Show us pictures of where you ride your ebikes!

Temps finally broke, got a good ride in today down to Chatfield State Park. I was looking for a direct trail connection to trails on top of reservoir but couldn't find one; ran into "C-470 East/West" signs, nothing for Greenway Trail. Gotta poke around some.

I think Littleton (city) and South Suburban Rec District do the best job in the metro area of designing/maintaining MUTs. Lots of signage, an abundance of pavilions/restroom stops all along the trail. They use roundabouts for speed control, first I've seen in area.

Wide shots are from C-470 Trail west, the roundabout/rest stop area/signs are a bit north of there, from "Nixon's Coffee House", had a delicious mango smoothie mid-ride today!

Really racking up the miles this month. I started out to make this my best month ever. Last July I rode 1060 miles. I wanted to surpass that. I hit the 1000 mile mark today with a week of July riding still in front of me. I am hoping to hit the 2,000 kilometer(1243 miles) mark by month's end. Averaging 40 miles per day, I am hitting new fitness levels, really the best of my life and at an age of almost 69. Ebikes are truly a wonder.

Today's ride was an afternoon dash around our county's farmland...41 miles in 2 hour 22 minutes.

FireShot Pro Screen Capture #083 - 'Bosch eBike Connect' - www_ebike-connect_com_ebikeconnect_...jpg
Really racking up the miles this month. I started out to make this my best month ever. Last July I rode 1060 miles. I wanted to surpass that. I hit the 1000 mile mark today with a week of July riding still in front of me. I am hoping to hit the 2,000 kilometer(1243 miles) mark by month's end. Averaging 40 miles per day, I am hitting new fitness levels, really the best of my life and at an age of almost 69. Ebikes are truly a wonder.

Today's ride was an afternoon dash around our county's farmland...41 miles in 2 hour 22 minutes.

View attachment 35746
Nicely done sir.
I need to take some time off work!
Really racking up the miles this month. I started out to make this my best month ever. Last July I rode 1060 miles. I wanted to surpass that. I hit the 1000 mile mark today with a week of July riding still in front of me. I am hoping to hit the 2,000 kilometer(1243 miles) mark by month's end. Averaging 40 miles per day, I am hitting new fitness levels, really the best of my life and at an age of almost 69. Ebikes are truly a wonder.:)

Today's ride was an afternoon dash around our county's farmland...41 miles in 2 hour 22 minutes.
I knew you would get over the door incident and look at you now, its amazing what you can achieve if you put your mind to it, you are an inspiration to all of us :) Ebikes really are wonderful, they change lives for the better :)
Some sort of ride photo. It doesn’t show much riding environment but I took this photo during my Wednesday evening ride.
10.05 pm and not just the ending of the day, my camera battery was running low too so I had to turn the camera off for a few minutes and then on again and quickly compose and shoot.
Some sort of ride photo. It doesn’t show much riding environment but I took this photo during my Wednesday evening ride.
10.05 pm and not just the ending of the day, my camera battery was running low too so I had to turn the camera off for a few minutes and then on again and quickly compose and shoot.
View attachment 35803
Amazing photo :)
Tall ship, roller coast, cranes, church steeples, domes and odd towers! I'm usuall pretty good at geography but you have me stumped. Where is this? Boston is my best guess but that is only a guess.
Tall ship, roller coast, cranes, church steeples, domes and odd towers! I'm usuall pretty good at geography but you have me stumped. Where is this? Boston is my best guess but that is only a guess.
Guessing is definitely allowed Alaskan but this time Ravi came up with the right answer;)

What looks like a tall ship is large decorations on the Vasa Museum that exhibits an entire authentic ship from 1628. ( except for masts) The ship capsized almost immediatly on it’s maiden journey not far from the crane to the right. It was located in the mid 1950’s and lifted to surface 1961. Live on TV! It was almost as exciting as the transmission from the moon 8 years later.

The four odd towers are attractions at the amusement park Gröna Lund. Distance from photo position approx. 1km.
Photo is shot with an Olympus OMD EM5 with a short, 45mm, tele lens. That’s like a 90mm on your old cameras that you used to load with film like Kodachrome or Fuji or Agfa according to preference. I’ve cropped the original width maybe 20% and a lot more on height.

The nearest object is most likely the crane to the left, about 650m from photo position. It’s an old crane decorated to look like a giraffe. Fantastic Idea by an artist. The large crane to the right appears to be quite near but I don’t know. Have to go back and check.
The church to the right is nearly 4km away. Even if it sounds hard to beleive at first I’m quite sure because it is a big church on a hill and its angle or roof line towards photo pos., seems right.


Decimal point is a comma in Sweden. White dot is my photo position.
So many words in a photo thread:oops:
I have been riding today. 52km.


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Above is the fireworks barge in English Bay getting ready for the "Celebration of Light". I think I did about 100k today BUT not sure since my Bikespeed RS stopped working and the figs changed on my Intuvia. I had over 9100 km but now it says 8200. The dongle quit boosting about 15 k into the ride and I can tell you that made me a very grumpy senior citizen. Now I think I know what a crackhead feels like when he loses his pipe. Grrrrr..... I can't drive 25.....
Guessing is definitely allowed Alaskan but this time Ravi came up with the right answer;)

Thank you for such a detailed explanation of your outstanding photograph. What a marvelous city you live in! On my bucket list to be sure.
Thank you for such a detailed explanation of your outstanding photograph. What a marvelous city you live in! On my bucket list to be sure.
Fuel up Alaskan Song and come to Stockholm through the archipelago as other cruise ships do:D