OK, we'll use round numbers.
$7,000 for this bike (+ tax)
Slightly discounted (say $250)
Dealer in UK listed it for $5,873.55 + ship to US is $652.59 ($6,525.92)
Contacted my NJ dealer, he balked to the "mothership" (Trek inside sales), and now the price is £5250.00 ($6798.38)
(Link Removed - No Longer Exists)
So much for finding the deal, UK said they would not ship to US anyway.
Point being, how on earth can a US manufactured bike been less than it cost in the US?
I'm sure they got their hand slapped for making it affordable, but that opportunity is now gone.
With that being said, I took it for a spin on Sunday and like it. However, justifying the expense is another story.
I have a SuperCommuter +8S and was considering a change.
However, looking around in the last few weeks, there have been many sales of the SuperCommuter for around $3,000, new and used (a low of $2100 to a high of $4200) . The most recent NEW was $3100!!.
So, having the opportunity to search and see where the prices go and are hovering, I think the Domane+ would be a great deal at $5k or slightly more (no more than $5500)
OR, I can ride my SuperCommuter for another year or more and see if the technology gets better.
Just sharing.