
SpaceForce hasn't gone away, the Post reports the Air Force is planning to reallocate $11bn in FY2021 to the new service branch.

Meanwhile from his Palo Alto lair maniacal genius Elon Musk tweeted about the possibility of developing a Tesla electric dirt bike to accompany the Cyberquad ATV - we might yet see a Tesla ebike launched into space Tesla Roadster style to add yet more space junk to clutter up SpaceForce's target plot...has the time (and money) come for SpaceForce to resurrect NASA's Project Orion Laser Broom? Stay tuned... the answers will have to come in the next exciting adventure of SPACE FORCE
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Yeah, we need one to get the Nazis on the Dark Side of the Moon:

I agree, it's a poor choice of names. For one, I think the word "force" is inappropriate in these times. We need to continue to see space as a place of shared endeavor that benifits all mankind, not another battlefield. Yeah, I know, good luck with that.
Netflix is going to release a comedy series with Steve Carell and John Malkovich in 2020 based on setting up and running "Space Force":
I used to love watching Stargate TV show. They figured this out 10-15 years ago and started an agency called Home World Security and just pulled/shared a mix resources from other government agencies, civilian companies, and armed forces to fill all levels for the cabinet level agency. Home World Security can then include partnerships with our allies like NATO currently does.

I think the Air Force is already doing the majority of the Space Force activities already from monitoring space debris, maintaining GPS network, active in space warfare (spy satellites, ICBMs, land based monitoring stations, ability to shoot down satellites, etc...) , and supervising civilian/military space launches.

Unless we get back to the moon and beyond, I don't see Space Force doing anything differently compared to now AND only being concentrated on war fighting. I'm all for DouglasB suggestion of leaning towards Peace for the betterment of the planet compared to war fighting only.
A little more thought would have probably netted a better name other than calling an army of Astronauts the Space Force. Or would they be known as Space Cadets? I shudder at the thought!
Why not then, because the name Astronaut has always fit so well into all things that reference Space, call it the AstroForce? So much more appropriate.
Even StarForce has a better ring to it, with a Star Fleet of Star Ships under a Star Command of StarTroopers. So movie-like.
Some others might include:
The UniForce of Universal Soldiers who patrol the Universe.
Or the GalaxyForce made up of Galactic Warriors and their Fleet of Ford Galaxies.
I'm just getting started, but the name Space Farce just seems a little too spacey to be taken seriously. There needs to be better naming...

Anything to escape reality, right? Down here on earth things are getting extremely weird & stressful.
SpaceForce hasn't gone away, the Post reports the Air Force is planning to reallocate $11bn in FY2021 to the new service branch.

Meanwhile from his Palo Alto lair maniacal genius, Elon Musk tweeted about the possibility of developing a Tesla electric dirt bike to accompany the Cyberquad ATV - we might yet see a Tesla ebike launched into space Tesla Roadster style to add yet more space junk to clutter up SpaceForce's target plot...has the time (and money) come for SpaceForce to resurrect NASA's Project Orion Laser Broom? Stay tuned... the answers will have to come in the next exciting adventure of SPACE FORCE

Elon lives in LA and divides his time between Space-X in Hawthorne and Tesla in Palo Alto & Fremont.

I would expect nothing less from the world's biggest space cadet! Everything that incompetent, narcissistic, unethical moron does is done simply to distract people from investigating his doings, both past and present, as a career criminal.
Don't go so hard on Bloomberg... ;) Back on topic... new uniforms!

Well, I wuz gonna sign up fur da space farce & become an alien wrangler, but I couldn't pass the intelligence test.
They said i had some & that would never do, not even after I showed 'em my Buzz Lightyear action figure & my
Buck Rodgers decoder ring. I wuz plum heart broken.😢
Do you think folks were having fun like we are 100 years ago when the Wright brothers first took flight, when the Army Air Corp started in the 20s, or Air Force was started late 40s? The old adage at the time of; "if man was meant to fly, he would have wings!" was probably common as folks say around radio waiting for their block of ice to be delivered for the ice box fridge.

Think about all the future issues we will have with flat earther folks AND flat spacer conspiracies theorist running around.
Do you think folks were having fun like we are 100 years ago when the Wright brothers first took flight, when the Army Air Corp started in the 20s, or Air Force was started late 40s? The old adage at the time of; "if man was meant to fly, he would have wings!" was probably common as folks say around radio waiting for their block of ice to be delivered for the ice box fridge.

Think about all the future issues we will have with flat earther folks AND flat spacer conspiracies theorist running around.

On the other hand, just over 40 years passed between the Wright brother's experiments at Kitty Hawk and the formation of the Air Force. We are about sixty years from the days of Yuri Gagarin and John Glenn, and by your logic we should have the equivalent of commercial jet travel for the masses in space. We don't.

And the reason we don't is that space travel is hard. The corollary to space travel is hard is that space travel is expensive. Because it is expensive it is very difficult to do the kinds of experimentation you'd need to do to learn quickly from mistakes and make rapid progress.