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Related to the sandhill crane are the Australian sarus crane and the brolga. The brolga is the state bird of Queensland and appears on the state coat of arms…

A randy European red deer is also on the coat of arms because the Queen of Queensland, Victoria, had just given the colony a herd of deer from her royal hunting ground. They were, of course, let loose in the forests where they are an environmental nuisance to this day. Regrettably, the fawning colonists failed to send back a crateful of Queensland reptiles to liven up her royal parks.

Here is a slightly faded brolga on the Redcliffe water tank…
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Yes, they are protected in Florida, but they do have a hunting season on them in Texas. Generally coincides with goose season. I hunted geese and ducks in Texas and never saw one. This pair visits our back yard almost daily. We ignore them, and they ignore us. They should be showing up with their babies any day now. Kinda fun to watch, but they are a nuisance in that they dig holes in the yard.
I was talking to a police officer some time ago, andnhe said he would like to shoot all of them. He said they have poked out an eye of small children quite often. So keep an eye on your little girl!
Keep looking up! Ken.
birds classified as Migratory, are protected under the Migratory Bird Treaty Act of 1918. This treaty now includes the United States, the United Kingdom, Mexico, Japan, and Russia.

birds are protected in fl...
only a few are nuisance species..the quaker parrot comes to mind..
I was flying an RC helicopter a couple of years ago, and two of them came flying in low and slow where I did not see them. One came in between me and the helicopter, scared the heck out of me! I had to land right there,l was shaking so much.
I could just see the headline------ Man killed endangered bird with toy helicopter !! Keep looking up! Ken.
Pretty good swell coming in over the bar today. I had ridden the 2.5 miles up the beach and coming to the jetty I saw this spray going off so I had to get it documented.

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On Northern California's coast we get what are called Pacific Rollers. You'll get breakers that make some spray like your pic and then WAM, water over the break water and wet tourists everywhere.

Can your bike swim?
On Northern California's coast we get what are called Pacific Rollers. You'll get breakers that make some spray like your pic and then WAM, water over the break water and wet tourists everywhere.

Can your bike swim?

We get sneaker waves up here also that have been known to do that to the unsuspecting. Sometimes with disastrous results and loss of life when someone gets caught up in the under tow.
I can't wait

I was on an Earth Day ride last year, and we came across this lady standing in front of a horse. Her car was parked on the other side of the road. The horse was loose and she was trying to coax it back away from the road. So we stopped to see what was going on. There was another horse in the pen, whic had a single smooth wire to keep the horses in.

she knew nothing about horses, so I grabbed the halter, and she wouldn’t move. My buddy got out a treat and that got the horse moving. We could see it was an electric fence, so we figured it wasn’t working, and we gingerly touched the shock. So next step was to lift the wire and get the horse to go back I got on her back side and slapped her, and she moves back to kick me....missed me.

we gave up and went to the farm house to report the escapee.

wished we had taken some pics, but we did not.
We get sneaker waves up here also that have been known to do that to the unsuspecting. Sometimes with disastrous results and loss of life when someone gets caught up in the under tow.
Yep, happens here, too. One winter the Coast Guard had posted warnings on the breakwater that the water was so rough that they couldn't attempt a rescue if anyone got washed off the rocks and advised everyone to stay back. Dozens of people had climbed past these warnings to "experience" the 20-30 foot high sprays. We left before anyone got washed away, but it was certainly a situation looking to turn into a tragedy.
The Dutch have donated 100,000 " Liberater- 75" Tulips to Canada in honor of Canadian efforts 75 years ago in WWII. Here are some in the Vancouver graveyard where so many soldiers are buried or have markers ( if their bodies were not recovered). Thank you very much Netherlanders ... lest we forget.
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I was talking to a police officer some time ago, andnhe said he would like to shoot all of them. He said they have poked out an eye of small children quite often. So keep an eye on your little girl!
Keep looking up! Ken.
Sorry, but I do not believe that. Sometimes even LEO's spread urban legends. I could find no documented instances of a sandhill crane causing injury to any human. Trust me, if it happened anywhere in Florida, it would have made the news.
Sorry, but I do not believe that. Sometimes even LEO's spread urban legends. I could find no documented instances of a sandhill crane causing injury to any human. Trust me, if it happened anywhere in Florida, it would have made the news.
Well all I know is what he said. Ken.
Ken I read that you have them in Florida. You must have many as I read something about hunting them there? Here they are very rare. I have only seen them a few times in my life.
I’ve never heard of hunting them. That would be highly upsetting. Everyone loves them here - we stop traffic to watch them dawdle across the roads...

Oh, and we have “Sandhill Crane Area” road signs...
I’ve never heard of hunting them. That would be highly upsetting. Everyone loves them here - we stop traffic to watch them dawdle across the roads...

Oh, and we have “Sandhill Crane Area” road signs...
They are legal to hunt in North Dakota as well.
Yes, they are protected in Florida, but they do have a hunting season on them in Texas. Generally coincides with goose season. I hunted geese and ducks in Texas and never saw one. This pair visits our back yard almost daily. We ignore them, and they ignore us. They should be showing up with their babies any day now. Kinda fun to watch, but they are a nuisance in that they dig holes in the yard.
They do not seem to have a fear of people it seems ?