Show us pictures of where you ride your ebikes!

just went to boring and it was boring everyone around me is dying of boredom.
a little trip to the seaside and called in to see the wife while i was over that way as she was busy working .the weather on the sea front was bloody chilly .. lol glad i had my jacket on, had a quick cuppa and a few biccies with the boss then came back the selenic route Redmarshall longnewton then back into Darlo on the NCN14
managed 71 Smiles ..
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Where is the seaside port in the pictures located?
Random pictures of today's ride home, peahens and peacocks on these paths run in the shrubs when they see me coming.


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2 weeks ago i was shown a couple of new and better roads for my Barnard castle loop thanks to Eddie + Tony ,plus it extended it a little ... so today i thought i would re-run it just to see if i remember it correctly. (its an AGE thing ) . made it round and there was only one junction i was fussy on ,and a quick look at os map on phone soon sorted it out .
A good day out if a bit chilly first thing but was able to remove a layer and swop gloves for mitts after i had a coffee at Eppleby a big thanks to the staff there as they were closed but still made me a coffee , only i little hiccup though while i did the change of attire i put the phone on the seat and then rode off without it luckily i noticed a couple of miles so not to far to go for it .
some time i think i should not be allowed out on my own . lol

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Another 30km ride to Tynehead and back. Haven't ridden in two weeks and felt it.

Always wanted to try a rider mower...

This doesn't look too good...

Destination achieved, and it started to spit a little rain...

What would a great Saturday be without walking your cat?

Good question... the gloves seem to be saying "I don't know".

Trying to beat the rain home... Success!

Most of my rides have been to and from work so this morning after bowl of raisin bran. I set off to ride on the Historic Pear Harbor bike paths. I had an encounter with some wild "Poi" dogs, poi means mix breed. They were standing in formation right in the middle of the path. They didn't look vicious but I passed with caution the brown dog gave a brief chase but it soon gave up I stopped and snapped a shot.
I carried on and continue riding with no particular destination in mind just wanting to rack up 20 miles. Mangoes are in season, along side the path I picked some green ones and stuff them in my bag. I will drop them to my sister for pickling, I like to eat it on the side with roast beef sandwich. On the return home I pedaled leisurely on eco stopping to snap a few more pics. Gladly the dogs were no where in sight but I was still cautious. Overall it was a fantastic morning ride. Hopefully the coming weather will be favorable for riding, because it is still rainy season here, I think. Btw one the pics is called The Peace Bell, a Japanese Shinto Mission placed it there next to the Pearl Harbor the bike path.


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Another 30km ride to Tynehead and back. Haven't ridden in two weeks and felt it.

Always wanted to try a rider mower...

This doesn't look too good...

Destination achieved, and it started to spit a little rain...

What would a great Saturday be without walking your cat?

Good question... the gloves seem to be saying "I don't know".

Trying to beat the rain home... Success!

HOW DO MUCH YOU EFFORT GIVE 🐱 (couldn't find a white cat)
Heading over the Alex Fraser bridge...

Looking north at the apex with the North Shore mountains in the background...

Looking east up the south arm of the Fraser river...

This 6" cotter pin holds the bridge together...

Which one would you want to live in?

Can see the bridge peaks in the background...

What the duck are you doing in the middle of the road?

Was tired on the way back, but not that tired!

I just spent a week riding around daily in Grand Canyon National Park. All at the South Rim. From Mather Point to the end of the road at Hermit's Rest; and then a little further along the dirt road to the picnic benches at the very edge of the Canyon. You can go a little further than this pictured spot, but its going to be straight down. The average drop off the lip is 4000 feet. And yes that picnic table is on the very edge. I stayed on this side of it. the next day I was back with a burrito for lunch and the wind was so strong from behind I had to strap my helmet to my backpack to keep it from blowing away. Weather report said 30 mph steady and 50 mph gusts but I think they were over 60.

There is a foot trail that rides the lip of the South Rim that very seldom has a railing. This is one of the few spots that does.


Everyone has seen pictures of the Grand Canyon. But if you haven't actually seen it with your own eyes, The sheer size of it does not register via a picture. Everyone who was there for the first time said this. What you see literally doesn't look real until you take it in and accept what you're seeing Some spots are as much as 6000 feet deep, down from where you're standing.



This time of year, passenger vehicle traffic is not permitted. The only traffic are park shuttle buses that run about every 15 minutes. So you mostly own the road and ride down the middle of it. Helpful because you are looking at the view as much as you are looking where you are going and having a safety cushion is a plus (remember... no railings). This time of year, I had the place to myself as often as not. this is a turnout that would ordinarily be packed with tourists. I walked out into the middle of the road to take this pic. Nothing here but the view, me, the bike and the sound of the wind.


Along the Hermits Rest route, there is a greenway/shared path along part of the route. There's no way a bike can run on the pedestrian-only trail that runs along the lip of the canyon. You'd be insane to even try it at analog speeds. Here in the USA we often decry the fact we have a society that wants to bubble-wrap us. Well... not at GCNP. Park benches are right at the freaking lip. And if you stumble off the trail... Sayonara. I have friends who live in the area and they say they see local news stories all the time of dumbasses who screw up and go into the Canyon. Here's an example. This is *exactly* what it looks like: A runway straight to the edge (note the bench to sit on at the right side). With a helpful bit of advice on not riding your way to that bench. I kid you not it is straight f**king down just past those stones at the end of the pavement.



I was tent camping there for the week (last day there it snowed a little; nights were cold and I had to let the sun be up for a bit to ensure I charged above freezing temps). No plug-in electricity. So how do you do an ebike when there is no 'e'?
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