Show us pictures of where you ride your ebikes!

Many landlubbers head out to the water this time of year.
@steve mercier any further cramps?
Ouch yeah here they right come call 911!... But seriously the banana did not work. I ate one before and during the ride. I did a few stretches today but not the right ones I guess. Cramps are in the quads today but they can be anywhere down there. Tomorrow I will try more stretching and then if no luck I will go to the Gatorade (prefer coffee) as a last resort. If I find something that works I will let you know.
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Fun ride down memory lane as I rode on Axe Factory Road (2 track) in the Yale Forest for the first time since my mountain biking days in the 1990's. On the way home I tried another old favorite Nagy Road in Ashford and found this beautiful piece of old farm equipment. (If you are into old machinery).


A 56 mile ride I did last month on the paved Allegheny River Trail near Franklin in northwestern PA. The trail occupies the right of way of the defunct Allegheny division of the Pennsylvania Railroad which hauled oil from the Titusville oilfield.

Beautiful scenery along the Allegheny River.

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The Belmar Bridge, part of the Jamestown, Franklin and Clearfield Railroad which hauled coal from the region. The bridge now carries the Sandy Creek rail trail over the Allegheny.


I'm a big fan of tunnel riding and this trail didn't disappoint.

The 3300' Kennerdell Tunnel

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And the 2868' Rockland Tunnel

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A 56 mile ride I did last month on the paved Allegheny River Trail near Franklin in northwestern PA. The trail occupies the right of way of the defunct Allegheny division of the Pennsylvania Railroad which hauled oil from the Titusville oilfield.

[That looks like a fantastic ride !
Just back from a vigorous 48 miles loop around the county with sunny weather in the mid eighties, gentle breezes and good camaraderie with a bunch of roady bike buddies. The average speed was 17.7 with my average output in watts being 108 and a cadence of 75. I took the lead for over half the ride giving my friends the benefit of Mr. Bosch's technology. We did stopto refuel mid ride for some fresh lamb pasties and a soda. Sorry no photos just caught up in a challenging high energy ride. I spent almost equal time in Eco, Tour and EMPB with a few spurts of Turbo on steeper hills..

FireShot Pro Screen Capture #086 - 'Bosch eBike Connect' - www_ebike-connect_com_ebikeconnect_...jpg
Todays ride - 105km: I was shocked to see this jolly fellow riding one of these on this trail which is at the top of a 350 metre climb! He was smoking( a cigarette )while he rode which just seemed wrong .When you think about it one just stands on that kind of machine ,so there is not much of a workout on it. He told me it has a range of about 50 miles/ 80km
Took my e-bike today to go and pick up a print from a photo lab. The lab is 13km away and I can pick up the prints in town but riding 26km is more fun than going just 11km:)
My route to the lab is to right on the map and after getting my print I continued south to visit a friend at his job. From there I went north agan and the photos are all from a short part ( 3km) near the water. Total distance today 38km.

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I passed an area where Alfred Nobel had his production of nitroglycerine and dynamite. The first year ( or maybe years) he produced only nitroglycerine but in 1866 he found a way of getting the nitroglycerine into a solid substance and so the much safer dynamite was invented. The production of nitroglycerine continued as it was needed to produce dynamite. They had a few nasty accidents. The tunnels in pictures below led into ”explosion pits”

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Nitroglycerine was first made by an Italian chemist in 1847. I guess I should send signore Ascanio Sobrero a thankful thought as I now can have a little spray can with nitroglycerine in my handlebar bag in case of angina pectoris.
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With thunderstorms forecast from tomorrow and right through the weekend I decided to make the most of a dry and very pleasant evening with light winds, just a double local loop of 36 miles and just over 3000ft of climbing made it a very enjoyable evening indeed :D I am so lucky to have such amazing roads right on my doorstep :)


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