Okay...motor is tested to work and ready. Picking it up at 4pm today. Y'all can wait with me, baited breath, if it's going to work in the bike or not.
He did find one bad hall sensor - but in order to get one out you have to unsolder them all, so they simply replace them all. The sensors are like a couple of bucks each, have three contact prongs that insert through the control board and are soldered in. As I understand it, since these are brushless motors, a 'sensored controller' pulses electricity to the motor windings in sequence which drives the motor. These 'hall sensors' tell the controller where to apply the power. Evidently it's not that uncommon for them to go bad. Wifey felt bad cuz she thought she broke it, but my guess is one simply failed. They are about the size of a large match-head.
I'm a little disappointed in the backup provided by Greenergy, the supplier of the kit. I contacted them two weeks ago when the failure occured, and while they have emailed back, they promised to have state-side support contact me to troubleshoot and send necessary parts. Evidently they cannot provide an external email address due to amazon policy, so everything goes thru them. Since they are half way around the globe, there's a 12 hour delay in response. And the US phone number provided is not answered, not even a voice mail machine. It's very frustrating.
The seller lists that same hub by itself for sale on Amazon for $178. It's not a terrible lot of money, I would just buy one, but gee, they do offer a warranty, and they should be willing to support their product. So far that hasn't happened. I would have ordered one two weeks ago if I thought I would get it in a few days, replace the motor guts in the hub - cuz it's laced onto the bike wheel, and move on with our lives. But NOOOOOO....
Here are hall sensors and what the motor looks like inside, the pcboard with the sensors soldered in:
The pcboard inside the motor, tied to the windings, - there are 3 sensors each with 3 wires connecting them.
The internal windings of the hub motor.