2024 - Our Rides in Words, Photos, Maps and Videos

@Rás Cnoic: I seriously consider some e-bike rides with @Brix in Dartmoor National Park on designated bike routes next summer. Is it a good idea to start in Princetown? I can read they have a bike rental there?
Could you tell me how it is to ride in Dartmoor National Park? Thank you in advance!
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@Rás Cnoic: I seriously consider some e-bike rides with @Brix in Dartmoor National Park on designated bike routes next summer. Is it a good idea to start in Princetown? I can read they have a bike rental there?
Could you tell me how it is to ride in Dartmoor National Park? Thank you in advance!
Well that made me have to think. I realise I have almost no info on E bike rentals in the area. I never need them I guess. There is a guy I see on instagram who has some EMTBs and does guided tours- maybe it's him you saw? He does have rides starting in Princetown. I was curious about him because I was interested to see where he takes people- He doesn't publish any maps unfortunately so I couldn't spy and see his routes!! In terms of where to cycle from - That's harder to say. In one sense there's great rides all over. Maybe think of Dartmoor as a 20 mile long, ten mile wide granite table. A bumpy table to be sure. This is the open space, high moorland you see in pictures and Princetown is bang central in this, North South and East West. Princetown is actually a pretty boring looking town as it's a new town. Created in the 20th C for the prison to house wardens etc. The prison is fascinating. Build by and to house American POWS in the American War of Independence! Then housing French POWS from the Napoleonic Wars and since then your ordinary everyday criminals. Opposite the main gates is a granite block house with a cannon slot facing the gates so they could pour grapeshot at rioting escaping prisoners if needed! There are a couple of good cycle trails starting at Princetown, both rough, as in needing at least a gravel or mtb set up. One is very rough. Did it on a rigid 26" analogue bike and was shaken all over the place. The easier one is based on a narrow gauge railway that (long gone now) that used carry granite blocks from the quarries on the moor that build the prison and loads of other buildings in London - like Tower Bridge. Now it's a 'railtrail' gravel and with occasional bumpy parts. It'll give you a good view of the wide open top moor.

But what might be also interesting are the lower roads- once you come off the high moor into the little river valleys on all sides & still part of the National Park you have literally hundreds of miles of small roads linking all the little villages and hamlets, with all the gorgeous thatched houses and stone bridges and woodlands. It's like wandering into Tolkiens Shire!

If you are renting the bikes at Princetown, head East and down to places like Dartmeet, Widdecombe In The Moor, Buckland In The Moor and a loop taking in several of these picturesque places. Just make sure you get a bike with a good motor and low gearing- it's all twisty steep hills riding. And hope it doesn't rain. Especially up at Princetown as it'll be foggy if wet up there and you won't see anything.

Plenty of research for you to do. Be interested to hear about the bike rental place you are looking at. Might come in handy if I have friends visiting. Make sure they are good. I'll ask my friend & bike mechanic who knows everyone if he can recommend a good rental place. There can't be too many.
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The main gates of Dartmoor Prison host the inscription Parcere Subiectis (Trans: Spare the Vanquished) from Virgil's Aeneid.
Well, internet tells me of these bike rentals:


Honestly, I'm lost at the moment.
Well, internet tells me of these bike rentals:

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Honestly, I'm lost at the moment.
Yeah that's what I found but couldn't tell if they did ebikes & if any they are any good. Next time I see my friend I'll ask him if he knows any good rental places. It's a real mess on google. Hard to see what's what!
Mazovian Fog!

I cannot ride without a goal set! Last Sunday, Magda asked me to solve an issue with her new phone case. You do not need to ask me twice! (Vado 6.0)


After I said good-bye to my daughter, I pedalled north then east. It was the third day of the fog in a row. Fortunately, the fog did not condense on Sunday, making the ride quite pleasant. Here, one of a very few dilapidated roads. I'm sure it will be re-paved the coming Spring!


Soon, I got on perfect asphalt. Here, leaving a village by name of Gawartowa Wola. Some of you could have heard (from me) about the Hauländer settlers. I'm sure that village must have been a Hauländer one, and I think the first community head's name could be Gavärts (or similar).


One of nice things about riding in "dry" fog is you are less bored, as you cannot see how far it is to your destination! :)


A quite unusual situation as for Poland. Wherever you deny the pedestrian the passage, you should create an alternate route for them. Not the case here!


At last in my beloved Klimatyczna Cafe! The ride was chilly. I admit I still felt cold when I was leaving the premise!


So called 'Avenue of One Hundred Ash Trees' shrouded in the fog. The beginning of the favourite road-cycling series of roads!


As I was riding home, I met a roadie travelling at a pretty high speed. He gave me a motivation to ride hard! As I was leaving the Cafe, I felt cold. Upon the arrival home, I had sweat on! :D

Not riding much this week. Only the essential matters!
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So I didn't travel far today, just a short ride out to a local field to try my new toy, a DJI Mini 4 Pro drone! 😃 I've been wanting to improve my photography and also try videography... So for Xmas I thought I'd gift myself a few presents. The aforementioned DJI Mini 4 Pro drone, a DJI Osmo Mobile 6 gimbal and a couple of new GoPro cameras. Hollywood here I come! 😝

Armed with my new drone and with the weather expected to deteriorate tomorrow I hoped to get an hour or two flying it!

This is the first drone I've ever owned and it is excellent, a real game-changer. I was nervous about being able to control it, but those fears were not warranted. Despite the 15-20mph winds we had this morning flying it was not difficult - but I still have a lot to learn! :)

(The photos below are stills taken from video!)

Anyways, here's me and my Frey EX as seen from a bird's eye view. :oops:🦅

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A view out from a distance towards Dunstable Downs. This photo has been enhanced in Lightroom. It's not that green! 😁

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Creasey Park Community Football Centre - Home of Dunstable Town Football Club. A club in the lower divisions, with a small ground. It is located on the other side of the field I was flying in!

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A short video of my flight... Please forgive my lack of editing skills! 😊

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Ride videos shot from a drone following behind can be spectacular. Several members are real masters at it.

Would love to try it myself — just to see the scenery from that perspective if nothing else. Just not sure how the guys following me around in black helicopters would feel about that.
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Veloviewer.com (Website on a computer).

  • No Imperial Century this year! The longest ride was the group trip I organized myself (150 km overall on the day) :)
  • 19 Metric Centuries
  • 4 new King Of Mountain (e-bike) titles
  • Max elevation gain during Sudovia Gravel race, Sudovian Mts, which are not mountains but steep post-glacial hills near Suwałki Gap. There is no flat terrain there at all!
  • I rode for 51 hours in December (almost the same as in May), only because of Electric Bike Review Riders club on Strava and competing with @fooferdoggie :)
  • The year was a way worse than 2023 (11,000+ km) but not bad overall!
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Holy smokes Stefan, nice numbers!

Caught a sunny 40f day on this final day of the year, ran out and picked up a very pleasant 26 miles down in Albany county just south of here. Total for the year therefore is 3047, a bit pedestrian but it does meet my yearly minimum goal of 3000. Rainy summer, a little motivationally challenged there for awhile, but a good year nonetheless. My Creo has almost 8000 miles on it as it closes in on three years old coming up in April.

Shot of the Voorheesville trailhead on the Albany County Rail Trail, a very nice ride that eventually will cross the whole county. There is some really nice village/semi rural riding around this trail to mix in with, one of my favorite rides when I just feel like going out and breezing along, as it were.


Another quick shot along the path:


Thread for 2025 rides will be posted tomorrow AM, since this seems to have fallen to me to kick off since Dave blew town and disappeared. The weather is supposed to go to hell tonight here, so I doubt I’ll be able to get a ride in for the 1st, but I bet RabH will!
Holy smokes Stefan, nice numbers!

Caught a sunny 40f day on this final day of the year, ran out and picked up a very pleasant 26 miles down in Albany county just south of here. Total for the year therefore is 3047, a bit pedestrian but it does meet my yearly minimum goal of 3000. Rainy summer, a little motivationally challenged there for awhile, but a good year nonetheless. My Creo has almost 8000 miles on it as it closes in on three years old coming up in April.

Shot of the Voorheesville trailhead on the Albany County Rail Trail, a very nice ride that eventually will cross the whole county. There is some really nice village/semi rural riding around this trail to mix in with, one of my favorite rides when I just feel like going out and breezing along, as it were.

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Another quick shot along the path:

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Thread for 2025 rides will be posted tomorrow AM, since this seems to have fallen to me to kick off since Dave blew town and disappeared. The weather is supposed to go to hell tonight here, so I doubt I’ll be able to get a ride in for the 1st, but I bet RabH will!
Well, I'm impressed. Took me 2 years to go my first 3,000 mi after a long time away from cycling. Most of that was on my hub-drive.

Thanks for taking on the upkeep of my favorite thread on EBR. Thanks also for all the encouragement and experience you shared regarding the Vado SL. You were instrumental in my September, 2024 purchase. The bike's a perfect match for me and a true pleasure to ride. With over 900 mi on it already, 2025 could well be a 3,000 mile year.

You have some lovely countryside to ride in upstate NY.
Thanks, Jeremy! We dont have the big vistas that our Western friends have, but we do have excellent infrastructure and a wide range of choices, especially this close to the Adirondacks and right next door to sothern/middle Vermont. It ain’t bad.

And i do love looking at that gorgeous yellow SL out there on the coast! You made a great choice.
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Well, I guess this is my last ride for 2024. Overlooking Lake Isabella, California, I'm guessing at about 4,000 feet elevation. A very nice day, no wind, crystal clear and about 58 F. No mountain lion sightings either.
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@Saratoga Dave: Please create the 2025 thread!
Happy New Year to all!

P.S. We have a lovely saying: "Na kaca najlepsza jest praca!" (There's no better cure for hangover than a good workout!) Riding for 30 km soon!
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Holy smokes Stefan, nice numbers!

Caught a sunny 40f day on this final day of the year, ran out and picked up a very pleasant 26 miles down in Albany county just south of here. Total for the year therefore is 3047, a bit pedestrian but it does meet my yearly minimum goal of 3000. Rainy summer, a little motivationally challenged there for awhile, but a good year nonetheless. My Creo has almost 8000 miles on it as it closes in on three years old coming up in April.

Shot of the Voorheesville trailhead on the Albany County Rail Trail, a very nice ride that eventually will cross the whole county. There is some really nice village/semi rural riding around this trail to mix in with, one of my favorite rides when I just feel like going out and breezing along, as it were.

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Another quick shot along the path:

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Thread for 2025 rides will be posted tomorrow AM, since this seems to have fallen to me to kick off since Dave blew town and disappeared. The weather is supposed to go to hell tonight here, so I doubt I’ll be able to get a ride in for the 1st, but I bet RabH will!
Well done on passing 3000 miles Dave, nicely done sir! 👍 Snowy day here so no chance of any cycling, Happy New Year everyone!
Thanks! Probably at least 85% was 'commuting', but I try to add an extra 5-15 miles on the way home whenever I can get away with it. My thing has been to try ride 'new' streets whenever I can - I've biked 44% of Seattle's 1963 miles of roads so far.

One of my main justifications for getting a 2nd ebike this fall was that I find it hard to motivate myself for recreational rides on the weekend when I've already gone 100+ miles during the week and the bike is usually already in need of TLC to be ready for the next week of commutes.
Plan A was to kick off 2025 with the local Wednesday morning group road ride but thought better of it after waking up to pea soup on New Years Day:

So now I'm writing up yesterday's final ride of 2024 instead:
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As the Specialized app saw it:

This hill ride in upper Carlsbad had 2 purposes: (1) To explore a mysterious gap in Cannon Road, and (2) to run more RideWithGPS grade calibrations with my new handlebar inclinometer.

The Cannon Gap

Cannon Rd, a major SW-NE artery in Carlsbad, comes to an abrupt halt just NE of College Blvd, then picks up again on the far NE side of a rugged roadless open space bordering Agua Hedionda Creek.

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Yellow arrows bracket the "Cannon Gap" in this Google Earth capture. The red arrow marks the water tank mentioned below.

As the crow flies, the gap's 0.8 mi across. A prominent-looking trail crosses it directly. But are bikes allowed, and if so, is my Vado SL with its 38 mm gravel tires up to the task?

Short answers found only by going there: No and no. Per signage at the SW end of the gap trail, most of the gap is occupied by the Carlsbad Highlands Ecological Reserve, where no bikes of any kind are allowed. And if what I could see of the decomposed granite trail was representative, it was way too steep, rutted, and slippery for the SL anyway.

Route planning tools
This brings me to the route planning/scouting tools currently at my disposal: RideWithGPS, the GPS map in the Specialized app, Google Earth, Google Maps, and various local maps and trail descriptions found online. For starters, none of these resources identified the Cannon Gap as an official ecological reserve. From local experience, that info alone would have put my odds for legal ebike access at slim to none.


Google Maps can be a helpful planning tool in bicycle mode, especially in satellite view, but not this time. It happily plotted an illegal and potentially dangerous bike route through the gap. No word of the bike ban or trail conditions in the route description.

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To its credit, RideWithGPS found nothing bikeable (marked green) in the gap with the settings as shown. It was right this time, but I've found bikeable trails around here that it knows nothing about.

Google Earth offers 3D satellite views and a measuring tool that also help at times. The rudimentary GPS map in the Specialized app is OK for figuring out where you are and seeing where you've been on a ride but has little use as a planning tool — especially offroad, where the detail's pretty scant and sometimes misleading.

Might have gotten better advance intel on the Cannon Gap from a service like AllTrails or Strava or a GPS mapping bike computer from Garmin or Wahoo. But I have no experience with these resources and have little interest in paying for them for the infrequent planning I actually do.

Checking RideWithGPS grades
This ride's 2nd objective was to gather more grades with my new handlebar inclinometer for later comparison with the grades that RideWithGPS reports once a planned route or actual ride is closed out.


Short answer: Relative to the carefully calibrated inclinometer, RideWithGPS grades are at best 1-3% too low and sometimes much worse. Made sure each time that the slope of the bike's wheelbase was representative of the pitch being measured.


Example: Started up this nearby water tank access road after bailing on crossing the gap. No problem climbing but decided at the top of the first steep pitch that I didn't trust the SL's 38 mm Pathfinder Pro tires to get me back down in one piece.
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Consistently measured maximum grades of 18-20% on this pitch in both directions, but the RideWithGPS grade plot (blue line) later showed nothing steeper than +10% headed up and -13% headed down — on the very same stretch of road.

Saw the same pattern on my first inclinometer outing. Plan to collect more data, but results to date support my impression that RideWithGPS grades are consistently too low — or at least lower than a hill's steepest part.

Of course, some of that's to be expected when the steepest part is shorter than the sampling interval. Just trying to learn (a) to eyeball grades on the fly without the inclinometer, and (b) how far off RideWithGPS grades can be.
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