Show us pictures of where you ride your ebikes!

Hopefully no one here is tired of looking at more wintry scenes. However, thanks to El Nino, it’s almost looking like the chances of a true classic Alberta winter are going to be low. I’m willing to bet there will still be a few more periods of high impact weather but the last two weeks of warmer conditions have really made a difference to shortening the winter season. It now feels like early spring with temperatures more typical of March despite what some experts might indicate. ;)

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The past week was no exception but when it comes to riding winter trails there’s always a double-edged sword to the mild weather as some of the singles at various locations are beginning to look rather sketchy. Numerous freeze and thaw cycles have led to narrow icy tracts that require a bit more cautious approach. Level sections of ice are fine but it’s the off-camber segments are a need for concern that come at you particularly if tire pressures aren’t sufficiently low enough.

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It was another sunny bluebird day so it wasn’t hard to get super stoked on today’s ride.

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To get to the deeper stuff, one just has to know where to look.

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I came up on this slick section of walkway as I made my way home. It definitely calls out for a need to have your shoes outfitted with cleats which are akin to riding on studded tires. Either that or waddle along like a penguin. 🐧

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Awesome! Truly amazing what speed you get up to, especially at the beginning of the video!
I zoom on his display it does not show average speed.
Bigfoot can probably average 10mph with Prairie Dog on it.
Awesome! Truly amazing what speed you get up to, especially at the beginning of the video!
That’s ideally what condition the hardpack should be in to gain the most traction but realize that’s not always going to be the case. Two days after that footage was shot, I was going maybe half the speed down the same stretch. As I was returning home up the same hill, much of the snow on the sides of the pathway had melted and the center had transformed into a mass of patchy ice. So far to date, I haven’t lost any studs which is amazing as I do find myself riding in dry conditions from time to time as I make my way towards the trail heads.

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I zoom on his display it does not show average speed.
Bigfoot can probably average 10mph with Prairie Dog on it.
That's pretty well what I average maintained either on Eco/Trail modes. Speed on this bike is somewhat irrelevant as it gets ridden almost exclusively on trails. Up to this point, my average is around 17 kph and max is 43 kph.
Here's my ride pics.
Within 7 miles from home. Bought some local fruits and vegetables, frozen lobster and rode to the liquor store got a bottle of Kendall Jack wine.
It was a normal Saturday until my Dad called wanted me to go fix a broken drawer in one of his tenants room.
So I rode another 3 miles out of my route.
He paid me $100. Philippine culture if someone offered you money it is bad luck to not accept. So I took the money.


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Wow... 3 days short of a month ago since I got a ride in last...
Seeing the rain again this morning was disappointing, but I was hopeful.
Weather broke a bit after noon, so I gave it another hour and took a chance on a short ride to Mud bay and back.
Rumour was the rain was done.

Expected the trails to be very sloppy, but they were way better than expected!

Dayum... still closed because of the train derailment on Nov 19/2023. No guards anymore though...

Took to the roads going back home. This house looks... um... busy...

This low rent shack would be tolerable...

Did a quick shopping stop, then home! Felt great to get out finally.
Wow... 3 days short of a month ago since I got a ride in last...
Seeing the rain again this morning was disappointing, but I was hopeful.
Weather broke a bit after noon, so I gave it another hour and took a chance on a short ride to Mud bay and back.
Rumour was the rain was done.

Expected the trails to be very sloppy, but they were way better than expected!
Nice Dave. Finally glad hear some positive news about the weather out there. No mention of the adversarial lagoon that you are so fond of though. ;)
Nice Dave. Finally glad hear some positive news about the weather out there. No mention of the adversarial lagoon that you are so fond of though. ;)
Yeah, I REALLY wanted to see that stretch of the greenway open.. Alas we must wait it would seem.
Oh well, got some rotation in, and that's what mattered! :)
Sunday was even nicer! Didn't expect that at all (stupid weather apps).
Finally some sunshine, even though it was a degree or so less than Sat, the sun made it feel way better!

Barges upon barges, as far as the eye can see... span...

Oddly bleak looking...

The bike needs a bath...

Rack 'em and stack 'em...

We ended up receiving around 3” of fresh snow which made for a good workout even on the fat bike. It was all good as the temp was slightly above seasonal at -6C and for most of the ride the sun was out. 👍



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My son lived there for a couple of years and it was an awesome place to visit in the summer. In the winter, not so much. Now I know why all the people from Seattle come to my hood when the calendar hits November...
I had time to click this photo 1 or two years ago an influx of bums from mainland USA Block this bridge with tarpaulin made it their campsite.
Locals were not happy and they sent pest control people to pepper spray campsite at prescribed time.
Now it's pretty nice to see and safe to ride through.
I stopped, looked under the bridge making sure no bums living underneath it.
One picture is my exclusive bike path on Hawaii Energy petroleum pipeline path way.
It's exclusive to me because it's only me and wild chickens are using it.


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It's about freakin' time...
Weather, work, and other stuff has kept me off the bike until today. Brushed the cobwebs off the bike (and myself) and headed out with some fantastic temps in the forecast.
Left home at 14C and expecting higher. Did not disappoint. Down to 2 long sleeve layers, and regular gloves.

Yup, still closed. Rats... almost 5 months now!

Complete gridlock on Hwy 99 heading South to the border...

The tide is NOT HIGH, and I'm movin' on...

Mount Baker at 10x zoom...

No idea...

No politics, but yeah...

Half way through I had to lose the top layer.
3/4 of the way I had to roll up my sleeves. Ended the ride at 19C. Could have been shorts and t-shirt!
It's about freakin' time...
Weather, work, and other stuff has kept me off the bike until today. Brushed the cobwebs off the bike (and myself) and headed out with some fantastic temps in the forecast.
Left home at 14C and expecting higher. Did not disappoint. Down to 2 long sleeve layers, and regular gloves.

Yup, still closed. Rats... almost 5 months now!

Complete gridlock on Hwy 99 heading South to the border...

The tide is NOT HIGH, and I'm movin' on...

Mount Baker at 10x zoom...

No idea...

No politics, but yeah...

Half way through I had to lose the top layer.
3/4 of the way I had to roll up my sleeves. Ended the ride at 19C. Could have been shorts and t-shirt!
Good to see you out @DaveMatthews .
Thanks mate. 'Twas a mere 32kms but after weeks off it was a good start. Silly thing was packing a water bottle, and when I stopped for a water/Nuun tab break I found the bottle had leaked out into my Topeak bag. Dang... one small swig left... 🤣
If it's only a swig left, I prefer a dram ... but then it's almost the Saint's day ...
I have just been tooling the neighborhood daily, trying to get my legs back under me, I'll post if/when that happens.