Let me continue from the mountain bike perspective. The bikes are heavy....50+ lbs. The geometries are weird....doesnt seem like most manufacturers have mastered how the weight should sit. The engines are winy and underpowered (mids at 250W) and the batteries really aren't there as far as tech goes. A full day of riding is a stretch for most ebikes, much less a weekend in the mountains.
Hub drives overheat and feel disconnected, mid drives snap chains, give drag and feel notchy. Sure todays bikes are great and lots of fun, but still in an infancy. I'm really excited to see a silent, seemless extension of my legs that weighs 15kg and can assist me to whatever speed I like while still feeling stable, whether up or down a hill. I want shocks that don't need to be locked out while not giving any bobbing feeling, yet soaking up way more of the bumps. I want its engine and battery to be completely invisible and I want everything to last at least as long as thr 100,000 miles I expect from my car. I want a frame strong enough to strap in a 2nd seat to ride my 8 year old from school, and I want enough space for a waterbottle! I want bluetooth connectivity, app interface and wireless lighting. If I drop $12,000 on a bike today, you bet, if Im being honest with myself, it'll fall short in many ways, and Ill be itching for a new one in a few years and feeling a little remorse over my lighter wallet.