Electric Car thread

Our added EV fee for Virginia car registration is/was an eye opener. Way more than the folks with ICE cars would pay in fuel taxes annually. Don't know how they came up with the amounts to add onto the annual vehicle registration (probably just tossing dollar amounts into the air and seeing which ones floated the most funds from the rich bastards that dared to drive electric). I was shocked the first time I saw the cost of my annual registration when the state enacted that flat rate road use fee. The fee was much lower the following year, probably from the legislature being chastised on the fleecing of your average EV driver that couldn't write the additional fee off as a business expense.

Then the legislation last year decided that to make it "more fair and equitable" for those driving lesser distances in their EVs and/or fuel efficient cars. They would implement a program for fees based upon mileage driven. Starting with a very low registration fee, the state would collect a monthly fee straight from the car owner's account in the program (funded by the owner's bank account) for miles driven up until those monthly costs equaled the regular EV "added fee" usually paid at registration They gave a contract to a third party to supply a transponder which would be attached to the vehicle's diagnostic port.

Sounds good, right? Less miles = less fee? Thats what was promoted in lots of "feel good" literature for this program. All well and good ... until one signed up, created the required account, funded it from one's bank account agreeing that the program will automatically do withdrawls from the bank account to pay the fees for mileage used, and agreed to have the transponder attached to the car at all times to read the car's mileage. And then, only then, did the contract's fine print make an appearance. And what a doozy that was! According to the contract for a car owner to be in this program, all sorts of information was going to be collected by the transponder - the scope of which Big Brother would have been proud. I have a Prius that gets driven only rarely (it spends more time sitting in the garage while we use the EV daily) so I thought this "pay for only the miles driven" was a good idea, and signed up. Once I was in the system was when I received that contract which detailed (for the first time) exactly what the program collected beyond just daily miles. I read it with growing alarm at the invasive data collection, and by the time I'd finished reading the contract I walked into the garage, pulled that transponder off the car, and contacted the state's motor vehicle department I was withdrawing from the program effective immediately. They took their good old time sending me the postage label for returning the transponder while they tried their best to encourage me to stay in the program. Nothing doing. I'd rather pay 3x the flat fee than have all my movements and whereabouts minute by minute GPS tracked and recorded in a third party database somewhere. It wasn't just the miles they collected. Oh, no. It was a complete GPS tracked dossier of where I went, the times involved from start to finish, exact places and locations, the speeds of my vehicle, routes taken, etc. From the second the car was on until it was turned off, and then kept recording while my car sat unused.

In short, I was hoodwinked to sign up with the promise the program would only record miles driven. That was a lie.

Several months later I'm still waiting for an updated registration bill to pay the flat fee for the Prius, but have yet to see anything. They still have my bank account for the program online, even though my initial fee was credited back to me. Not happy with that, but at least it shows as having a zero balance.

Unfortunately, I do think this type of program was designed as a testing ground for implementing it as a regular thing in the future when there are more EVs on the road. I would hope, however, they will rein in the excessive, invasive amount of data collected to just the mileage alone. Until then I'll pay that egregious flat rate fee in order to keep Big Brother out of my life regarding my driving and miles on the road.

Sorry for the rant. The sneak attack after the initial sign-up still rankles me.

On a bright note my solar is doing a terrific job supplying all the power needed for charging my EV daily, and the annual cash benefit for the next 15 years from selling my solar energy credits on the open market (Virginia is one of a handful of states that is part of the new SREC program) more than pays for the road use fee on both my EV and the hybrid.
My CA registration renewal seemed a tad on the higher side compared to my ICE cars...
Glad your solar worked out, the provider in these parts seems to be a "scam" operation. When you deal with VDOT, you are always going to come out second best, our GA seems to be comprised of crafty 'old school" diehards who do not give a "Flying F" about the common Man, if a person is wealthy enough than some of the programs will actually make sense.I was unpleasantly surprised when we had to pay a "fuel efficient"( tax, surcharge, whatever) on a new Honda CRV( average mileage 31 MPG) I am of the notion to "fly this coop" there are other places I would sooner live( there is literally nothing of any importance 45 minutes( if you are lucky) in any direction( does seem weird for an Eastern state) this county is steadily turning into a "gated community" with the only emphasis on the rich person. Plenty of law around here though, 4-5 state troopers,Sheriff and 17 deputies all for a county with a population of perhaps 4500( big part are old folks) most of the "Public lands" are inaccessable with the balance of any decent land belonging to the uppercrust( do not trespass.)The plan to 'depopulate the wild areas is in full effect around here broken by the hellish clearcuts, Rich People gobble up the land the residents cannot afford and usually one of the first things that happen is any old houses are razed so there is no poor sod trying to rent them.

This country is going in the direction of nothing for the poor person, you will own nothing and be happy about it.

Unfortunately man has been on a course to control the world from one kingdom since it begin . I don't see nukes going away . In fact what's described in Revelation 8 and 9 . Sure sounds like the effects of nukes .
We are the Generation of vast massive knowledge. But our wisdom has vanished
Agree, it was related to me[ Man would get wiser and weaker] and I do not think that meant physical strength either.
The new 2023 Prius PHEV does a 6.7 sec 0-62? And a decent 37 mile battery only range? What? https://jalopnik.com/the-2023-toyota-prius-is-the-prettiest-prius-ever-1849789502/
Thats very nice,but. The way things are going I will never afford anything like that and believe Me those specs are what I need, seems I am going to be stuck with gas guzzlers forever. If I had to put gas in my bicycle I would not even have the thing,I like solar, and according to current prices in this area, no payback in my projected lifetime . Of course, if the 'dark energy' generator is ever produced I may own one of those, Tesla himself was spotted driving a car that seemed to have no energy source and His idea of wireless electricity would have worked( no telling how many would have fried or got cancer from it)
The new 2023 Prius PHEV does a 6.7 sec 0-62? And a decent 37 mile battery only range? What? https://jalopnik.com/the-2023-toyota-prius-is-the-prettiest-prius-ever-1849789502/
A combined EV for around town/ ICE for long distance travel. I like the idea. My current Prius comes with an abysmal 15 mile range on battery alone, and only if you don't go over 25 mph. This new 2023 should fit right in for most drivers, especially apartment/condo dwellers, for all their needs for the next 7 years before the transportation infrastructure starts pushing gas stations out of business. By then the BEV should have a range of 500-600 miles per charge.

That 6.7 second to 60mph had me laughing. If you've ever floored a Prius to get up a ramp to a highway, you are praying to every god in the heavens that there is no traffic coming, otherwise that poor tiny engine flogging itself with a tinny roar with the tiny pistons flailing up and down ready to die for the cause, just won't have enough power or enough speed to merge into 65-70mph traffic unless oncoming traffic takes pity on you. The Prius is phenomenally aerodynamic. It just has no umph for jackrabbit starts. At least mine doesn't, the poor dear thing. But I do love it. It never fails to try it's best.❤🚘
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An EV for around town, and an ICE for long distance travel. I like the idea. And I like my current Prius (with an abysmal 15 mile range on battery alone) even though it now comes a distant 2nd behind my EV. This new 2023 should fit right in for most drivers, especially apartment/condo dwellers, for the next 7 years before the transportation infrastructure starts pushing gas stations out of business. By then the BEV should have a range of 500-600 miles per charge.

That 6.7 second to 60mph had me laughing. If you've ever floored a Prius to get up a ramp to a highway, you are praying to every god in the heavens that there is no traffic coming, otherwise you just won't have any power or enough speed to merge into 65-70mph traffic. The Prius is phenomenally aerodynamic. It just has no umph for rabbit start speed.
My Kona EV is faster off the line than my Porsche Macan S!!
About the new Prius plug-in... I used to be a PHEV proponent mainly from the range anxiety angle.

But after about 4 years of owning a PHEV, I almost never used gas and the switch to EV was so much better. No gas/engine smell in the garage, no ICE maintenance... and quieter drive and one-pedal driving is fantastic.

Toyota really needs to get on the train and start churning out a Prius EV and a Tacoma EV... forget the confusing BRZX4%?@PLB naming and make sure the wheels are bolted on.
A combined EV for around town/ ICE for long distance travel. I like the idea. My current Prius comes with an abysmal 15 mile range on battery alone, and only if you don't go over 25 mph. This new 2023 should fit right in for most drivers, especially apartment/condo dwellers, for all their needs for the next 7 years before the transportation infrastructure starts pushing gas stations out of business. By then the BEV should have a range of 500-600 miles per charge.

That 6.7 second to 60mph had me laughing. If you've ever floored a Prius to get up a ramp to a highway, you are praying to every god in the heavens that there is no traffic coming, otherwise that poor tiny engine flogging itself with a tinny roar with the tiny pistons flailing up and down ready to die for the cause, just won't have enough power or enough speed to merge into 65-70mph traffic unless oncoming traffic takes pity on you. The Prius is phenomenally aerodynamic. It just has no umph for jackrabbit starts. At least mine doesn't, the poor dear thing. But I do love it. It never fails to try it's best.❤🚘
Yeah, shocked that that 2023 Prime will have 220 HP. Wondering what the pricing will end up being.
That said, even the current Prime accelerates fine within the city and then will go up to 85 mph on the freeway while staying in the EV mode. But true it’s difficult to merge on the freeway if other cars are going really fast.
Thats very nice,but. The way things are going I will never afford anything like that and believe Me those specs are what I need, seems I am going to be stuck with gas guzzlers forever. If I had to put gas in my bicycle I would not even have the thing,I like solar, and according to current prices in this area, no payback in my projected lifetime . Of course, if the 'dark energy' generator is ever produced I may own one of those, Tesla himself was spotted driving a car that seemed to have no energy source and His idea of wireless electricity would have worked( no telling how many would have fried or got cancer from it)
You are not supposed to be able to afford it: That's the whole idea of keeping you limited on where you can travel
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Yeah, shocked that that 2023 Prime will have 220 HP. Wondering what the pricing will end up being.
Hopefully within the budget of the middle class looking for a hybrid stepping stone into the growing EV world where range anxiety won't be an issue while still offering some of the perks of having an EV.
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How is bragging humble ? Is that part of the New Climate agenda Cop27? ;)
Where have you been ? to make a seemingly modest, self-critical, or casual statement or reference that is meant to draw attention to one's admirable or impressive qualities or achievements
Not so for a complex number of over lapping reasons. check where the corn belt is moving…and how quickly. The latest hurricane in Florida (last week) is another example of what the warming climate is producing…historical droughts and extreme weather etc. Massive accelerating immigration…parts of the world ME…slices of India among others) too hot Now to live in. And the Russians, particularly in their West, who relished the warming are changing their tune.
Climate is no simple thing, and neither is evolution…it takes time for one to get used to another…200 years is the equivalent of jumping off a cliff
OK. so tell us how much weather data it takes to make climate data. YOU cannot know. So you are given nothing but your belief - as dictated to you.
So if 200 years is nothing in climate, why is it that you cannot comprehend that when talking about changes? You're talking about changes. What was California like before your little memory shots? HUNDREDS OF YEARS TO THOUSANDS OF YEARS of severe drought.

Think California's current drought is bad? Past incarnations ...

Washington Post
https://www.washingtonpost.com › news › 2016/09/19

Sept 19, 2016 — The researchers found that California experienced a dry period starting around 8,000 years ago and lasting for the next 5,000 years. This period ...

So if we see something that is unusual for a couple of hundred years, we go insane with fears and we see correlations and invent stories.
There are good stories about the California climate scammers and how they pick and choose and hide samples that don't agree with a narrative...and BRAG that they, the dendroclimatologists, are the only scientists allowed to cherry pick.
Bizarrely stupid stuff that so many have fallen for. Just sad. Why would any science be the only one where it's allowed to cherry pick to get a desired result? Because it's TRASH, not science. It's trash and the cherry picked results are the very basis for the hockey stick fraud.
But why stop there? Children are now being forced to have vaccinations that were tested only on 8 mice. It's Fauci...and Fauci is "Soyence".

Jan Esper:
However as we mentioned earlier on the subject of biological growth populations, this does not mean that one could not improve a chronology by reducing the number of series used if the purpose of removing samples is to enhance a desired signal. The ability to pick and choose which samples to use is an advantage unique to dendroclimatology.


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Hopefully within the budget of the middle class looking for a hybrid stepping stone into the growing EV world where range anxiety won't be an issue while still offering some of the perks of having an EV
People are guessing that the base model 2023 Prius Prime SE will start in the $28k range. Like the 2022’s, expect them to continue to be in high demand and difficult to find :(
People are guessing that the base model 2023 Prius Prime SE will start in the $28k range. Like the 2022’s, expect them to continue to be in high demand and difficult to find :(
That doesn't sound like too bad of a price for a hybrid with a loyal following.