What are your cold weather ebike limits?

i really enjoy winter riding, once you get out there and get going its great! with the proper gear im usually at a more comfortable temperature than in mid summer when im roasting like a chicken on some 90+ days!
We don't experience the cold many folk do here, but with my commute temps ranging from about 2C to 42C (35F to 107F) I'd take the low end any day! The other day on the ride home it was just like riding in an oven. You know it's hot when not even the breeze at speed provides any relief...
In this months ElektroRad Magazin, there was an article (in German) on winterizing your ebike that included this picture. I’ve read here about folk using a neoprene battery cover, but does anyone cover their motor as well? Worth it?


Picture copyright BVA BikeMedia 2020
I probably wouldn’t bother to cover the motor since I bought the battery area cover mostly to keep rain/dirt out of the battery compartment while in transport on the bike rack.
I’ve read here about folk using a neoprene battery cover, but does anyone cover their motor as well? Worth it?
I do, at least on my Giant e-MTB. With frost yet to come, I intend to cover my Vado battery, too. There is a reason:

During the ride, especially with higher assistance, it is not only the motor that gets warm but the battery warms up (because of its internal resistance), too. We currently experience ambient temperatures of +2-6 C here. As my software for Vado gives both battery and motor temperatures, I can see the battery temperature never goes below, say, +11 C and can even become warmer than that. Yet, the situation will be different with the frost. I strongly believe the neoprene cover might insulate the battery to the level it is still working in the "warm" regime, which is good for the battery's ions and electrons.

P.S. Sorry! You asked for the motor. No way. No need. The motor actually gets warm, very warm. No technical gain from covering the motor. The motor doesn't suffer from the frost. The battery does.
I don't own a car, so it's ride or die all winter long for me! Granted, I do work from home so if it's really gnarly outside I can just not go anywhere for a few days. When it's colder I tend to take my good ol' acoustic bike instead of an ebike, cardio keeps me warmer and I have no need to go fast and receive more wind chill :eek:
I don't own a car, so it's ride or die all winter long for me! Granted, I do work from home so if it's really gnarly outside I can just not go anywhere for a few days. When it's colder I tend to take my good ol' acoustic bike instead of an ebike, cardio keeps me warmer and I have no need to go fast and receive more wind chill :eek:
I reduce the assistance to increase the cardio and ride slower :D Also, downshift for higher cadence.
The difference between no assistance and assistance for me is like the 2nd gear unpowered and 6-12th powered :D Had a funny incident when my Vado battery didn't kick in today... :)
What are your cold weather ebike limits?
I realize some ride all winter but for those who don’t, what are the temperature/condition limits that signal you are done for the season?
At my age, it appears to be the lower 40F temps with 15+ mph headwinds. I have gloves, long underware, rain gear, under helmet cap, but it’s when my eyes start watering a bunch, nose starts running that makes it cease being fun.
We‘re expecting 40+ mph winds today!💨🚴🏼🥶
My intentions were a low side of 45F with a high of 95F. This last summer I did a couple of rides at 95. Fortunately it didn’t get that warm most of the time. Humidity was usually the more limiting factor.

So far this autumn and now winter I’ve ridden at 42. Snow, ice and even worse, cold weather rain, are what keep me inside. The other issue is that during the summer I rode with my still working friends at 7:30 AM. Now it’s still dark and way too cold and icy then, so noon is a better time to ride. But by then I have other things to do, like shopping, chauffeuring the Mrs, HoA board meetings. And watching too much news on TV.
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I've been riding all fall and winter between 28 and 45 degrees, no issues with the bike (2020 Specialized Vado 4) at all...until today...
17 degree when I left home, 7 miles of dirt and snow (no issues, I'm running studded tires) roads later, stopped for a pic and a sip of coffee. 1/2 mile later headed fast down a bumpy section of dirt road, and I noticed the battery had worked it's way slightly ajar. The battery install mechanism of this bike is easily it's biggest problem.
Took it out, reseated and locked it, the display just kept saying NO BATTERY and when I tried pedalling, NO MOTOR. Lights indicated at least 60% battery left, and my BLevo App indicated only 20% used and Battery and Motor minimum temps in the mid 30's, averages in the 50's.
Walked and eventually called my lovely wife how came and picked me up.
So I may have exceeded the operating threshold of the bike, or I may simply have broken the battery connection system. I am charging the battery now and will try reconnecting when everything has warmed up.
Update: after warming and fully charging, cleaning contacts etc, all I get is an alternating No Motor/No Battery message on the display. The display is making connection to the battery as it powers on, but no response from the power system. Too it to the dealer I bought it from and they looked at it for a while, said they saw nothing obvious, and would work with Specialized this week. More as this saga unfolds
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I've been riding all fall and winter between 28 and 45 degrees, no issues with the bike (2020 Specialized Vado 4) at all...until today...
17 degree when I left home, 7 miles of dirt and snow (no issues, I'm running studded tires) roads later, stopped for a pic and a sip of coffee. 1/2 mile later headed fast down a bumpy section of dirt road, and I noticed the battery had worked it's way slightly ajar. The battery install mechanism of this bike is easily it's biggest problem.
Took it out, reseated and locked it, the display just kept saying NO BATTERY and when I tried pedalling, NO MOTOR. Lights indicated at least 60% battery left, and my BLevo App indicated only 20% used and Battery and Motor minimum temps in the mid 30's, averages in the 50's.
Walked and eventually called my lovely wife how came and picked me up.
So I may have exceeded the operating threshold of the bike, or I may simply have broken the battery connection system. I am charging the battery now and will try reconnecting when everything has warmed up.
Good luck!
70 F is pretty much my low limit to start a ride, but it depends on the wind and sun also. I can tolerate 70 best if it's sunny and mostly calm. I prefer over 80. I've finished some rides after it dipped into the 60's on occasion. This is based on 15+ years of riding a standard bicycle used only for exercise, not commuting and such.
Last year was unusual. Every time I wanted to ride a bike, my wife said she was coming too. So together, we covered 2400 mils and we rode deep into December, last ride being the weekend after Xmas. As long as the sun was out and the roads were dry, we hit the trails. Temperatures were as low as 34 F.

Then it snowed, and our route to the bike paths was covered with icy foot prints. Some of the bike paths were the same way. We're done til the next thaw.
It's tricky. As you get older it takes longer for your muscles to warm up. But on chilly days I like shorter, harder rides. If I go too fast too soon, my legs complain, but if I go too slow I don't generate enough heat to warm up. It's like a racing car going out on a cold track with a super-hard tire compound. Not optimal. For me, the key is to be intelligent about layers.
What are your cold weather ebike limits?
I realize some ride all winter but for those who don’t, what are the temperature/condition limits that signal you are done for the season?
At my age, it appears to be the lower 40F temps with 15+ mph headwinds. I have gloves, long underware, rain gear, under helmet cap, but it’s when my eyes start watering a bunch, nose starts running that makes it cease being fun.
We‘re expecting 40+ mph winds today!💨🚴🏼🥶
This is the first winter I have ever ridden, but with my ebike I just miss it too much not to ride. I stopped riding in the low 40s.......got wistful for my bike and went out again in 32 degree temps. I wore chamois padded long tights, fleece pants over them, wool socks, the wrong shoes (I should've put on my winter tennies), a wicking shirt, a velour zippy, and a winter jacket, warm padded mittens and ear muffs. My face and feet still got too cold. I ordered a balaclava today and have warmer shoes for next time.
In Bay Area California, this is a non-issue. overnight lows are in high 30's low 40's most of the time and daytime is roughly 55-62 this time of year, so yeah, everyone rides their bikes in shorts mostly. Never a need to ride in sweat pants unless you are really sensitive to cold, but that is rare.
Went out too soon and alone. Face planted on a patch of ice in the shade. Busted my glasses. Good thing it was my backup pair, but the main pair was already busted. Now I'm wearing a pair from who knows when, and I had to order new frames for big bucks. Needless to say, my wife took away my license.
Weather here on NoVa has been pretty good. Several rides in 5he past few days with temps in the mid 40s, my go zone.
Harry ! Ouch; A vivid reminder about two wheels and ICE.

Today, 90 minutes @ 43*F was nice enough
fleece balaclava, beanie, ski helmet, 2 gloves
4 layers, core, ski pants and woolies