Electric Car thread

Nice article. Thanks for sharing it. Upbeat as much as possible in this day and age. I liked that there was thought about how to make life easier for people who want to put bikes in the bed. I already have a Thule hitch mount bike carrier ready for my R1T for day trips. I'd already decided that only long distance trips would see me putting my ebike in the bed. Not as easy as tossing a 12 oz road bike up there! I'll have to have a ramp into the truck for a bed load as there is no way I can lift an ebike that height.

Scaringe spent the middle and ending halcyon years of the 2010s testing out his vehicles with a dedication not found in any legacy automobile maker. He wanted his vehicles to be as perfect as possible out the gate. He thought he had plenty of time. We all did. Nobody knew that a multiyear global pandemic was in the cards, bringing with it a worldwide financial crisis, a bottleneck in the supply chain, and just about every type of physical roadblock ever to stop any startup in its tracks. It's amazing that Rivian survived at all.

2020-2022 hasn't been good for anyone except the vaccine companies.

Still hoping for my promised R1T Maxpack in 2024. It will be hard to stomach another pushback. Much as I appreciate my 2010 Ford F250, I loath having to pay the current diesel prices to use the truck. So...it sits. And waits. At least it still gets a bath every other month in the warm weather just to wash off the dust, and still looks as pretty and perfect as the day I drove it off the lot new in 2010. It will go back to work this spring for hauling stuff for the farm and garden, but we'll keep the outings to a minimum. Wonder what I'll be paying in diesel fuel then...

Meanwhile my electric car is closing in on 70,000 miles. Still as much fun to drive as ever, and holding up beautifully. After 4 years no signs of range loss as yet. I'm actually debating getting a small flatbed for it to pull little loads that are too big to carry in the car's interior, but not big enough to deploy the truck.
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Meanwhile my electric car is closing in on 70,000 miles. Still as much fun to drive as ever, and holding up beautifully. After 4 years no signs of range loss as yet. I'm actually debating getting a small flatbed for it to pull little loads that are too big to carry in the car's interior, but not big enough to deploy the truck.

here's an idea:
Went to the LA Auto Show and saw a bunch of cars (including the new Prius).

Best things I saw were the Vinfast models (the biggest SUV, the VF-9 is pretty nice)...

And the ID Buzz, they had the Euro version but it's really roomy... sort of like a smaller minivan.

There was even a 67 EV:

Hey all. Who's driving an eCar? I'm not really looking for reviews but wanted to hear some experiences and some nuances about living with it daily that those "initial review" videos can't encompass.
Back to the initial post: when it comes to wintertime and you want the car's heater on to keep you toasty warm, be prepared for a drop in the range. My range will drop anywhere from 10 to 20 miles. So...I always open my car's app and turn the preheat on about 5 minutes before driving off, and using my seat warmer and the steering wheel warmer while driving which requires very little in the way of power. My Leaf also has a heat pump which is far more efficient then pulling power straight from the battery which is what other EVs do.

As long as the car is still attached to the charger, the preheat will use the house electricity via the 220v cable to heat the car, not the car's battery.
Nice golf cart!
😊 – the Arcimoto can go 75mph.
Here in the Valley of the Sun there are many communities which have golf carts on the roads, they are licensed and street legal some reach over 35 mph.
The Arcimoto has an optional golf bag holder but it is not allowed on the course; too heavy, big and fast.
Not too bad a price for the speed and miles per charge, and room in the back for the dog (with a canine seatbelt) Nice it can accommodate the golf clubs, but not nice that it isn't allowed on the golf course. One big plus about the size is that none of your neighbors will be begging for a lift..especially if you have the dog riding shotgun, and groceries in the back compartment. 😁

For a few more thousands you can get a basic Leaf. Just saying!
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Back to the initial post: when it comes to wintertime and you want the car's heater on to keep you toasty warm, be prepared for a drop in the range. My range will drop anywhere from 10 to 20 miles. So...I always open my car's app and turn the preheat on about 5 minutes before driving off, and using my seat warmer and the steering wheel warmer while driving which requires very little in the way of power. My Leaf also has a heat pump which is far more efficient then pulling power straight from the battery which is what other EVs do.

As long as the car is still attached to the charger, the preheat will use the house electricity via the 220v cable to heat the car, not the car's battery.

I've been preheating as well. I've never been so comfy driving out into 35* weather (I'm in California and it doesn't get much colder than that 😁). And just the fact that I can have a running car in a closed garage without noxious fumes is a paradigm shift.
I've seen about a dozen of these driving around the Bay Area. It really looks like a fun ride.
I looked at one of the prototypes a number of years ago. The company that built the prototype, Intermeccanica, also built my Intermeccanica Porsche 356 replica, and the owner showed me the Solo when my car was in for some repairs.
Interestingly, Intermeccanica is now making an electric version of their Porsche 356 replica.
I looked at one of the prototypes a number of years ago. The company that built the prototype, Intermeccanica, also built my Intermeccanica Porsche 356 replica, and the owner showed me the Solo when my car was in for some repairs.
Interestingly, Intermeccanica is now making an electric version of their Porsche 356 replica.

The 356 is one of the most beautiful cars ever designed. Happen to have any pics of yours?
One long range version with the solar array, needs to spend very little time on a charger after initial charge and basic short trips,its actually a nice piece of Kit. It seems to be on the way. as opposed to the Elio. Sandy Munro is a big fan of the Arcimoto( as well as lean design)
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The 356 is one of the most beautiful cars ever designed. Happen to have any pics of yours?
One "Artist"took a torch to a 356 and basically cut an outline of the car( guess He torched off the heavy parts) and made a big wall hanging called "Roadkill". I hope it was an unrepairable rustbucket He used, the 356 IMO was one of the best looking sporty cars around.