ebike withdrawal

My ebike is in the shop for a motor replacement. The weather forecast for Northern Colorado calls for 8” to 18” of snow starting tomorrow with another storm right after Thanksgiving. That’s going to take a bit to melt. I wanted to get in a ride so I took my Dino-bike out for a 40 mile ride. It weighs half of my ebike and I immediately noticed how light and quick it felt but the first hill reminded me how I miss my ebike. My knees and legs just aren’t what they were 20 years ago.
No snow here near the nation's capital...yet.

We have a forecast of mid 50+° (F) tomorrow and mid 60's Tuesday and Wednesday. Going to take full advantage both days to do 20 and 30 mile rides before the temps do a free fall towards freezing on Turkey Day. A 20 mile group ride is planned for Saturday with temps down into the low 40s. It will be cold.

I don't want to give up my ebiking for the season. Not until it snows.
Last year 2018 was my first year with an ebike. I suffered ebike withdrawal when winter seemed to start in October. This year I was determined to keep riding. With some advice and encouragement from @Alaskan I started experimenting with different layer combinations, riding gloves/mittens, boots and various balaclava and helmet liner combinations. So far the coldest day I’ve ridden was 24°f with most days in the mid to upper 30’s. Temperatures in the 40’s are starting to feel balmy. So far I have been lucky, no snow or ice but it’s coming and I’ll stop riding until the roads are dry.

The process of putting everything on takes way to much time. Give me summer riding any day but I’m surprised at how much I’ve enjoyed the cold riding so far.

Toe warmers and hand warmers:
Yes, they can generate much heat. They are to be worn between your socks and your shoe. The trick is to use a medium to thick sock. Directly against the skin or wearing a thin summer sock could result in too much heat.

The instructions say to wear them directly under your toes but I prefer to wear them on top of my toes, again between the sock and shoe. Then they are less likely to bunch up.

The hand warmers I simply put into my mittens. Haven’t figured out how to use them with gloves.

In my area of the cold upper Midwest they are sold everywhere, sporting goods, hardware stores, even convenience stores. Can be purchased individually or in packages.

This is Amazon link so you can get a better idea. Many different brands too.

Maybe I’ll create a separate post.
Hope they help!
I have used these warmers on my cold morning commutes, and they work well keeping my fingers and toes warm. I stick the toe warmers on the outside of my socks, under the arch of my feet. The hand warmers are placed between my wool mittens and the outer gloves.
Costco warehouses carry both the hand and toe warmers.
It's fine that this is turning into a "how to ride your ebike when it's cold outside" thread but that wasn't the intent. I'm sure many of you enjoy riding year round even in the snow with studded fat tires, toe and hand warmers, balaclava's etc. It's just not for me. I will ride in the upper 40's and even then the watering eyes and suiting up takes a lot of the fun out of it. When there's snow/ice on the road? forget about it!
Haven't ridden in a few weeks now, northern Michigan. Icy roads, snow, slush, cold etc. etc.. yeah yeah I know, get studded tires good gloves and boots LOL. I love ebiking but not THAT much. I put on double the miles I would have ridden on my acoustic bike this summer, my first summer with an ebike. Only four more months and we'll be riding again. It was a fun summer with lots of trips to places with great bike trails and now we are feeling kind of lost without being able to go for even a short local ride every day
In Michigan too but will be riding today. 50 degrees and some sun!
65°f (18°c) forecast here in Northern Virginia today, so no withdrawl issues as yet. As soon as the frost on the ground melts (right now it is still hovering at freezing), and the sun warms up the air, I'm taking off on the ebike for an enjoyable 30-40 mile pre-feast ride.

I think I'll also stop in at the spin class at the LBS. You bring your own bike to ride on a trainer, and the folks I've talked to that go to that class said it is a lot of fun. I might take my pretty little road bike...although it needs a full dusting, the flat tires pumped, and perhaps the chain re-oiled before it is presentable to be out in public again.

An indoor group "ride" at least once a week might help keep the ebike withdrawal blues at bay this winter.
I tried a gym membership one year but I caught a cold there. Too many people breathing in a closed space. Outdoors is best for me. I can catch a cold standing in line at the grocery store, but some human contact is unavoidable. Caught a fever from the dental tech last week but it only lasted 2 days. & she was wearing a mask & gloves. The immune part of me is Native Am.
I tried a gym membership one year but I caught a cold there. Too many people breathing in a closed space. Outdoors is best for me. I can catch a cold standing in line at the grocery store, but some human contact is unavoidable. Caught a fever from the dental tech last week but it only lasted 2 days. & she was wearing a mask & gloves. The immune part of me is Native Am.
Totally forgot about that "sharing of germs " thing for indoor groups. No worries - I will simply start adding fresh pressed garlic again to my diet (like I do every spring and fall for the seasonal illnesses going around), as well as the Echinacea for a ine-two whammy. Those two work like a charm to keep away the sickies.
Still riding a lot here in Central IL. 23 deg F wind chill was the coldest. I bought some Specialized Element 2 gloves. 4 openings so the little and ring fingers nest together. I’m really impressed with them. Half way shopping for a smart trainer for indoor riding this year.

Almost 60 in Peoria, IL yesterday. Hoped you had a good ride. In town to see family.
I'm thinking the folks catering to the snowmobile crowd up there (northern lower Mich.) are having a gang buster season already? Motels filled, lines at the gas stations?
Not quite yet. Trails are open and people riding but snow is still a bit thin... The UP however has lots and lots of snow