Show us pictures of where you ride your ebikes!

Definitely a perfect Sunday! I was also out riding Loudoun, though a bit north of Readytoride since I elected to do one of my northern loops.


Photos were all taken on an iphone xs max, while riding and wearing gloves. Time was short and I didn't want to stop. Good bike handling practice!



@Readytoride, do what I did. Buy the 3in /75 mm A-HEAD stem riser 1-1/8" diameter. It is a standard MTB item. It will rise the handlebars the way your wrist become relieved. Don't try anything taller or the cable stretch wouldn't let you do it. I'm on a long ride now but am taking a photo for you now.
A-HEAD Stem Riser.jpg
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It was just too nice to sit around so I decided against my rest day, an even stronger easterly wind today which was so strong it blew my bike over when I stopped for a snack, no damage thankfully! After 20 miles it was finally behind me and the last 15 miles were pure bliss! :D Its so strange when you have a strong wind behind you as it feels like that wind that slowed you down and brought tears to your eyes had just disappeared, it was like a summers day on my return leg!:) No photos today as I just wanted to ride my bike and enjoy it as much as possible with no distractions!


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After a cold start to the day this afternoon turned out to be absolutely glorious, 19C and sunny with light winds for a change! 36.5 miles covered today on mostly quiet roads, the only downside was the bugs were out in force :p We can't have it both ways so swallowing a bug or two is preferrable to freezing to death;) I'm actually enjoying the shorter rides because I'm getting out most days now, I have a feeling this is going to be continuing as this lockdown doesn't look like ending anytime soon...


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It's a lovely, comfortable, Thoroughbred fast, breathtakingly silent ebike. I was very impressed with how it handled the rural paved roads, the bi-polar winds, and the indecisive topography. The torque in Turbo mode was powerfully fun and bordered on the edge of addictive. At times I felt the Vado wasn't matching the speed downhill of my LaFree, but then I would look at my gps and realize I was going as fast, perhaps faster than I initially thought. It had to be the more forward position the Vado puts the rider in vs. the more upright LaFree that made me more aero. Hitting those speeds above 20mph with the assist still assisting was beyond satisfying. It was heaven.

I also found, midway through the ride as I continually got off and on to take photos, that it was far easier for me to throw a leg over than to try to step through. It felt more natural, and I was delighted that I could do so very easily and very fluidly without my hips complaining at all - which is a problem with my road bike which is one of the reasons I no longer ride it.
All in all the Vado is one very very sweet bike!

I did, however, uncover one issue that is mine, not the bike's - the more forward stance of the handlebar put a bit more pressure on my hands than I liked, and brought back a touch of carpal tunnel. I had to sit upright several times towards the end of the ride and release all but the tips of my fingers on the grips to get the pressure backed off. Had the same issue initially with the LaFree until the handlebars were adjusted almost fully upright to where my hands simply rest, but don't press. Because the carpal tunnel doesn't appear at all when I ride the LaFree, I had forgotten about it when I first tried out the Vado a month ago. It didn't show up on the Vado until about 20 miles into the ride. Not sure what I'm going to be able to do about it since the Vado's stem which is permanently cranked forward and can't be adjusted. I'll talk to the bike shop and see what they can recommend.

In the meantime I'll just remember to take a B50 or B100 which will stop the carpel tunnel completely from reappearing for the duration of any rides on the Vado until I can do something about the forward stance.

Agreed! That Brose motor is like a silent rocket.

I too have wrist issues and always change stems. This one has two adjustments.
Satori Turn Up. Here’s a link

(Link Removed - No Longer Exists)

Just be sure you have enough cable length.
The Kinect just arrived, and will be installed tomorrow. I took RabH's advice and moved the saddle forward until it was exactly the same distance from the grips as the saddle/grips on my LaFree. Once the Kinect seat post is on...and the rain stops ... I can see if the adjustment works.

Fingers crossed!
@Readytoride Good luck with your Kinect, I hope it solves your wrist problems!

I was going to wait until the afternoon for my ride today but when I went grocery shopping first thing this morning there was no wind at all and it was around 10C! So as soon as I got home from my shopping trip I changed into my cycling gear and set off on a wonderful 43 mile ride in our beautiful countryside, it was just a perfect ride and when I got home the smile on my face said it all :D

Amazingly and without knowing it I actually ended up with a total mileage of 1,600 miles exactly for 2020 after today's ride! I suppose there are some good things about this awful virus, if I was still working I wouldn't be anywhere near that total and our weather has been amazing this past month which is an added bonus! Looks like the rain and the cooler weather is returning next Wednesday so it will soon be back to normal Scottish weather!:p


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These are from a few different rides over the last several days. The first is a shot of a private lake/pond a few miles from the Duke University Lemur Center. The south has lots of views like this and I always feel like dinosaurs are just off in the background. Jordan Lake has been something of a go to ride for me. It's about a 25 mile round trip and the first few times it was relatively traffic free. Of course, I did the ride with a friend a few days ago with the promise of almost no traffic and it was endless cars, contractors' trucks, and motorcycles in both directions. Scenic rides definitely don't work as well when you're spending half the time trying to look in your mirror at the traffic behind you. The Jack Tar Motels were quite popular in the early 60's, back when I thought they were owned by Jack Parr. The one here sat more or less vacant for several years with homeless folk finding shelter in what remained of the rooms. Someone spent several years restoring the motel to its 60's Mad Men glory. Hopefully, the business will survive this stretch. Billy Strayhorn, the jazz composer and Duke Ellington collaborator, was born in Hillsborough apparently. Durham, North Carolina was built around the Bull Durham tobacco company for most of the last decades of the 19th century. The bull has been in the middle of downtown for a while next to what some call Black Wall Street, a stretch of downtown that was an African American financial center (black owned bank, insurance company, etc.) at the turn of the 20th century. A couple blocks away, the front of the courthouse was graced with a statue of a Confederate soldier. The mask on the bull is a recent addition.


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There is something really special about Sunday morning rides and today was no different, 41.5 miles of pure fun on a bike! :D The warm weather has now gone for the foreseeable future but I'm not complaining as I love cycling in cooler weather anyway! The roads were totally deserted when I set off so I started on the main roads for a change, switching to the back roads later as the locals were starting to wake from their Sunday lie in;)


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Here are a few I've encountered over the years:
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Hitting one of these guys at speed could cause a spill. I usually move them off the trail whenever possible. One exception was the 18" snapper I encountered last season. He could have easily taken out a few spokes as well as a finger or two. Unfortunately, I didn't have the camera that day.


It turns out I do have pics of that snapper plus another guy I found on that ride:

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