I want to shake the hand of the person who can pull this trick off.
And who the heck thought it was a good idea in the first place?!!???
Anyway, yesterday's weather SUCKED! So had to take advantage today. Beautiful 16C and sunny.
It was windy though so there was some battery abuse...
Down to River road on the way West...
Deas Island Park viewpoint of Fraser River...
Looking West at Hwy 17...
After going through Ladner, headed East on Ladner Trunk Road, then South on 64th to meet up with the Mud Bay Path...
I stopped and spoke to a fellow ebiker who had a rear wheel flat. His bike was a retro conversion with a huge battery pack in saddle bags on the rear. I can only imagine the weight of the rider plus batteries on the rear tire. No obvious piercing or rip in the tube. New wheel, new spokes.
Anyway I was ready to help him out but his wife showed up with their van to load it up.
Then off through Watershed park...
And we're out...