D-Lock for Supercharger 2


Well-Known Member
Walyalup, Western Australia
I plan to use my Supercharger 2 to ride to law school (campus), and whilst it is 'locked' in a bike cage, it still needs to be secured with a lock approved by my insurance company, such as the Abus Ultra 410 U Lock SH34.

I prefer a D-Lock rather than a chain for convenience, but I am curious how other Supercharger 2 or similar Riese and Muller bike riders go with D-Locks, given the bike's tube sizes.

The bike will be regularly locked up to a street rack similar to this one.

My concern is how long the D part of the lock needs to be or is considered ideal.



I bought the 2 pack from Litelok with both the X1 and X3. The X1 is a perfect U-lock. Great balance of size and weight. The X3 is a bit of a monster. Not that much heavier but a bit tighter in its internal shackle size. I use the X1 with my motor scooter and the X3 for my ebikes. I lock both back wheels together on the ebikes with the X3 in the garage if gone for a while. Got some sketchy kids in the 'hood now. I do not fear angle grinder attacks anymore! My old Abus U-lock just sits on a shelf now. Might donate it to a bicycle charity since its still a great lock, just not grinder resistant.

So I highly recommend a Litelok X1.
The LITELOK X1 or X3 would be a good choice. Relatively big, and good at withstanding attacks from an angle grinder!

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I have considered them, but they may be overkill for me here in Perth as where I will be locking up the bike is already semi-secured plus the excess on my insurance is less than the price of the lock.

Other than touring (low risk) I do not tend to leave the bike unattended for other than maybe getting a coffee.

That said, I will take another look at them.
I have considered them, but they may be overkill for me here in Perth as where I will be locking up the bike is already semi-secured plus the excess on my insurance is less than the price of the lock.

Other than touring (low risk) I do not tend to leave the bike unattended for other than maybe getting a coffee.

That said, I will take another look at them.

I also picked up a Hiplok DX recently, and it would be another I'd recommend. Smaller than the LiteLok, but big enough for most bikes - although you'd have to check if it will fit the supercharger. Sold Secure Diamond Rated, so your insurance company will be happy, and it's relatively cheap - at least in the UK. I paid just £80. Weighs about 1kg.

I use a combination of a Litelok X3 and a Pragmasis boron steel noose chain. No D lock is going to be useful for locking up other than the frame of the bike, if you are also trying to keep it secured to something, which is what my insurance wants.

I go a step further than the chain and do two D locks thanks to the sheer size of my bike, but a D lock and a noose would work for a normal bike to secure both wheels and the frame to an object.
My wife and I have Litelok X1 to secure our R&M through the frame to bike cages in Paris (Not Texas :) )
It doesn't fit on the frame, so paniers.
It looks like we can add the OnGuard RockSolid to a slowly growing list of angle-grinder-resistant/proof locks. This review was just released today and the demonstration is worth a watch.

I plan to use my Supercharger 2 to ride to law school (campus), and whilst it is 'locked' in a bike cage, it still needs to be secured with a lock approved by my insurance company, such as the Abus Ultra 410 U Lock SH34.

I prefer a D-Lock rather than a chain for convenience, but I am curious how other Supercharger 2 or similar Riese and Muller bike riders go with D-Locks, given the bike's tube sizes.

The bike will be regularly locked up to a street rack similar to this one.

My concern is how long the D part of the lock needs to be or is considered ideal.



For a Supercharger 2, a 230mm (9-inch) or longer U-lock is ideal to accommodate the thick tubing and reach the rack. The Abus Ultra 410 might work, but the Abus Granit X-Plus 540 (300mm version) or Kryptonite New York U-locks offer better clearance. Test the fit on your intended rack, and consider a secondary cable for the front wheel.
For a Supercharger 2, a 230mm (9-inch) or longer U-lock is ideal to accommodate the thick tubing and reach the rack. The Abus Ultra 410 might work, but the Abus Granit X-Plus 540 (300mm version) or Kryptonite New York U-locks offer better clearance. Test the fit on your intended rack, and consider a secondary cable for the front wheel.
Thanks for the reminder that I need to sort this out with school starting in two weeks. Reading https://thebestbikelock.com/best-u-lock/abus-granit-x-plus-540-review/ put me off the Abus, but your suggestion was handy for sizing information.

So, having read further at The Best Bike Lock, I have decided to give the OnGuard Brute Standard a go, which he ranks as one of the three best high-security standard u-locks. It also ticks the box with the insurance company, which is important.