Electric Car thread

Now there's a niche market yet to be explored - the electric motor home. Put your electric bikes inside, and head off into the sunrise. I could certainly get into that..although the 10 wheels is a bit daunting.😮 Maybe something a tad smaller, a bit less terrifying to drive down a country road.


EV Camper vans are coming... :)
Thanks Watts Up. Pretty much sums it up even down here in So Cal. It's been a crapshoot as to whether the charger works or you can even access due to an ICE car taking up a parking spot at a charger. I will not be selling my ICE cars anytime soon. My EV is pretty much a grocery getter, golf cart-and the 258 mile range is laughable. You may be able to get 258 driving 40 mph with the AC, Heater and Radio off...
Thanks Watts Up. Pretty much sums it up even down here in So Cal. It's been a crapshoot as to whether the charger works or you can even access due to an ICE car taking up a parking spot at a charger. I will not be selling my ICE cars anytime soon. My EV is pretty much a grocery getter, golf cart-and the 258 mile range is laughable. You may be able to get 258 driving 40 mph with the AC, Heater and Radio off...

Yup. It's early days. If I wanted an EV for a "cannonball run" type of roadtrip in the USA, the only answer so far is Tesla. I really hope that the $5B federal infrastructure plan has reliability and maintenance as part of the plan for current and future DCFCs. And Tesla is still wishy-washy on how it would open up it's supercharger network for other makes. I guess we'll see how things pan out in the next few years. 🤞
The 356 is one of the most beautiful cars ever designed. Happen to have any pics of yours?

I bought the car in 2000, kept it for around 5 years and then sold it. 3 years later I bought it back after it had a very bad engine fire.


I then spent a stupid amount of money getting it restored

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Best two rides of my life were in that car. The third was in my Monster V8 powered Miata.
Thanks Watts Up. Pretty much sums it up even down here in So Cal. It's been a crapshoot as to whether the charger works or you can even access due to an ICE car taking up a parking spot at a charger. I will not be selling my ICE cars anytime soon. My EV is pretty much a grocery getter, golf cart-and the 258 mile range is laughable. You may be able to get 258 driving 40 mph with the AC, Heater and Radio off...
Sold our ICE only cars, and have only PHEVs now. Having 500-600 mile range on tap is nice. And I’ve come across more broken or out of order EV chargers than I would have thought!
I guess we'll see how things pan out in the next few years. 🤞
I think that's part of the "fun" of owning an EV today...no, let me make that "intrigue"...to participate in something ahead of the game. Rather than just being a robot behind the wheel, we have to engage our minds, our creativity, and our innovation if we want to make "Point A to Point B" in a vehicle that may have to run the gauntlet of "will there be, or won't there be" power stations enroute. Well over 100 years ago there were intrepid travelers doing the same thing, in the same type of environment, with the new fangled gasoline engine cars, enbarking upon travels far and wide that founded a wealth of stories written to entertain the ages.

If I wasn't burdened with a SO who pitches a fit if a charging stop takes longer than the prerequisite time it takes to rest a nozzle in a gas tank for a refill, I would happily be joining those impromptu journalists logging their travels in an EV, perhaps even with a dog named Charlie, or Bud, on a blog for the world to read.

Imagine doing a trip to Alaska in a 40kW Leaf with a range of 150 miles, and no active battery management. I would be the H. Nelson Jackson of my day!

In 5 years we will look back on these current days with nostalgic relief that range anxiety was merely a psychological phenomenon that is, thankfully, no longer relevant. We hope.😁

Maybe by then I'll have my 400+ mile range Maxpack Rivian. I refuse to settle for anything less.
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I have no doubt that EVs are the future of transportation. But that future needs about 5 more decades for everything to fall into place: battery technology must improve by about a factor of 5, electric production and transmission infrastructure must be scaled up, the grid must be hardened, etc. The problem, as I see it, is that the entire thing is being rushed and pushed into place before all the pieces are in place. The impetus for this huge push is the "hurry up or we're all gonna die from rising temperatures" panic. And it is a panic. It's not much different from having a bunch of cattle rustlers coming in with guns blazing and scaring the herd into a stampede. A great deal of money is changing hands due to this climate scare; if we want to know what's really happening, IMO we need to calm down and figure out whose pockets are being lined.
The panic is scientifically based…50 years of it ignored…EVs are the PRESENT I maintain without fear of factual contradiction…