Electric Car thread

Personally, I'd like to see infrastructure shift to roads that can charge your EV, then EV wouldn't need such heavy battery or overall vehicle weight.
I agree as long as no tax dollars are used; fee based on EV usage.
There is undoubtedly less maintenance with an EV but they aren't maintenance free. There are still things like tires, belts, brakes, A/C and most of all, the battery to consider. EV's are more for ecology than economy. IMO, those who buy EV's to save money may be disappointed when ALL factors are considered over the life of the vehicle.

Don't misunderstand, I'm all for going electric but it just isn't for me at this point in time. YMMV.
No belts on most EVs.
Brakes last way longer due to regen braking.
Personally, I'd like to see infrastructure shift to roads that can charge your EV, then EV wouldn't need such heavy battery or overall vehicle weight.
I can't quite wrap my brain around how chargeable roads could even be a possibility.
Any E vehicle.
But not every EV can reduce traffic congestion.
Single occupant large EV like car/truck just take up more space on the road; which in term increase congestion & travel time; reduce battery range.
I think they should pay more for the infrastructure rebuild.

I can't quite wrap my brain around how chargeable roads could even be a possibility.

Future CAN BE free energy everywhere.

I think they should pay more for the infrastructure rebuild.
I wasn't passing judgement on pricing structure. Just that it should be paid for be EV users, not Federal dollars.

If one doesn't use, shouldn't have to contribute. Personally would never live where traffic congestion is a thing. Just traveled through Worcester and outskirts of Boston on Friday starting at 2PM. We can not figure out why anyone would live through that mess on a daily basis.
Pretty sweet, AAA has your back.


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I wasn't passing judgement on pricing structure. Just that it should be paid for be EV users, not Federal dollars.

If one doesn't use, shouldn't have to contribute. Personally would never live where traffic congestion is a thing. Just traveled through Worcester and outskirts of Boston on Friday starting at 2PM. We can not figure out why anyone would live through that mess on a daily basis.

Sustainable future is all about thinking & doing beyond yourself.
Just because you don't use it or personally don't choose to live where traffic congestion is a thing, doesn't mean the majority of human population can have that luxury.
Just because you cannot figure out something, doesn't mean others could not figure it out.
Philosophicaly i tend to agree with @Roamers, that people who don't use the roads shouldn't pay for them.
But then you have schools that childless people still pay for. It all begins to sound like Johnny Winter's song Tax Man ... "if you take a walk, I'll tax your feet " ...
Philosophicaly i tend to agree with @Roamers, that people who don't use the roads shouldn't pay for them.
For clarity, I am only talking about not using federal dollars. State and local dollars should be used. If I don't like the way state and local dollars are being used, I can move.

The next comment I can predict is "if I don't like the way federal dollars are spent, I should move." So in early response, "The federal government should not be involved in any activity the favors or disfavors anf perso, group, community, state, etc."
For clarity, I am only talking about not using federal dollars. State and local dollars should be used. If I don't like the way state and local dollars are being used, I can move.

The next comment I can predict is "if I don't like the way federal dollars are spent, I should move." So in early response, "The federal government should not be involved in any activity the favors or disfavors anf perso, group, community, state, etc."

Actually, you don't have to move; you can run for office and vote how our federal dollars should be used.

Should it be spent to imprison the traitors from Jan 6 who think democracy don't exist in our country and demand special diet & pillow while in prison, when colored folks are getting killed by police even before arrest is made or just knocked on the wrong door and have to used federal dollars to pay for lawsuits & settlements?

I think federal dollar for infrastructure that I don't use but can others can benefit is still a better deal.
I can't quite wrap my brain around how chargeable roads could even be a possibility.
Its possible it just takes the will and of course tax dollars"inductive loops or a little mod for a charging area on the vehicle with transformer like magnetic field producing thingys( there is a lot of charging done on small appliances these days)
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Electric cars are utterly stupid . Dumb Dumb Dumb . Far more damage to the environment and animal habitats then oil will ever be . They are killing the planet and telling you they are saving it . What a Deception for the crowd to follow . If this offends you ? Good maybe it will wake you up .
Electric cars are utterly stupid . Dumb Dumb Dumb . Far more damage to the environment and animal habitats then oil will ever be . They are killing the planet and telling you they are saving it . What a Deception for the crowd to follow . If this offends you ? Good maybe it will wake you up .
Doesn't bother me any still want one.I understand it is saving nothing but aggrevation,I depise servicing ICE vehicles, however there is a way to extend oil change intrevals( to at least 10k) "Amsoil" a oil anlysis 250 K miles on a Chevy 4 cyl sez so and the thing still runs fine, the moral is do not overmaintain I usd to be guilty of that now I try run conventinal oil at least 5K. There a couple things that one should service at least during vehicle life brake fluid( this applies to EVs as well) and the transmission fluid, looked at a light diesel service pack the other day and it was $99 not counting the fluids. Do not understand the diesel "mystique' for light trucks, apparently they are expensive to service and apparently you cant keep a muffler on them. I got so sick of the racket from 4BTs and 6BTs when I did construction their noise makes me sick, make mine quiet, make it electric-Hope Dr.Greer is right a massive paradigm shift in the next few years( my Ebike may run on zero point energy-its a thing non believers)