Rockstar owners

Unfortunately, like Taylor57, I have the same question and I'm extremely disappointed in Sondors with regards to their capability to deliver. So giving it a rest, I do not believe, is the right answer. I find it strange that no one is saying is Sondors gonna make this right? Just in case, i paid in full for mine in June 2020 and am still waiting! They told me a few weeks ago "you're one of the first that will receive, look for a delivery notice in march"... stay tuned, i'll provide an update soon.
My guess is BillH is a Sonders or employee of...
The way I see it is they are saying estimated deliveries should be starting around the end of this month, that's only 2 weeks from now. We should be getting some good information about this very soon one way or the other.
My guess is BillH is a Sonders or employee of...
You couldn't possibly be any further from the truth. I'm one of those that ordered last June when these bikes were announced and impatiently waited 8 months for a bike that was supposed to arrive four months ago. I just don't need or appreciate someone who wants to keep rubbing salt in the wound.
The disappointment of not being able to get one of these after agreeing to wait for 6 months is there, along with optimism and excitement of getting what was promised. They are going to be here soon enough The other two models have been released and are pretty much exactly as described. Although they are heavier and possibly a little bit taller than originally promised it will work for me and probably for most of the people that placed the orders.
The disappointment of not being able to get one of these after agreeing to wait for 6 months is there, along with optimism and excitement of getting what was promised. They are going to be here soon enough The other two models have been released and are pretty much exactly as described. Although they are heavier and possibly a little bit taller than originally promised it will work for me and probably for most of the people that placed the orders.
You are the sweetest guy in the world or you work for Sondors. I vote for the second.
Qualifying a 6" increase, verified by EBR, in lower saddle height of being "possibly a little bit taller" is, at least, questionable.
It seems that BillH is also a member of your jovial club.
Qualifying a 6" increase, verified by EBR, in lower saddle height of being "possibly a little bit taller" is, at least, questionable.
It seems that BillH is also a member of your jovial club.
Thanks for the kind words my Canuck friend, eh!
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Great review on the LX. Happy to see that to tide over my excitement while I wait for my Rockstar. (I bought the RS a couple of weeks ago realizing I may well be in for a longer than planned/agreed wait.)

Noticed this down in the comments for those that ordered early....and trust internet info.

C lockburner

C lockburner

21 hours ago

The ship finally made it to port, they should be there this week or next.
Even if the Rockstars are ever delivered, it was a s*it-show, they are overweight and all you schills should be ashamed of yourselves...
I kind of thought that this thread being titled Rockstar meant that mostly positive things would be said about this ebike. I know that negative things will be said from time to time but I don't think that it's supposed be a Sondors bashing thread.
Lightning I like your positive attitude. Negativity has its value too but it seems to run it course pretty quickly comparatively.

For weeks now I've been thinking that someone who ordered early might be in a good position to make a tidy profit here soon if they are disappointed with their choice.

I've only ridden an ebike a few times now. I did a ride with my wife on a trail that we have hiked before and traveling through the beautiful trees and paths at a quicker pace suddenly had the value of an ebike click for me.

I started researching and the Rockstar seemed to fit the bill perfectly for what I want to experience. Reading that things are running long just meant that I will want to get a different ebike to ride in the interim.
Thanks for the support. For some reason I feel compelled to give as much as i can until the Rockstar gets delivered to everyone that could see the vision.