ST1 Platinum

NYCE wheels & Long Island Electric Bikes both are dealers. The problem is they are about 5- 6 hours drive from me. Although I live in the same State, it is a big one!
Hi Dave,

I am lucky enough to live close by my Stromer dealer (well an hour or so from them) that was honestly one of the top reasons that I got what I got. I really can't imagine spending in may case close to 5K dollars on something I saw online but never got to try out. It seems almost crazy! If it's something you really think you'll be getting into and incorporating into your daily life I say make the big ol' road trip to NYCE and get your hands on all the models they sell and make an informed decision!
Good Luck

I completely agree with James...!!

Test riding is the best way to know what it is all about. Reading Amazon reviews, I had a different idea of Prodeco Phantom X2 bike but after test riding, I came back to my senses. After test riding, Pedego, Currie and Easy Motion bikes, it was much easier to make a decision.
Bob likes himself a Platinum hey?? He mentions in the beginning about the "Stromer branded Schwalbe Big Ben tires" does he mean Scwalbe makes the big ben only for Stromer? Of does his tires not say Schwalbe??
Anyway good review by Bob!
Nice review! Gotta love Turbo Bob :D I think you're correct James, he must mean Schwalbe Big Ben, easy to get confused when you're so excited!
I just joined this site (hi everybody) and read this whole thread. Great info! I am also interested in the ST1, and I also like TurboBob. I would just like to add that I demo'd the St1 Elite yesterday for the first time, along with 2 other members of my family. We were all *very* impressed. First we each tried the bike unassisted, and even with that I was impressed with the smooth ride, and the peddling unassisted was actually easier than I expected. But I was only riding gigantic loops in a huge flat empty parking lot. I tried each of the 4 power modes, and I also tried peddling unassisted in Regen 1 and in Regen 2 just to see how much resistance they add. I noticed a difference in difficulty between the 2 Regen modes, but even they were not unpleasant. I can imagine riding in Regen mode sometimes (but only on flat ground!) just for the extra workout. Peddling unassisted really didn't bother me either (on flat ground!), despite the obvious heavy weight of the bike. I was surprised. I loved the power modes but sure wish I could have attacked some hills during my demo ride.

The real reason I'm interested in an e-bike is because of the substantial hills we have around here in Northern California. The hill up to my house is San Francisco grade! And I have to ride up that every time I return from any bike ride. Of course, the steep ride down would be great for Regenerating power, so any kind of E-bike with Regen capability is most interesting to me.

FYI, I noticed that is selling their inventory of Stromers at 2013 prices. If 2013 and 2014 models have the same features, might as well save some bucks.

Me? We are too close to the ST2 release for me to take the plunge right now. I'm looking forward to that announcement. Cheers.
Hey guys. So, this week I am on call and that means I have to futz around clos to civilization. So I drove to New Hampshire to visit the two dealers who seemed to have the Stromer in stock.

Interestingly enough only one off these two dealers is on the official Stromer dealer map. Not sure what it means for the upcoming year,

We got a lot of snow on the ground so a test drive was out of question but at least I was able to fondle these electric beasts. Impressive and heavy at first glance, There was also the 2013 Eflow Nitro for a significant discount. It was probably 10 lbs lighter and that felt great but overall I still felt greater affinity to choose the Stromer.

Initially I thought I would buy additional charger with a spare battery but I realized that having my bike on my porch where I wired external outlets I could plug the bike in directly and use the charger at work.

Not sure if the first dealer was well informed but he said the ST2 may be revealed in a month but actual delivery of the finished product will be until the summer of 2014. That was somewhat of a bummer for me but who knows if he was right. He also said the ST2 will go for 5 grand and that was a much better price than previously reported. He also doubted the ST2 will have a belt drive...bummer again...hope he was wrong.

So off I was to the second dealer. This shop was on the official dealer list. They told me Stromer folks came by to train them on maintenance and configuration. I was encouraged until the guy started telling me that Stromer has a full testing facility in SWEDEN. with an indoor lap. So again I think he probably meant Switzerland but what do I know...

So all in all I am positioning myself to have hopes on a bike delivery when the snow departs our region. First choice would be that my local bike shop can order it for me. Second choice is the closest dealer to me which is in Portsmouth, NH , about 70 minutes from home.

Third option involves wild scenarios of ordering from far away.
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Stromer from Swiss..!
An exotic choice :)
So we can expect another Stromer fan soon (the other one being James).
I just noticed on their FB page that they will reveal another feature of ST2 on Monday.

Be a man and get the ST2, Brambor ;)
Stromer from Swiss..!
An exotic choice :)
So we can expect another Stromer fan soon (the other one being James).
I just noticed on their FB page that they will reveal another feature of ST2 on Monday.

Be a man and get the ST2, Brambor ;)

Oh I'm a fan Rav! :p If you test out the st2 Brambor and it's that much better than yeah I agree with Ravi.... Man up!!
It's kind of crazy as the excitement nears and the 'acceptable' price tag rises...I have actually started eyeballing the Specialized Turbo too.
Commute Update: Hey everyone I thought if update everyone on my daily 80km commute. I've decided that wind is my new enemy! The valley where I live acts as a tunnel and the wind can sometimes put up a real fight.

Today for instance the wind was blowing so hard (40mph) I only got 25 km before my battery gave out. That left me with 15 km to go in howling wind. Just impossible!! I had to get a buddy from work to bail me out. It was tough on my ego, but it's my only unsuccessful trip thus far.

I've upgraded my battery to the 14.4 which I recommend to anyone who is going to put the platinum through its paces. It really does enjoy eating batteries. If wind isn't a factor, I'm ending up with around 30% give or take. The ride continues to be smooth (using my specialized road bike as a comparison) the front carbon forks do their job in absorbing the little bumps and vibrations.

Anyway I'll continue to update you guys as the miles start adding up! I've put on just under 1000km so far, and so far so great! I posted a pic... All the other pics were too big and I'm just on my phone, but you get the idea!

wow. 40mph. Very strong wind. I sea kayak almost every weekend during non winter months and anything above 20knots is just crappy day on the water. Biking into 40mph is like Don Quixotte battling windmills.

james, did you run the ST1 on Eco mode to get only 25km against a 40mph wind?

No I had it on full power and was pedaling like a mad man. My average speed into the wind was around 25km... A solid 10-15km slower than my average. The wind just destroyed my battery mileage today. It was brutal... But a heck of a workout!!
Wow, that's incredible resilience. James, you are onto something here. It definitely is a social and psychological experiment.
If you can push yourself consistently everyday for 40 miles for an entire year, that's going to totally transform you physically and as a person.
I would like to mention that these anomalies are rare and happens in every sphere of life. Nothing to worry about and I am glad that you have friends who can help you in situations like this.
Great stuff. I mention this because, I was a 10K and 20K runner and I know how much physical/mental strength you need to do that everyday, for an year.
Although motor assist helps, what you are doing is incredible man. One day, the wind will be pushing you fwd :)
Awesome update James! I optimized your photo, beautiful shot there - thanks for sharing. The wind is an interesting factor, perhaps detrimental when also riding at those higher speeds. I'm not surprised to hear that your battery has been draining more quickly and your range suffering as a result. Check out this post on aerodynamic efficiency of bicycles vs. cars.

I bet if you're willing to slow down a bit the battery will go much further but I understand the desire to go fast and make it home on time as well. Thanks for the tips on the battery and the details about life on the bike. As Ravi says, maybe the next pic will be a before and after image of you looking like some kind of a super hero ;)
James, in situations like this I'd recommend ski goggles, balaclava/buff neck gaiter and a helmet without will cut down wind noise and protect your eyes from the wind effect
and lastly reduce wind chill.
Thanks for the encouragement guys! Trust me with yesterday's weather I needed it! I'll update soon.