TQ motor

Antonio, regards. I look forward to your perception of the functional/performance aspects of the TQ Ammersee update, as much from your subjective sense, as data based.
Meanwhile... after a year of riding I'm curious as to what tuning settings you are currently using. I had settled on E 100W/100%, M 150W/150%, H 300W/200% as being as good as any, but thinking over how to best utilize my limited capabilities (100W sustainable, 150W for 1-2 minutes intense effort) I'll try boosting M to 200W/200% to better tackle 5-10% grades, reserving H for intense efforts on short 10-15% grades.
Best Rob
Hello Rob,
The following are my settings that I have been using for almost a year and keep unchanged with the new software.
They are based on my FTP of 150 W and my weight of 56Kg.
ECO 75W max, 112% assistance, 70% pedal response.
MID 105W max, 112% assist, 70% pedal response.
HIGH 138W max, 200% assist, 90% pedal response. (Never used, never tested).
I'm as surprised as I was back then at your minimal 75-105W use of motor assistance. We're on opposite ends of the spectrum, and your 56Kg compared to my 77Kg doesn't explain it. Wondering what your rides are like: typical speeds on the flats and your corresponding power input, and incline grades and your power input.

Input from other riders willing to share their motor tuning settings would be very interesting and welcome.
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I'm as surprised as I was back then at your minimal 75-105W use of motor assistance. Were on opposite ends of the spectrum, and your 56Kg compared to my 77Kg doesn't explain it. Wondering what your rides are like: typical speeds on the flats and your corresponding power input, and incline grades and your power input.

Input from other riders willing to share their motor tuning settings would be very interesting and welcome.
Hello Rob, I hope not to bore you with the following data and that they are rather useful for you. Absolutely all my rides on the Domane+ SLR with TQ propulsion have been recorded. From these GPX files and with the help of some functions that I have created in Python for my analysis and projections supported by AI, I have a huge database that describes my performance and that of my bike for the assistance configuration and the different ranges of slopes that I have defined for my environment.
To provide a timely response, I have randomly taken a sample of 37 rides. The results are as follows:


My cyclist average power as per % slope

Number of seconds in each Ebike Mode for the total of the 37 rides

Finally, a percentage breakdown of time spent in each Ebike mode for each range of slopes.

As you can see, I almost always have Mode 1 activated, as a habit.

Apologize for the informal presentation of these results, but the purpose is to give you a general overview of my personal data. Regards
Apologies for boring everyone else on this thread.

“...informal... overview”? More than enough ...almost ;).

Distilling... your average rider power input falls into a consistent range of 100-125W. Adding that to the motor's 105W suggests that on average you are climbing 9-11% and 11+%grades with 230 total watts (rarely, 263W). Is there significant variation relative to the average in the course of a particular climb? Curious as to how a sample steep climb of yours works out: length, grade, minutes, speed, max total power.

I seem to need at least 100W more on average, and have reached combined totals of over 400W in short bursts up 11-15%. Maybe our weight difference means more than I surmised.

Again, would greatly welcome input from others as to motor tuning settings and personal experience with 'light' motors.
Buenos días: Desde octubre de 2023, tengo una Trek Domane + SLR7 con el motor TQ. Desde la llegada de las altas temperaturas, la pantalla de control muestra el código de error 5401. Ha estado fallando de forma intermitente, hasta hace 2 semanas cuando la asistencia dejó de funcionar.
Apagaba y encendía repetídamente y, a veces, se solucionó. Si la apaga un buen rato en un descenso, se enfriaba y todo volvía a trabajar. Al parecer, es un fallo conocido por TQ y van a proceder a sustituir el display que, evidentemente, se encuentra en garantía. Ya llevo 10 días con la bici en el taller TREK esperando la pieza.

¿Cómo puedo cambiar el nombre que sale bajo mi foto?
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Antonio that's a lot of data to wade through. Could you please provide your thoughts about your experiences riding the bike with a TQ motor and maybe tie in the data a bit?