I like a clean drive train, but found that Pedro's Chain-pig was inoperable because you can't back-pedal. So I shifted up into lowest rear gear, and moved the pig to the chain run above the chain stay.
'Wrapped my left hand around the seat stay and used my index finger to hold the pig's hook - while forward peddling with the other had. A tad messier that when mounted on the chain below the chain stay, but not terrible.
'Will be interesting to see if some entrepreneur comes up with one you can mount as one would with a bike you can back pedal.
I have also used the Park Tool equivalent chain cleaner and it will work, but it's a tighter fit and more awkward to operate
'Wrapped my left hand around the seat stay and used my index finger to hold the pig's hook - while forward peddling with the other had. A tad messier that when mounted on the chain below the chain stay, but not terrible.
'Will be interesting to see if some entrepreneur comes up with one you can mount as one would with a bike you can back pedal.
I have also used the Park Tool equivalent chain cleaner and it will work, but it's a tighter fit and more awkward to operate