Show us pictures of where you ride your ebikes!

South Pacific, Australia...


Moreton Bay Cycleway (southbound), Redcliffe Peninsula, Queensland


Moreton Bay Cycleway (northbound), Shorncliffe Pier seen from Moora Park (Brisbane), Queensland
  • Out-and-back distance for this ride : 80 km
  • For map and details of the ride click my Ride With GPS record.
  • Photo locations shown by small black dots on map.
  • Top photo at 45.6 km.
  • Lower photo at 21.1 km.
... David
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I'm starting to see the sun starting to pop over the Sandia mountains during my 5:30am work commute. Some pics I took when I ride the bike bridge next to the I-40 over the Rio Grande River in ABQ, NM (2016 Radrover). Miles of excellent paved, hardpacked, and single track bike trails running north/south along the Rio Grande river. I sometimes take detours in the afternoon and ride those trails before heading up the bridge to ride home. A lot of folks either ride 2-4 mph or walk their bikes up this bridge because of the steep incline. I can ride 10-15 mph up this incline with my Radrover depending on headwind (10-15 mph, gust +20 mph) and heat (+95 degrees most days in summer).

Radrover rio grande.JPG
Radrover rio grande III.JPG
Radrover rio grande II.JPG
Today’s ride from home in Arlington, VA, over the Potomac on Memorial Bridge and past the Lincoln Memorial, up Mt. St. Alban to Washington National Cathedral and back.

What a fantastic ride!! I am jealous. We spent three months living on our boat with our three young sons, at the Gangplank Marina back in 1994. Hopefully it is more bike friendly now than it was back then.
23 mile ride up the Skagit River and then another 23 back down again. 78 degrees, dry and sunny...perfection. I For the last ten miles, I put it in Turbo and started pushing the pedals to cadence of around 90 and me to a 130 BPM heart rate, bringing the speed up to the mid-twenties. I his 20% on the first battery at mile 40 and swapped in a second battery and used 30% doing the 7 miles sprint to the finish.

FireShot Pro Screen Capture #018 - 'Bosch eBike Connect' - www_ebike-connect_com_ebikeconnect_...jpg
What a fantastic ride!! I am jealous. We spent three months living on our boat with our three young sons, at the Gangplank Marina back in 1994. Hopefully it is more bike friendly now than it was back then.
I haven't done a lot of biking in DC itself; most of my days are spent in Northern Virginia. But I think it is probably more bike friendly than back then…
And as for jealous… I'm deeply envious of your cool, comfortable ride… Today's hike up to the cathedral was 93° or so; thankfully at least not as humid as last week.
Hard to compete with many of the pictures shown above - makes me very jealous of where some of you live. Anyway, here are a few pictures from around the river valley in Edmonton where I live. There is a picture of the Riverboat as well as a picture of the historic Streetcar running across the High Level Bridge,

Bob H
Brisbane Valley Rail Trail, Queensland, AU...

My favourite rail trail is rugged rather than beautiful - about as different from the trails above as you could find - but it isn't hard to love and I slip out several times a week to sample it for a few hours.

Just two minutes from home and I'm onto the BVRT with over 160 km of rough track leading inland traversing "bush" and farmland and, as befits an old railway, never missing an opportunity to visit small country towns.
  • Map for this ride: Ride With GPS
  • Choose OSM Cycle to display map with BVRT and other cycleways in purple.
... David




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