My gf's arrived today so we are now a two color, two cross current, two battery range household.
@Rob02150 glad you are going to get videos up.
This is a sweet bike, and hit all the marks I hoped: 1) Good build quality 2)Light enough to handle 3)Capable commuter 4) can handle light trails. 4)Awesome finish and eye catching, good looking bikes that are not super "e bike looking"
If I had to throw out negatives which in my opinion are hard to find on these bikes:
1) The cap on the kickstand arrived cracked and I was given a replacement by the dealer (no big deal, but possibly a small weak point)
2) The cover of the charge port is super snug (not even really a con at all as I want it to be waterproof)
3) Biggest complaint by far: Difficulty with mountable rack. I'm about $130 in the whole with the topeka rack and paneer set up unless I can figure something out. (I know its on the Tora's radar though)
All in all I am ultra pleased with the bike and love it. Even after having ridden several bikes from larger companies at the bike expo. I am hoping to see other people start tagging these bikes on instagram. I have been using #crosscurrent along with #juicedbikes (the cross current hashtag brings up all sorts of non bike cross current images)