Bottom Bracket cable guide problem for TSDZ2 install....


New Member
I'm sure this problem has come up many times. The motor frame of the TSDZ2 to BB housing gap is only around 1/8". The original guide is much too high. There are many out there as replacements, but it needs to be thin enough to fit in. I guess it could be shaved down to fit and use the motor housing to prevent the cable from falling off if it slacks. However, it's impossible to slide the motor unit into the bracket housing with the guide installed (I think bases on first attempt)....then the fastening screw could not be reached to fasten the guide. Any ideas. I haven't ever heard of rerouting the cable but I suppose it's possible.
This will be a single chainring bike, so only the rear shifter cable is a concern.
Right Harry. I ran extra housing and new cable and it works fine. Never saw that done before! But actually I tested the bike on a stand yesterday for the first time and it’s running terrible. I have a call into the seller for assistance. You sound experienced. Would you be willing to help me with diagnosing the problems?? Phone conversation needed. Let me know...... thanks.
I haven't installed the TSDZ2 I bought last summer, thinking tariffs were going to raise the price $75. So I have no experience. I was hoping to get a good report.

What I've read is that you have to get the speed sensor aligned perfectly to make it work right. I believe Thomas Jaszewski might have done one.