2023 - Our Rides in Words, Photos, Maps and Videos

I'm not convinced they are right but hey ho....
Rab, I could see stranger things than that related to e-bike batteries. Quite funny that Giant does not just display the effective battery charge in Wh, does it. Specialized hide that too, report 100% battery health ALWAYS. Only an independent app is telling me the truth about my batteries and it does not look too good! ;)
It is important your batteries hold enough of juice for your long trips. The rest is unimportant!


Now, my Club mate Marek has just ridden from north of Glasgow past Dalmally on his gravel bike. Be careful not to crash into him! :)
@Prairie Dog What a brilliant video, my heart was in my mouth watching it! You are braver than I will ever be! 😂 That light is insane, riding in those conditions it was sure needed!;)
Thanks RH. I credit my dual lighting system for allowing me to pull it off. Not only is it punchy bright, but projects the lumens in a wide and even beam pattern and provides a lot more depth than my previous light when it comes to reading unpredictable terrain. I wasn’t expecting hikers on the trail so late in the evening and didn’t have time to switch to a lower output mode which is why I apologized.
Took my daughter to coffee shop for first time today! Problem is route home has pretty big hill. Came up with a fun little solution using my hamstring stretch strap. Worked perfect and felt very safe at 8 mph! She sang while we rode and said this is so much fun and even helped me a bit by pedaling. This in between age is tough on big hills. In a couple years we will get her an e-bike around 12.
Just To Eat The "Soldier's Pea Soup" :)

It has been my dream to get the proper Pea Soup in a restaurant or bar as of recently, to no avail! The proper Pea Soup we eat in Poland is as thick as the spoon inserted into it shall stand vertically :) It should be full of potato, sausage and bacon. Unfortunately, that nourishing soup is rather available in the cold season. A friend of mine who works for an Army magazine told me I could get the "Soldier's Pea Soup" at the "The Recent Wars Veteran Day" picnic in Nowy Dwór Mazowiecki on last Saturday. By tradition, Pea Soup is one of the meals served in the Polish Army, as you don't want your soldier to be malnourished :) And, the general public is served the "Soldier's Pea Soup" free at any picnic organized by the military here!

After some 46 km ridden, I entered the Veteran's Day site and got a bowl of my soup from the Army cooks. One of them poured the soup into the bowl, the other handed a spoon to me, the third one passed a napkin to me while the fourth private forgot to give me a slice of bread :D


That was the genuine "Soldier's Pea Soup" at its finest! I was considering a repeat but the contents of that small bowl made me satiated! :D


A lot of military equipment was on display, and the interior of the vehicles could be visited. Certainly interesting for the civilian but as I have already had my time in the Army, I was not particularly interested :) (Unfortunately, I was not allowed to take any photos of the soldiers due to privacy/security reasons).

At that point, I started wondering how to make my return ride an interesting Metric Century.


I chose riding a very long and pleasantly undulated bike path towards Jabłonna. It is the poppy blooming season now!


I rode into the Park & Palace of Jabłonna. It brought my memories of the times I was working as a scientist in my early 30s and attended a two-day conference there, living in the apartment in the Palace :)


Then I pedalled towards Warsaw. Here, the "Trooper's Hut", which is an outdoor bar and the open-air concert venue. Stylized for rock music, the venue is focused on punk-rock, reggae, and independent music. As I like the Trooper's Hut, I could not stay there as they did not serve any alcohol-free ale! (I was actually hoping for a bottle of "Miłosław Alcohol Free" that has cult following among cyclists!)


As I passed the Marie Curie Bridge, I could see a mural painting session by many artists there. I was not really impressed with that art-work though! :D


Twelve kilometres to home, I felt already tired. Took the helmet off to shoot that selfie! (I always wear the helmet while riding!)

A word on the workout:
I rode my Vado SL intentionally limited to 25 km/h (15.5 mph). Whenever I could ride past 25 km/h, I was riding on my own leg power only. The SL assistance was 30/100%, which I call the "Flexible Training Mode". The assistance is low but if I work hard, the motor rewards me with more assistance. It is therefore easy to get past the speed limiter and just ride a pedal bike. The effective battery consumption was 106% (I had a Range Extender on the e-bike). Were I never going in Turbo (steep overpasses), I could probably have completed the Metric Century ride just on the internal battery!


Ride Map with POI.

Leaving now! Today, I'm setting off for a scheduled ride with roadies; they promise the cruising speed of 32 km/h (20 mph), so that would be the full power Vado!
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My luck was in today for my cycle trip to the motorcycle racing at Knockhill Racing Circuit, yesterday the wind was blowing like crazy at times but today was almost calm in comparison! The weather was just fantastic, even though the wind was from the north it didn't feel that cold except when the sun disappeared occasionally! We had motorcycling royalty at the track today, none other than American legend Randy Mamola and Scotlands own legend Niall Mackenzie! 😁 They are both in their 60's now so its rare to see them on the track now, this was just some parade laps showing off their old factory racing bikes!


I wasn't going to bother taking photos on my way to the circuit but I just couldn't help myself...



The Kelpies were looking good in the sun today!


I decided to cross the Clackmannanshire Bridge today to grab some photos from the footpath, it was just so beautiful in the morning sun with the Ochil Hills in the background!



You can see here why I used the footpath, gone are the days when trucks weren't on the roads on a Sunday...


A few miles on and I had an awesome view of the Ochil Hills!


I just love the road up to the circuit despite the big climb!


There was a big lineup of riders today but not a lot of spectators as it was just a normal race meeting (despite the legends that were present), in 3 weeks time the British Superbike Championship will be taking place and the crowd will be around 20000....no cycling that day!;)



I had such a great day, enjoying the best of cycling and motorcycle racing and although I'm absolutely shattered now I will do it again next week for the car racing as long as the good weather continues...;) 603 miles this month from 8 rides, I might add another ride before the end of the month as the weather is looking good all week but we shall see how my legs recover!


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Around The Mazovian Landscape Park (MPK) + The Shortest Return Home Ride

Ania returned from her 154 km road ride on Saturday, and we met at a Fast Urban Commuter train to Otwock just the morning after! Upon arriving there, we were joined by a new buddy Tomek, and eventually Leszek (the man who rode with us to Dziurdzioły/Rawa the weekend before) also arrived, so we could start the group ride at 9:30 am. There were 3 road bikes on the trip accompanied by my full power Vado 6.0. To match the bunch, I had to use 40% ECO for most of the trip, 60% SPORT when I was too slow, and sometimes 100% TURBO just to impress my mates, or sprint to give them the change in our little peloton.



Tomek (who rode an exceptionally good road/gravel bike) turned out to be a treasure! As a local, he knew all the roads of the neighbourhood so he could modify the route to be more interesting. He was the prime mover of the trip, too. However, he was punished at the 11th kilometre into the ride; his rear tyre got cut together with the inner tube! Ania helped our mate with a spare inner tube, I contributed with a little bit of help too, so we could restart the ride in a relatively short time! (Note: Tomek used a tree-branch as an ad hoc work-stand!)


Leszek (68) brought his best road-bike (a Bianchi) for the trip.


There was no time to take any pictures on the main part of the ride. We decided to part our ways with Tomek in Karczew. Before we arrived there, our small group got taken over by a roadie. When that happened, I yelled "WE HAVE TO PUT AN END TO IT!", went Turbo, and sprinted! The group followed me and that's how we got our top speed of 47 km/h (29.2 mph) :D The poor roadie must have felt bad afterwards, haha! (A hint: Do not try overtaking me if you cannot ride faster than 45 km/h or 28 mph!) :D



Ania, Leszek and I had the interest to get onto the left bank of the Vistula. We chose the popular Karczew-Gassy ferry (the beloved Vistula crossing for cyclists). To get there, you need to ride a road paved with concrete slabs (poor Leszek with his 25 mm road tyres!) The fare per person + bike is PLN7 (US$1.65). See also people having a good time on a Vistula sandbank!

Leszek had his car parked in Gassy, so he left the group there. Now, I had to quickly plan the return route. (Ania and I both live south-west of the Warsaw city centre but not in the same place, so I had to find a route good for both of us). It was easy to get to the very place where Specialized Warsaw was located but what to do next? At that moment, I came up with a bright idea: "Will your bike like riding hardpack, Ania?" -- and we rode through the Kabacki Forest. What a ride! We both were zooming the forest roads in Kabacki at the speed of a performing gravel cyclist!

I admit I was getting tired (the two day intensive workout started taking its toll on me!) As we parted our ways with Ania at the place most convenient for both of us, I found the fastest way to return to my near neighbourhood.


I could find the most excellent bike path in the area. It has a funny name, reading "The Bike Path In The Memory Of The Stoney Road Race" :) I fancy it was a stony road in the past and some cyclists made a race over there :D Now, it is a smooth asphalt picturesque bike path among ponds, where you can see swans and ducks.


I got a suggestion from a friend to ride up the Gelateria Quattro Si in Pruszków. The place (that is owned and run by an Italian) has the reputation of the best ice-cream shop In Pruszków (which is by no means a small city!) When I saw the queue and learned the average waiting time was 30 minutes, I said "Pass"...


...and rode up the nearest BP service station to console myself with Algida Magnum ice-cream. And with coffee I was so badly missing from the early morning!


Now I feel I need a day or two of a rest!
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Today’s ride ended up to be a solo outing as my better half was helping her local garden club with a public plant sale. It was nice to be on my own for a change of pace but I admit that I do miss her company as we rarely ride apart.

My primary goal today was to stop by a conservation site just off a secondary highway approximately 80km into my ride. I could have easily taken the most direct route and simply cycled the 36km to the site but where’s the fun in that? ;) I decided to ride a loop starting from my homebase and would ultimately stop at the Town of Delburne to see if there had been any changes since my last visit years ago.

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I rode pretty much all of the first stage without PAS up until I reached a point 5km before my stop in Delburne. From that point on, it was pretty much back and forth as I struggled in the intense heat and constantly changing wind gusts which became more severe later in the afternoon. Several occasions on the return leg, the temperature reached a blistering 36C and even the livestock took shelter in the cool shade of the trees.

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A quaint image portrayed by these three jacks casually munching near a run down barn that has likely seen better days. I thought of @Mulezen when I took this pic.


Once again, I was forced to stop on several occasions so I could to escape the heat reflected off from the roadway. It was nice time to take advantage of the many marshes that lined either side of the highway. The ride otherwise would have been so mundane without these oases along with the wonderful accompanying chirp and shrill of the songbirds that inhabited them.


It’s a relief to see how the crops have greened up even with the severe lack of rain that has impacted the region.


My arrival on main street into town was greeted by the Delburne Bistro which I assume is only one of the few eateries to cater to both locals and visitors in this small hamlet. I remember playing a round of golf here as well as taking part in a few curling bonspiels during my younger years.


Only a block away is the Anthony Henday Museum which is closed on Sundays. The museum is housed in the former CN train station. The tall red structure behind it is an old water tower which still sports its level indicator ball on top. I stopped for a snack and admired the craftmanship of the scale models of various buildings from the Pioneer days.





I heard that they are starting to ban the big round bales of hay here because the cows aren’t getting three square meals a day. 🤣


I stopped at the Ghostpine General store near Pine Lake on Hwy 816 to replenish my water then rode another 2km up the road towards the Lockerby conservation site which was the primary reason for today's ride.

The land once belonged to a good friend, Ninian Lockerby, (now deceased) who donated the 319-acre parcel to the Nature Conservancy of Canada. What a wonderful legacy to leave behind knowing that it will be enjoyed by future generations. The site is home to native aspens, old hayfields/pastures as well as many wetlands. Wildlife includes coyotes, white-tailed and mule deer, moose, elk, ruffed grouse as well as many species of waterfowl.


There was no possible way I would be able to enter the site through the regular foot access gate so I ended up pushing the fully loaded Creo around the short 20’ long wooden fence. No big deal.



Once inside, I was immediately greeted by an open lush green space and rolling pastureland. I can understand why Ninian loved his little piece of heaven where he spent much of his spare time when not working at his downtown law practice.



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I headed off and made my way north along 816 and stopped once again to find this small cemetery beside a cute church that looked to be well cared for.


A little closer to home I spotted this herd of bison grazing in the field along side the highway. I’m always gratified to see these majestic animals and can only imagine what it was like when they roamed free and dominated the prairie landscape.


More rolling green fields miles before arriving home.

How are you liking the pinion?
I like it.

Has a great gear range, can climb trees in the lowest gears, is quiet and basically maintenance-free.

Only downsides: it is noticeably heavy and the shifter was a little sticky until I took it apart and greased it (which was supposed to happen at the factory, I think).
Around and Inside Toruń
Afternoon, Saturday May 13th, 2023

I really hope I haven't bored you to death! :)

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As train stations are different, I had to inspect the Toruń Main Station a day before my return. Nothing wrong with Toruń Główny! Spacious operating lifts are ideal to get your heavy e-bike onto the platform! Only the station is big and has entrances from two distant sides, so I wanted to be sure I had found the best entry!

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The Gothic city of Toruń as seen from the Marshal Piłsudski Bridge over the Vistula.

A Historical Note
The city of Thorn was formally established by a bill of the Grand Master of the Teutonic Order, one Hermann von Salza in 1233. The rule of Teutons (who brought the new order with fire & sword) meant bringing civilisation to Prussia. However, the Teutonic State model based on the monastic rules had become obsolete in less than 200 years. Meanwhile, Prussian bourgeoisie became the most important social class that hated Teutons for high taxes and oppression. Following the major defeat of the Teutonic Order in the 1410 Battle of Grunwald/Tannenberg (against the united Crown of Poland and Dukedom of Lithuania), the Prussian burghers involved themselves in Prussian Wars that eventually ended in 1454. At that time, Thorn was captured by its own citizens, and was incorporated into the Crown of Poland for the next 339 years. Despite the Teutonic Order was not broken yet (for the next 100 years), the Toruners showed the Teutons the level of their contempt by demolishing the Teutonic Castle of Thorn and organising the city dump there! (Now, we Poles had to rebuild the Castle as a tourist attraction...) :D

Nowadays, Bydgoszcz (Kuyavia) and Toruń (Pomerania) share the roles of the capital cities of the joint Kuyavia-Pomerania voivodeship.

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As I was confused with the road reconstruction in Toruń, I was pedalling northwards with traffic on the Chełmno/Kulm Road until I found an entry onto a beautiful asphalt bike trail (which I should had taken from the beginning!) As I turned left and arrived to the village Zamek Bierzgłowski, the first person I met there was my friend Bogusław (with his road bike) playing with a drone! :D

As I was riding towards the Castle, Bogusław filmed me riding :D

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He also took a photograph of a round pond around...

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And an aerial photo of the Birglau Castle!

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It took Teutonic Knights as many as 35 years to build the Castle of Birglau, and the construction started in 1270. See the outer and inner gates.

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The Castle fell to fire and was reconstructed twice. Now, it is the property of Church as a cultural centre.

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After the leaving the Castle, I could enjoy a fast downhill ride. My recorded top speed was 59.1 km/h. Mind you, Kuyavia-Pomerania is not a montane area! :D (You would laugh @RabH, aye?) :) Later, we switched to an excellent paved bike trail and returned to the Torun city centre.

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The Teutonic part of Toruń is completely Gothic. The statue of Nicolaus Copernicus (a German by birth and a Polish citizen at the same time; the nationality didn't matter in 15th c., and all educated people spoke Latin) is a popular gathering place, also known for happenings. As I mentioned before, Copernicus was born in Thorn in 1473, and the city is very proud of him!

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Hungry, I went in the Stary Młyn (The Old Mill) restaurant - the second most frequented restaurant of the city!. No reservation needed but the waiter told me I would wait for an hour to get my meal! So I enjoyed myself sipping delicious Kvass made in Riga, Latvia (1.1% abv).

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Baked Pierogi. I do not recommend them: they are very dry and even the Dill Sauce does not help you! If you want the taste of Poland, always choose the Boiled variety! Those Pierogi were stuffed in the "Ruskie" variety. Actually, "Ruski" means Ruthenian, or Ukrainian. Many people confuse the word with "Russian". To be politically correct, the restaurant named the meal "Pierogi From Behind Our Eastern Border" :D Anyway... Only five Pierogi but that was a huge meal!

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"Rub the Golden Donkey of Toruń, and the prosperity will descend onto you!" (Can you see how strongly that statue had been rubbed?) :D

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A fantastic meeting with the Professor and his wise Wife! We got together at "Baza", the pub of the Deer Bear craft brewery. I could allow myself a small strong ale, and we sat until I was sober again and could ride back to my hotel! :)

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It was actually a 69 km ride for the day. (Wahoo got stuck for 3 km because of the software update...)
Id put you forward as to present a UK tv show on Poland, thats simply gorgeous.
Been a bit busy, I wont bore you.

Sunny weather makes for very soft sand, added another more reliable controller to the bike, it gives much more low end grunt.


Visited the far North of the forest where very few walkers venture and found lots of the trails had mini berms added.
So I rang the gang and they confirmed it was entirely them, my concern is this might attract the attention of the forest trust, but it seems they have spoken to the rangers who had no problem with it.

The city of Liverpool has a very famous top flight football/soccer, but also has a top flight team called Everton, the supporters are pretty well spread across the region, but the 'blues' as Everton are called, are always near the bottom and facing relegation to a lower league.
The wifes family are passionate supporters and this is the moment they avoided going down yesterday by a single goal.

It was an utterly epic moment as they are building a massive new stadium and the future of the club was at stake.
The Iranian billionaires money is held up in Russia and he was ready to pull the plug if the team went down.
Im not a football supporter and was keen to point out the shadowy dealings behind these billion dollar clubs and million pound a week players.

Some parts of the forest you could sell as trails through canadian rockies, I didnt see a single person in two hours of riding, which is simply unbelievable in England.

The Beetle is back on the road, wife is happy, Im waiting for the breakdown call....most reliable VW my axx.

My friends have all gone to a trail in Rhyl, Wales
I said send me some pictures, all I got was a short vid of an epic 100ft back wheel skid on an old tyre.

Especially for @Chargeride


A drone photo of the popular ferry crossing between "this" side (Gassy at the left Vistula bank) and "that' side (Karczew at the opposite bank). There is no bridge between the Warsaw's Southern Bridge and the Góra Kalwaria Bridge (the approximate distance between these bridges being 22 km), making the ferry a favourite Vistula crossing for cyclists (and motorists)! Combined with the low fare, riding the ferry is a must! :)

The ferry is fastened by a strong steel cable connecting both river banks, and is propelled by a tiny tug connected to the boat's side.
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The Shortest Route From My Place To...

Specialized Warsaw Brand Store is 30.6 km. It took me 1 h and 13 minutes of pedalling go get there, and I lost additional 6 minutes for necessary stops. We met with my friend Jerzy there exactly at noon. The reason of my trip was to replace my Vado 6.0 stem.

Modifying My Vado 6.0 For A Sporty Riding Position (a detailed technical report).


I was making fun of the "Stony Road Race Memorial Bike Path" but it has turned out I should have not tried to be funny about it! The area shown in the picture was the scene of violent fighting between Polish fighters of the Warsaw Uprising and the Nazi in 1944, when our side lost, and the Polish fighters were all killed. Indeed, there has been the "Stony Road Memorial Race" for the past 50 years there, and now the stony road is all paved and nice. See the swan on the pond! May 30th 2023 was a warm and a magnificent day for a bike ride!


After we had finished our activity at Specialized, I and Jerzy rode up the META Bar, where we shared the Countryside Pizza. I was hoping to get a bottle of "Miłosław Alcohol Free" IPA but it was unavailable! What a shame!


Jerzy gladly agreed to join the Kabacki Wood part of my return ride. As the road surface in the Forest is smooth hardpack, Jerzy has fallen in love with the Kabacki since I took him for the first ride there. I soon as we got into the sunshine, we took that group photo :)


I made a little detour on my return ride in Dawidy. I realised there was an equestrian riding school on my way, and I could get coffee there. Pictured: A horse exerciser.


I am so happy with my latest mod to increase the Reach and lower the handlebars on my Vado 6.0! It has given me a truly sporty riding position and relieved me from assorted aches I had been experiencing on my past long Vado trips! (I did the mod based on the past positive experience with a similar upgrade of my Vado SL).


On September 2nd, 2019, I had my most severe e-bike crash there in Raszyn. It was only my twelfth e-bike ride! I incidentally rode helmetless. Carried away by high speed of my Lovelec Diadem, I incidentally rode into a symbolic curb (that separated the bike path from the sidewalk). I crashed onto the left at 30+ km/h! When I opened my eyes, I could see
that very post perhaps two inches away. I could die or become a vegetable if I were not lucky! I was wounded and bleeding. Got help at the emergency of a nearby clinic and had to visit the hospital on the day after. I still shudder when I recollect that crash... ALWAYS WEAR THE HELMET!


Yes, I could buy a bottle of "Miłosław Alcohol Free" at the BP service station. What delicious ale it is! It contains up to half percent alcohol, meaning a male body can dispose any alcohol present there in a quarter of an hour :)


I could probably shave something off the distance were I not making detours :)
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The Hills of Tuscany

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Ok, not the region that's famous for olives, great wine, frescoes and fine food though one can certainly wish. It’s actually an upscale suburban community located in the northwest quadrant of Calgary, AB home turf of forum member @RandallS. I happened to be in the city to take a vehicle in for a service appt and thought that it would be a great idea to hook up with Randall for a ride and lunch. If anyone recalls, the last time that we rode together the conditions were slightly different.


Tuscany boasts some scenic views as well as a 170-acre ravine system which is where our ride took place. The blue singletrack which we rode was 12 Mile Coulee and is just one of many that make this city such an urban mecca for mtb enthusiasts. It’s also perfect for those who get an itch to shred some trails after work or early in the morning and don’t want to venture too far. However, only an hour away and you can find yourself in the glorious mountains of K-Country/Canmore/Banff or even nearer to the bike haven community of Bragg Creek.

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A nice view of the Rockies in the distance.

It was a pretty casual ride for us both but the conversations that we had along the way mattered more as it was nice way to reconnect.

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After we did a quick loop of the Coulee single, we headed off to lunch at a local pub that was recommended by Randall. We entered the outdoor patio with our bikes and even found a table nearby. It was fortuitous that I had also received a call that my vehicle was ready to be picked up which was a surprise to both of us and I even managed to beat the rush hour traffic as I left the city. 👍

It was an awesome ride and we couldn’t have asked for better conditions.

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