Figuring the number of batteries


Western Nevada
Hey guys,
Since I know nothing about these Wart Hog batteries, or the building of a battery pack,
I have to ask some questions?

Below is the OEM spec's for 1 battery, (have dual battery's),
Capacity 48V 15 Ah 720 WH
LG Chem 21700 Cells

How can you figure out the total number of battery's?,
How many are mounted in Parralle and series?
Can this type of battery be improved in AH?
A 21700 battery has these dimensions 21mm (dia) x 70mm (Long).

Reason for these questions,
I want to have a good back up battery with the most possible AH,
to go along with the 2 dual batteries I have now.
I have a OEM battery case, that has been gutted, and will get this battery case
rebuilt with the 21700 battery's.
It's inside dimensions are 15" long x 2.870" wide, with a 3 angled roof 2.670" high.

I would appreciate your help,
Your thoughts and suggestions,
48v would be 13 in series.
My newest 21700 pack is a definite improvement over 18650 cells. 15Ah is kinda low Ah for a 21700 pack. Figuring the number of cells won’t confirm what the builder actually used. So many sellers over estimate capacity. Liars really.

Chances are the case won’t hold additional cells. Can you ID the case? Cases are cheap. Rebuilds can often cost as much or more than a new battery.

ID the case to move forward.
Thank you for the information,
I ask Bikonit, about the number battery's and they stated this info,
The 21700 battery has 39 cells and 13 in series 3 in parallel, with LG Chem battery's.

I have been drawing up a diagram using the inside dimensions of the case,
and depending on which direction the cells lay, the best swag I can come up with is 35 total battery's.

I have spent hours looking for the brand name/make of this case and have found
no information on it, I know the info is out there I just can't find it so far.
The only item I did find, is this battery case does have the Hailong 4 prong connector's, 2 colored lite, push button switch and uses a 3 pin female port..

There can't be much room inside the case with all the other required items needed.

Thank you,
As a follow up,
I have several days of looking for a empty battery case, with NO success,
the closest I came was this battery that had the correct end, (on the lock end),
but has a 5 prong Hailong battery connection and is only 36V.

I need a 4 prong and 48v,
battery overall case length is 17.375" long, 2.840" tall, 3.330" wide,
there is a step down that is 3.040" wide on the narrow side,1.190" tall, on the bottom step down section.
Useable inside space length is 15.125" long.
I have a female 3 pin charger connection at the Hailong end and a push button battery scale at the other end, has several colors, (but I can only see the Blue color).
This battery is shaped like this Apache battery case.

The OEM information printed on the battery bottom is as follows:
WDDLLSL48V15AH/720Wh Serial number = L2011300186.

FTH put this sticker information on this battery, when they attempted to repair it,
302698 L2011300186.
I wonder where Bikonit get their battery's from?

Thanks Tom
I'll search those sites.

I plan on using my empty battery and want another one,
so I have a total of 4 batteries, for my Bikonit Wart Hog MD750 bike etc.
I was hoping that I could have the 2 new battery's built with more Ah's for better range, than the OEM ones have now etc.

I am averaging approximately 100 to 110 miles per a recharge, from 54.3v down to 43.3v discharge range, I only recharge my batteries when the reach this discharge range and I can feel the lagging, in the eco1 step, I normally use and ride in 99% of the time etc.

I don't know anything about battery's and building them,
This 21700 battery has 39 cells and 13 in series, 3 in parallel, using LG Chem battery's,
is the only information I have from Bikonit.
Thank you,
I don't know anything about battery's and building them,
Well, it's an expensive proposition. And not something to get into without a great amount of care and thought.
A decent welder will run $250 or more. Lots of cheap stuff but they are not what so many YouTubers claim they are in terms of reliability AND safety.
Highly recommended, but you must add a power source. LiPo is risky. Lead acid batteries are expensive.

I have a pacemaker making it very dangerous for me, so, I stopped.
How will you deal with finding a BMS?

Weird, their website sends owners to FTH! WTF?

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Thanks Tom
I am NOT going to build these battery's, (Way over my pay grade, and I KNOW my limitations),
I'll pay a battery builder to build these battery's,
and I am hoping that they will be better and have more Ah's that OEM.
The OEM cost for me are over $700+ per battery, not including shipping.

As for what's inside these batteries, this info is what I have found from Bikonit,
Auto Balance Function, Auto Battery Maintenance, in these battery's.
What else is needed or inside these battery's is unknown to me........

Thanks Tom
I am NOT going to build these battery's, (Way over my pay grade, and I KNOW my limitations),
I'll pay a battery builder to build these battery's,
and I am hoping that they will be better and have more Ah's that OEM.
The OEM cost for me are over $700+ per battery, not including shipping.

As for what's inside these batteries, this info is what I have found from Bikonit,
Auto Balance Function, Auto Battery Maintenance, in these battery's.
What else is needed or inside these battery's is unknown to me........

Thanks for clarifying. A good builder will not likely save much. There is no communication system? A third wire from the battery?
Just an update,
Maybe, I found a battery case that fits the WH,
this case has all the spec's/dimensions (that fit my battery case),
found on your second site listed,
except the items in bold, don't match.

Model number: SSE-118
Max cell space: 18650 50*2 pcs / 21700 40*2 pcs
Configration: 10S5P / 10S4P
Material: Aluminun 6061 / PC+ABS
Charging port: Dual-DC2.1 port =?
Discharging port: Self-made 6pin= ?

Lock: Mechanical spring lock+Safety lock
Capacity indicator: Single LED indication(3 colours)

The only items that don't match, is the configuration of the batteries,
I have the configuration for 21700 battery,
has 39 cells and 13 in series 3 in parallel, with LG Chem battery's.
Not the same, as above, and not sure about the Charge/Discharge port info.
Still checking more info.

Thanks for clarifying. A good builder will not likely save much. There is no communication system? A third wire from the battery?
When I pull the end cap off, that contains the 4 slot Hailong connection plug,
this is what I find,

The 2 + (RED wire slots are soldered together (HD wire .170" dia) along with a smaller Red colored wire (.070" dia), with heat shrink tape covering the end.
This same configuration is also found on the 2 - Black double slots, wire size is the same.

The only other wiring I find inside this case/plugs, is a .090" dia Red and Black wire soldered to the + and - terminals of the battery charging port.

There is 2 very thin wires soldered to the LED light board, Red/Black pins at .050" diameter.
There is 3 colors (per the better half), Blue =H, Green = middle, Red = L,
as marked on the LED Light.

Molded into the locking end case cap is the following info, >PC+ABS<, PLA118001,
on the connection end cap has this info molded into the cap,>PC+ABS<,Pla118002.

As for where or what all this wiring was attached to in/on this battery,
is unknown to me.
All the wiring was/is clipped off from all the connection places.
Sorry I can't of any more help.