Show us pictures of where you ride your ebikes!

Over the weekend unseasonably warm temperatures did a number on the single tracks and made them a little too soft for my liking. I decided to wait until the things cooled down again before heading out onto the trails. I’m glad that I did as the mercury dropped to -10C overnight creating a hard crusty surface and at times a patchwork of ice and bare frozen ground which the studs just ate up. It was a perfect setting for a morning ride which ultimately allowed me to hustle the Levo along at a faster pace.

Making my way up to the top of the bluff along the Bench single track

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Still on the Bench, this icy descent was made more challenging with dirt partially covering the trail.

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Near the end of the trail, this fallen log has been blocking the trail all winter long and will likely remain untouched until someone comes along with a chainsaw. Yeah, that ain’t gonna happen any time soon. The private landowners are quite tolerant of people utilizing the trail but likely wouldn't go as far as providing any degree of trail maintenance which is understandable.

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The sun finally made a brief appearance on the Pines single which cheered me up for all but 30 seconds. :rolleyes:

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I spotted this cow moose and her calf feeding on one of the many poplar trees near the Kerrywood Nature Center. I was mindful of their privacy and did my best to scoot by unnoticed. Last thing I wanted to deal with was a confrontation with an irritated parent.

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Closer to home along the pathway in Kin Canyon the sun peeked through the clouds long enough for me to get a shot of the bike.

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I eked by with 55% charge at the start of the ride and likely had enough gas in the tank to hit another trail but decided instead to head home for lunch.

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Might be an optical/camera thing but a couple of those passages in between trees looked pretty darn close! How wide are your bars?
Might be an optical/camera thing but a couple of those passages in between trees looked pretty darn close! How wide are your bars?
I cut them down 20mm on either side from the stock 800mm width. With many of the tight singles that I ride it was a no brainer for me. The narrower width definitely helps me maintain a consistent pace along the trail and better suits my shorter reach.
As we're talking toilets.....Highland motorsport park Cromwell NZ. "Loo with a View", there is one way class which allows a view of the track while doing your business. Its at the start of the new Dunstan trail.


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I cut them down 20mm on either side from the stock 800mm width. With many of the tight singles that I ride it was a no brainer for me. The narrower width definitely helps me maintain a consistent pace along the trail and better suits my shorter reach.
Although I changed my bars to raise 30mm, I kept the stock 780mm width. Sometimes they feel a bit wide. Hmmm...
Although I changed my bars to raise 30mm, I kept the stock 780mm width. Sometimes they feel a bit wide. Hmmm...
You could always try moving the components inboard on your bars, ride in that position for a while and see what a shorter length feels like before you decide to cut.
I cut off my OEM handlebar 1/2" or 13mm both side. The bollard is narrow and bridge.


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As we're talking toilets.....Highland motorsport park Cromwell NZ. "Loo with a View", there is one way class which allows a view of the track while doing your business. Its at the start of the new Dunstan trail.
Wow, hitting a target in a urinal is one thing. Playing a tune with 3 urinals is next-level!

Guess you have to drink a lot of beer and save up to get in a few bars. (Hmmm, selling more beer could be their plan.)

So what's the etiquette here? Do you take the sax and then try to pick up the rhythm section?
Pictures of 'Take the long way home'.. Ride to Barbers Point an old Naval airbase now use by coast guard.
When I took this picture of the barn someone came out and asked why I was taking pictures.
I said I took a picture of my bike and show it to the security guard.


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Despite my initial hesitation to ride today as a result of last night’s snowfall, I decided to hit the trails when I noticed how sunny it was this afternoon. There was no mistaking how it feels once those warm rays hit your face and make you forget about the sub-zero temps. I was instantly smitten and knew that I was going to have great day regardless of the ground conditions.

I rode an out-and-back along the Pines single track and found it to be in surprisingly great shape. I could only see one set of tire tracks so I chose the same line and was rewarded with a trouble-free ride both ways.


Today’s ride was a bit of payback for me for the days that I missed last month due to extreme cold and snowfall. With that said, I am still looking forward to warmer weather when I’ll really be able to stretch my legs on some longer road rides as my better half and I begin training for our trip out to the West Coast.

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Stand-alone heated gloves don’t really work for me and I choose e-liners instead under insulated lobster mitts. It’s the only way I’m able to keep my hands warm in brutally cold conditions although today’s temperature was a balmy -14C wind chill. :cool:

Weather here has been nothing from beautiful plenty rain since Saturday evening non stop till Monday afternoon.
Tuesday I finally got to see my Sunshine again.
I got on Da Ridiculous Bike and did an
afternoon recreational ride 15 miles total.
Pictures where I rode. Just breaking in new MTX red race pads.
So much rain, on my exit 7, that's the pic with tall grasses making the path appear narrow compared to previous pics taken during summer time.
I'm amazed how grasses grow very fast.


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