly as an Australian this is just propaganda , an attempt to make our economy stronger by mining more lithium / rare earth metals . We're going to be RICH when the conspiracy theorists stamp out child labour and our lithium is the only globally accepted option.....power to the people.....
"Lefty?" Why are you assuming that, especially considerubf Elon Musk is himself a Ron DeSantis supporter?

"Exception to the rule?" Please explain how lithium is mined differently for electric bikes than it is for electric cars.

"Do you understand how lithium is mined ?" Do you understand the difference in quantities needed? There's a big difference mining something once to build the car versus mining something continuously to fuel it over its lifetime:

And then add in recycling of the battery materials versus the pollution from burning gasoline. Read more here.

"Electric Cars aren't efficient." They are more efficient than gasoline-powered cars. Matter of fact, most EVs are so efficient that even when powered with electricity generated exclusively from coal they pollute less. Look up efficiency of gasoline engines - there are indisputable facts that a gasoline engine can't be more than 35% efficient, due to thermal and other losses.

"You can't even make batteries without coal mines . " Sort-of. It is true that refining of some battery materials requires high heat, which today is economically viable only by burning fossil fuels (not necessarily coal), but again, overall the impact on the environment over a vehicle's lifetime is less for EVs than for ICE vehicles. Here's another good article: https://climate.mit.edu/ask-mit/how-much-co2-emitted-manufacturing-batteries

"Electric companies are in trouble with supplying off the grid now . " That's not really true. California, for instance, hasn't had troubles since the illegal Enron-enabled diverting of power, also due to more renewable sources being added to the gird. And since most vehicle charging takes place at night when electricity demand is low, EV charging actually helps increase power plant utilization, which lowers overall cost per kW.

Of course, you actually believe that more CO2 is better and that EVs are part of a giant conspiracy to control all of us. So, you're your own worst enemy in any logical argument.
If batteries are re-usable . Why is it less then 5% are actually recycled ? What's happening that we aren't bothering ? Is it true they can be reused ? Seems odd if the figures of 90 % can be recycled . It's not being done . Especially when they are so costly environmentally to produce in the first place . As well as economically . The ground where it's mined from can't be reused I think a minimum of 50 years . I believe I have read 100 years . Plus it completely destroys all animal life .

Elon is simply capitalizing : I don't think he believes the planet is in danger . It's not . Quit believing what you read online . How is an EV more efficient. And what pollutions are there in the World besides China . WHo refuses to use Filters . As I said I have no issue with EV as an addition . But as a sole source ? Impossible . Gas and Oil brought us into the Modern Era . Wind Solar and EV is a step back .
You need to keep up . Enron was a lie . I suppose you don't believe millions have died from C-19 Vaccines /

The argument is does the planet need saving ? Are we experiencing more Earthquakes and worse more frequent storms due to climate ? Where's the evidence ? In the 1980's in the USA . We had massive snow storms . Record snow falls . And what did they tell us ? That we'd be in an ICE AGE by 2000. Never even came close . Then it changed to massive heat . Now it's climate change . Climate changes everyday .

Would you agree that most people today are deceived ? If you answer no you are deceived :) Would you agree Earthquakes and Storm size and frequency are increasing ? Do you agree that man today is self righteous lovers of Self ? That Homosexuality is exploding ? DO you agree we are fast approaching a Digital system with a World govt ? Do you agree that AI can already easily monitor the whole of the planet ? Worse then we have ever seen ? Would you agree there's no current strong world leader with answers for peace and security ? Would you agree Covid was the first virus that ever effected the whole planet all at once ? Would you agree that ALIENS / UFO's with real ships who appear to travel in an out of our dimension. Is a true thing ? Would you agree that among all nations . Israel is the most hated ? Even though they are the most environmentally safe nation by current standards . Would you agree that mankind is not only capable of destroying everything . But that we are already in WW3? Would you agree that over 70% of all the Fish , Birds and mammal wildlife has died off since 1976?
All that I just mentioned in the last paragraph are true things . They are also all things that have gotten way more intense in the last 10 years . Most of us just didn't know about it pre Covid .
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