Will 6.5a make a big difference?


Western Nevada
I have the 2 bikes now,
Wart Hog MD 750 with 30a total battery capacity (Dual battery's), and average between 80-120 miles per charge.
Juggernaut 4 with 36.5a total battery capacity (Dual battery's), unknown mileage yet, as the blasted weather won't stay nice (Very windy).

My question is, will the 6.5a make a big difference in the total miles per charge?
I use the same riding style as the WH and ride the conditions/areas.

I think that the total mileage for the Jugg will be about the same +, due to the lighter pedaling effort etc.
But, I don't have all the extra equipment installed yet, ie; basket, mirrors, GPS setup, tools etc, bike weighs around 75-80#'s, as the WH tops in 100#'s ready to ride, not including my fat butt at 200#'s.

Your thoughts and suggestions,
Seems to be roughly 25% more capacity. I’d guess, without knowing the cell type used in each battery, you’d probable get a range of 110-150 miles per charge. Then again, we are talking about a different bike with a different controller and motor. So if the new controller is set up to pull more amps from the battery, you may not notice a difference.
You want to call it Ah, not amps. If you multiply the nominal voltage x the AH, the result is WH. The Warthog has almost 1500 WH and you're getting 100 miles, so that's 15WH/mile for estimating purposes.

An extra 6AH is almost 300WH (288), so that would be 20 more miles on paper.
You want to call it Ah, not amps. If you multiply the nominal voltage x the AH, the result is WH. The Warthog has almost 1500 WH and you're getting 100 miles, so that's 15WH/mile for estimating purposes.

An extra 6AH is almost 300WH (288), so that would be 20 more miles on paper.
Jeeze... I'd be annoyed if I had to put down 20 miles of paper to ride on 🙃
Really all you need is what your butt can take, or about the length of a feature film, maybe a little longer, but with diminishing returns for each Km or mile after. Generally somewhat less battery capacity is much more due to the added weight. Do you need 20 gallons of water to hike a hill? Really, how long is a typical ride, maybe 95% at 12 miles max. And 99% at 35 miles with hills and wind. More than that is less. Less is more. I say, KISS, keep it simple, stupid,
20 miles of paper

'Putting down 20 miles of paper'. It has been said that if you laid end-to-end all the US lawyers then stretching from California to Hawaii that would be a good thing. The same with accountants.
All I know about lawyers is that when you need one you want a good one.
Lawyer/politicians are a whole different piece of work.
Hey Guys
Thanks for the information,
I forgot to add that the WH is 48v system (21700 battery's) and the Jugg is 52V system (18650 battery's).

I am getting ready for my ride on the Tahoe-Pyramid trail,
this spring, the first section will be 45 miles.
Going to use the Jugg 4 bike.
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Well, the first good day finally showed up, went for a ride,
33.7 miles total @ 3.9v used = throttle locked @ 11.3 mph average,
all throttle usage.
Starting 57.4v ending with 53.5v, +/- 200' elevation change, (gps)
gravel/pavement roads, head winds average 5-10mph for the first half of the trip, then tail winds on the return.

Very sore, tail bone bouncing off the rear basket, due to rough road,
will change that, move the basket back about 2-3" or add padding on the basket edge, or change seat designs (was using the Cloud 9 seat this trip), instead of my regular "No nose Schwinn seat.
I finished the throttle test, 63.1 total miles and used 589.52 WH for and average of 9.34 wh p/mile, all throttle, for an average of 12.35 mph, 2000' + elevation change.
The Low Voltage cutoff point 45.4v for these 52v battery's.
Really all you need is what your butt can take, or about the length of a feature film, maybe a little longer, but with diminishing returns for each Km or mile after. Generally somewhat less battery capacity is much more due to the added weight. Do you need 20 gallons of water to hike a hill? Really, how long is a typical ride, maybe 95% at 12 miles max. And 99% at 35 miles with hills and wind. More than that is less. Less is more. I say, KISS, keep it simple, stupid,

'Putting down 20 miles of paper'. It has been said that if you laid end-to-end all the US lawyers then stretching from California to Hawaii that would be a good thing. The same with accountants.
it has been said there are two types of people that are going to have to do a lot of"splaining' on judgement day lawyers and used car salespeople(well,one of the commandments mentions this)
Hey Guys
Thanks for the information,
I forgot to add that the WH is 48v system (21700 battery's and the Jugg is 52V system (unknown yet).

I am getting ready for my ride on the Tahoe-Pyramid trail,
this spring, the first section will be 45 miles.
Going to use the Jugg 4 bike.
wonder how ol' Kyle is doing these days,seems like you get a lot of good out of those rebranded chinese bikes,always seemed to me the markup was too high,hope his health has improved.