SHOW us YOUR PIX here .... Odd, WeiRd ,UnUSuAl or EyE CaTchIng things from your rides

Riding yesterday along the Rincon in California a dead Gray Whale had washed up on the beach. The beach is closed right now for people because of Covid 19, however, open for dead whales. I was aware of the dead whale in advance from local TV coverage.

I bet the smell would make you aware of it also if you were in the vicinity.
An old Terex dozer at a gravel pit I passed on today's ride across the street.

today's ride. Made it over the log!
Nice looking trail. I have two logs exactly like that on one of my rides. I haven’t gotten there yet. On a dirt bike I wouldn’t have thought twice about it, but I feel like I’m gonna bust my a55. Been trying to figure fast or slow...
I took this is the reserve a couple of weeks ago. After I took it I rode by them within about 5 feet. They casually walked in the direction away from me, and they were wary, but not afraid. Even with the little one.

I can't imagine walking up and shooting one.

I have heard that large Herons will go for eyes if threatened so I wouldn't doubt that it has happened. Caution should be used with any wild animal. There are reasons we don't let children and small dogs walk near the edge of any murky, fresh water in Florida. Except for the occasional Darwin Award winner that is... :rolleyes:

At first I thought you caught a sight of the now extinct Dodo birds! 😆