Hard to believe that it’s been almost a month since
@DaveMatthews last post so I thought that it might be a good time for a revival of sorts. Hallelujah!
With the recent arrival of warmer weather that we’ve all come to expect here, I decided to check out what the conditions were like out at the Riverbend Rec Area yesterday and I must say that I was delighted. The Riverbend Ring involves a loop half of which is comprised of groomed XC ski trails and the other half a multi-use double track. I don’t ever recall seeing any other bikes on the XC trails and I think that I know why. There are some steepish hills to overcome that might turn some away and the ground conditions are not always in the shape that they were in yesterday. Ungroomed and too soft snow would even overwhelm the fattest of tires.
The sun was shining bright as I started the 10 km ride out to the site from home. There’s no greater sensation than warm rays on your face and with the ambient temp well above normal I was stoked to get there asap.
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Talk about sheer bliss. I was feeling super pumped when I rolled up and approached the first hill. The wide track appeared to be recently pack rolled as the crisp looking corduroy was ultra fine with just enough firmness to allow adequate traction to get me up the climbs. There is some etiquette involved when either walking or biking along these XC runs. I usually try and keep to the center so as not to disturb the set tracks on either side. Sliding the rear end of the bike out was really tempting but a definite no no as I would likely wreck the work that had been done to ensure the integrity of the groomed runs.
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I kicked it up a notch and powered my way up the snow groomed runs with little hesitation. The low psi of the tires combined with their large footprint made quick work for the Norco.
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Downhill runs were an absolute blast and thankfully I only came across one lone skier along the trail in the distance heading in the opposite direction.
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It suddenly became overcast about 1/3 of the way into the ride and by the time I reached the top the sun had completely disappeared from sight.
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Heading back down the other half loop, the rays peered through the clouds and all was well again.
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A few more miles to go and back on terra firma of sorts. I aired up the tires which made for a brisk pace back to home base.
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