Have never used power pedals, but I find it rather interesting that despite the watts being all over the place during my rides (both rider and system watts), when I return from a ride and look at the average watts displayed in the Trek Dashboard ride summary - the sum of the two figures (rider/system) is within a few watts of what Strava tells me was expended for the ride. Yesterday it was within ONE watt. Two completely different systems and ways of deriving the number. Strava uses the actual route with known elev gain, time, heart rate (for effort) and rider weight, to get to it's number. I don't think it knows much about localized wind conditions. Obviously the bike measures what the bike and I are actually putting in.
For them to be so close tells me the Trek number must be fairly accurate. There has only been one exception - on my first ride, Strava was low by 15 watts - but I had a very strong headwind without a compensating tailwind, and I also had not told Strava it was an e-bike ride.
The speed and range continue to impress, being at least as good as Trek estimates, but tuning through the app is still a crapshoot and I am never really sure why I get exactly what I do in the various modes, other than of course MAX contributes more than ECO or MID. Still figuring it out.