Show us pictures of where you ride your ebikes!

Yesterday my knee felt good enough to get back on the steed for a test run. Still hurt a bit but whatevs...
Also wanted to try out the new lid and it was a nice day after 2 days of rain, so...

Wandered down to the entrance to the Delta greenway and headed in...

Hmmm... looks like the wind must have blown some small trees down, so I pulled most of it off the trail...

Nope... not gonna fight with this one, so lifted the bike over it and carried on...

Until this. A hiker had told me the trail was flooded (he had plastic bags on his feet!), and he was NOT kidding. I was not feeling up to testing this out, so turned around...

Major construction in the area...

Then today with the knee feeling almost 100% I went out for another shorty.

If you zoom in on this pic you'll see the name of the company on the van is "Neat Gardening" Bwahahahaha...

Anyway, I feel like the crash is behind me now. Also, last three rides have totaled a little over 102kms on one charge with 36% still left in the tank. That is pretty good IMHO...
On another note, today was quite a bit cooler at 14C/57F, and a bit windy to boot. Necessitated 2 layers of long sleeve and I traded the open finger gloves for full.
The new lid definitely has more airflow. I think in the winter I'm going to need a thin toque/cap as well...