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Another 50 miler in the bag today, when I woke it was raining heavily so I feared I might miss out today! The forecast was showing light showers at first (yeah right) and a possibilty of heavy showers in the afternoon, I decided to ignore the forecast and look at the sky to decide which direction was best! East was looking good and with a brisk westerly wind behind me I was flying along, all the time I was keeping an eye out for the dark clouds which were mainly to the south, so it was time to head north!

The sky was now clearing nicely so I was really enjoying myself, eventually I had to head west so that meant I was heading into that brisk headwind! This was really eating up my battery power but for the most part it was pretty flat! I could see some nasty black clouds in the distance and feared I might be getting wet...

As I turned to the south I could feel spots of rain hitting my face , actually it was hailstones and they were hurting! Luckily I had just caught the edge of the hail storm and I was soon back in to clearish skies! Looking to the distance I could see more dark clouds which looked like they were circling my home town! The closer I got to home the darker it got, I was sure I was going to get soaked! Thankfully the wind had turned to the south west and it blew the rain clouds away which made me very happy :D

When I got home my bike was filthy so I gave it a thorough wash and 10 minutes after I finished the heavens opened, it was my lucky day for sure😁 5 rides now completed in January with a total of 253 miles, not a bad start to the year:) That's now 12 consecutive 50 milers, no doubt the sequence will end soon ;)


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Another good day before the snowstorm coming this weekend... let's grab a friend and head for the Saratoga Battlefield again! This one is from the British position guarding Burgoyne's headquarters encampment in Fall 1777. That's the Hudson River flowing south, picture looking north towards Schuylerville. This was the battle that changed the course of the war, largely due to the failure of the British in New York City to send expected support troops up to Burgoyne.

It was about 35 degrees today, Chris is a tough guy with the shorts. He was on his Specialized Stumpjumper acoustic mountain bike, and other than the hills, I had a hell of a time keeping up with him!


That's Vermont over there past that mountain.
Meet my favourite touring buddy, the Lovelec Diadem e-bike. While I love riding out my Vado 5.0 for fast trips, for example to drop in to some friends in Warsaw for a coffee, I prefer Lovelec for longer rides as it feels more "acoustic", requires more pedalling effort but has far better range than the Specialized e-bike. I made Lovelec winter-ready but luckily it is still not snowing. I looked through the window, at the termometer... +10 C, sunshine, though windy? Riding out now!


Somewhere in the rural part of Mazovia, the central region of Poland. Mazovia is as flat as a pancake.

The route consisted mostly of perfect new asphalt, some damaged blacktop and perhaps 2-3 unpaved roads. That one was bad, you see rocks projecting from the soil. Bad on tyres! The green in the background are winter crops.

Taking a deserved rest at the Borough Office in Baranów. There was a very strong headwind on the outward trip, compensated with pleasant tailwind on the way back. The three flags are: the flag of the borough (it is a ram, from the name of the village), Polish flag and the flag of European Union. Hard to get them in focus with a DSLR though 😊 I can also tell you I was sweating a little.

If no wind, I would be riding everyday.

I found out the handlebars were at wrong angle so I spent a lot of time fixing it and the display mount too 4 km after I set off for the trip, still in my town of Brwinów.
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5-6°C (42°F) this afternoon and forecast promised no rain so I went for a ride.
Started late as usual but managed to get to the Specialized Concept store before closing time ( 3 pm) to have a look at the Creo Evo. Can’t afford it but dreaming is free and I will test ride it later this spring.
Went to check out some parts for a computer I’m planning to build and then continued my ride though it was already getting dark.

30km today, mostly east of central Stockholm. There was a little rain on my way out and on also riding through town on my way home but not much to worry about. Pictures taken in the red circled area.

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A 43.5 km ride to see my daughter. Now, that was cold! The temperature on the return way was 3 C (37 F) and nasty upwind on the outward route. That was the first time I regretted not having bought true winter gloves yet and I think I should start wearing my "arctic" shoes. There is no doubt, my touring e-bike is not missing any proper lighting :DThe Knog Road Blinder R70 (rear) set to only 2 LEDs and CatEye 1700 just in the lowest beam setting yet (before it was dark and before I was zooming through the rural area).

On the outward route I was using all possible dedicated bike lanes I could find (mid assistance level) but as it was getting dark fast, I took the return route through villages with Turbo mode on. During the current weather I prefer riding my Lovelec to Vado, as the former has far better battery range. Besides, Lovelec as "a normal e-bike" allows using bike lanes while Vado 5.0 can only be ridden on public roads.

Smartphone photos were taken at my favourite stop in Tłuste. The name translates to "Fat (Place)", and it makes me amused any time I'm there.



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Another icy start to the day so I waited patiently for it to melt and thankfully it did, I made a mistake by taking to the back roads though and quickly realised it was a day for the main gritted roads! Another enjoyable 50 mile ride which takes my 2020 total to 303 miles, I never expected January to be so fruitful :D Not the most scenic ride today but just getting out at this time of year is a bonus!


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Sunny, sunny day! Yes, 2 degrees Celsius, westerly 18 km/h wind, so what? I spent a small fortune on proper winter clothing so let's use that! Especially with my new "arctic" gloves and of course sun-protecting goggles.

It was an extremely nice ride on my Vado, limited to 35 km for range anxiety (the battery was charged at 82% when I started). I passed two local craft beer breweries (Artezan in Błonie and Jabeerwocky in Domaniewek) -- @Browneye, do you hear me? :D Jabeerwocky is still under construction. Unluckily, with my newly developed diabetes I can hardly drink any beer so I did not stop on my route there.


It looks as if I operated a tractor. In fact, it is a bus stop. The poster behind me is about a local meeting "How to get a UE grant for solar panels", hehe.


Taking a rest at a village store. Such stores are not very impressive in Poland but they accept your debit or credit cards and you'll always find what you need for refreshments there .Note that my Vado is fastened with a Kryptonite Keeper U-lock. We live in rather quiet and safe neighbourhood but you never know. A couple of days ago a guy stole a Specialized Turbo Levo on a demo ride in Warsaw... The bike was later recovered by the police.

Strava crashed on the ride and Endomondo didn't Auto-stop. Luckily the BLOKS display works OK.

Note the rider's output in kcal is calculated a way more correctly than poor Endomondo does. Note, actual ride time was 1:30. One minute was spent to bring the bike down to the garage and take pictures.


Updated Endomondo stats. Strava badly crashed.
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The forecast for tomorrow is looking rather miserable so I decided to brave the bitterly cold wind and drizzle today, thankfully it paid off and I was even greeted with some dry roads thanks to the gusty winds. 55 miles today which takes my 2020 total to 358 miles from 7 rides with an average of 51.14 miles. Over 4000ft of climbing today so it was quite a workout! I really didn't expect such a mileage in January, we are still waiting for proper winter to arrive and if it doesn't I will be exstatic :D This was my 14th consecutive 50 mile plus ride, I'm sure it will come to end soon though...


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Nothing too exciting here in Portland.


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My first ride in road clipless pedals ever :)

It was such a dull and cold day (at least the wind was more merciful) that I considered driving a car to see my daughter. My friend Jerzy who is now 72 and is an avid acoustic bike rider (and an e-bike hater) takes care about my health, knowing I need daily rides. So he encouraged me on Facebook to ride out (he wouldn't move his ass from the couch at such weather!) As I thought it was colder than it really was, I decided to pull my winter riding shoes on...

Quite a long and uninspiring story: I bought wrong winter riding shoes last Autumn. The size was right but the shoe type was wrong. As a newbie in modern cycling, I didn't notice those were road-cycling clipless shoes. When I finally understood that it was already too late to return the shoes, and these are quite expensive. So I had to buy Shimano SPD SL pedals, too.

To make a long story short: I managed not to get killed on the ride. I hate the SPD system, especially the one for road cycling but at least the shoes were warm. Regarding the balaclava, I have to modify it so wearing glasses would be more comfortable.


It is good to carry basic tools in the pannier. Out of sudden, one of my Mirrycles loosened up and I had to fix it at my favorite bus stop in the village of Milęcin.


I took a route recommended for off-road bikes. "Pass" is a very strange place-name, decidedly non-Polish but it is just a name created some time in the history. Pass is the home for numerous logistics companies. Later, I was forced to ride several kilometers through real off-road among the fields and it was the first time I dreamed of a full-suspension bike...


A funny signpost. It is decidedly too short and I happen to bang the sign with my helmeted head from time to time while fastening and unfastening the bike :D

The return happened to be at dark. Even if it was very cold (perceived temperature of -3 C) it was a great pleasure to zoom on brand new tarmac roads between the fields, no traffic there and the road only lit with the powerful original Specialized 600 lumen headlight. Yet I think glucose level in my blood dropped down too much and I felt miserable on the last 8.5 km, dreaming to get home fast.

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When I first bought platform shoes
I thought platform pedals required and allowed normal shoes? "Clipless pedals" require special shoes and cleats.
Do we understand each other on the terminology? Do you mean stiff sport shoes specifically dedicated to mountain cycling?
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Now I got it! They are not, however, good for the winter. Looking for some good "normal" very warm shoes.