Rize Liberty 52v 1000w - journal

Garage installed both the end of handle bar mirrors as well as the rear view camera.
Shouldn't have any problems seeing what is behind me - if I would only sit down.

I own a great phone with an extremely lousy camera. It's always been lousy, right out of the box.
Everything turns out fuzzy. I'll try a few more photos of my bike to upload - but not with the phone.

Short video showing the ((!)) in a circle. Could be nothing serious, just want to make sure.



The Rize website shows the display without the ((!)). Hence my question.


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Rode the bike to work today.

Happy accident - two methods of rear view monitoring for two different riding styles. The rear view camera display rests on a powerful small arm swivel that the garage installed. The display, swiveled to face the sky, is perfect for stand up riding. This fixes a huge problem that I didn't want to look at before. Now when I am seated I have the end of handlebar rear view mirrors, and when I am standing, I have the rear view camera. Overjoyed.

🤸‍♂️Stand-up and heel positions.

🔹Rear View Display
▪️Out of the box - used for several hours. No noticeable glaring issues
▪️Charged completely after first use - until the red light turned blue
▪️Needed recharging too soon - after about 10 minutes use
▪️Charged completely for 2nd time
▪️Can be removed from mount for easier recharge

Noted email contact in the manual should issues arise - will contact if there is an issue.

🛠️ Update: April 3, 2022
I am thinking about removing the end of handlebar mirrors and just having the Rear View Camera/Display only. The end of handlebar mirrors are awesome looking and well made, but, they are a pain in the butt, as they are always coming loose. I will fidget with them for another few weeks before pulling the plug.

🛠️ UPDATE: April 10, 2022
It takes hours to recharging the rear view display when there are two bars used.

🛠️ UPDATE: April 14, 2022
I started carrying an allan key for my end of handlebar mirrors to tighten on the go. The rear view camera display and my main display are both not easy to see with my tinted goggles on. I will review this concern again in various weather conditions. Today was bright and sunny and the rear view display was not good to use. I had to rely on my end of handlebar mirrors to see back there.

📵 Side bar: I've never had an interest in mounting my phone on my handlebars.
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Rode the bike in the rain this morning. The tires are great.

I strapped my work bag onto the rear rack.
But, unbeknownst to me, the bag fell off.
I noticed it missing when I was almost at work.
On doubling back to search for it I found it in the middle of a trail.
It's a good thing that it happened early on a rainy morning.
It's a walker's trail and I've no doubt that a walker would have picked it up and the
bag would have eventually made its way to the local police station.

🔹Supplies wanted
▪️Digital Thermometer - March 25th, ordered a little stick on one.

🔹Bike upgrades
▪️Front Rack: Pros - more storage. Cons - more weight
As far as I can tell, this bike design is not saddle bag friendly. Or, I just don't see how it could be done yet.

⚡Updates: April 7th, 2022
Yes, there are saddlebags for bikes without back frames.
After still more research into the design of this model, I am seeing that it is not saddlebags that were commonly used for designs such as the Liberty, but cube shaped containers on the rear rack. such as cases, boxes, and crates. Very collegiate looking. Maybe I will look at designing my own cube carrier. Still though. I don't feel that the rack is meant to carry heavy things. Does not feel like a solid rack to me.

See moped: Honda, Peugeot Cyclomotour, etc.

▪️Helmet - The helmet that I am currently using is the Bell Sport Mag-1 Rally type in white with black peak. I can't find my exact model online as mine has air vents on the top and sides. I also wear a EVS T5 Pinner in matte black/white for scooter riding.
▪️Riding pants - FuBu Apparel Company. I wear these over my cloths on most rides. I didn't wear them today and I felt the chill.
▪️Goggles - I've been researching goggles or riding glasses lately. I discovered that I need OTG friendly products.
I currently use an inexpensive pair of over the glass green safety glasses. They work ok, but I am thinking that I could probably do better.
When I went in to pick up my bike from the garage after installing my tires and stuff, I paid $75.00 (later turned out to be 150.00) for a pair of Smith goggles, not really knowing much about goggles at the time.

Not thinking twice if they were what I needed in lens colour and OTG design. While still in the garage I tried to fit them over my glasses and my assistant explained that they weren't meant to be used with glasses. I guess he thought that my prescription glasses that I was wearing in the store were sunglasses as the lenses were dark, and that I could take them off. Regardless, there was a miscommunication and the Smith goggles were already rung in. Disappointed in myself, I told my assistant to leave the amount on as credit and to find me a pair that worked for me. I really want to get this done as my eyes are getting a thrashing every time I ride.

Last night I went to the Smith goggles website and I did find some OTGs listed there. I emailed my assistant at the garage a link to the Smith OTG page and also a link to a youtube review. I told him which lens and frame I like the best - white frame/pink lens for overcast days. Hopefully, he will be able to score them for me at the price that I have credit for the other pair that I didn't buy.

I just got off the phone with my assistant and he is digging into whether the ones I chose are in stock.
Update: The ones I like are not in stock. The only white OTGs in stock is the Vapor/Chromapop Storm Rose Flash.
I agreed to get these ones if there are/is no other choices of OTGs from any of their other suppliers.
I haven't heard back, so I guess I am getting the storm rose flash.
Emailed back saying the Smith is their only supplier with an OTG in stock. Other suppliers are all out of stock.

⚙️ Rize emailed me today to ask me if everything is working fine on my bike. They said:

Hello G,
I see that everything is lighting up which is normal when you're turning on the bike. Is your LCD screen and bike working properly?
Kind regards,

I replied again asking if that ! in a circle is normal.
I guess Kevin, in his own way, is telling me that everything looks normal at start-up.

Customer Service, please be more direct. It is not up to the customer to try to guess what you are thinking.
The customer is the important one, not your creative thinking skills.
I don't know if the bike and LCD screen is working ok.
You are the expert - you tell me.
The answer to your question would depend what the answer to my question is.
So, you first?


When it is extra cold the black gloves are worn over the other pair I am wearing.

🧿 Just starting out type of gear
🧤 Green gloves: black silicon palm, green light-weight mesh front. Gardening dept, Save-On-Foods, $3.00.
🧤 Black gloves: wool with rubberized palm grips, dollar store, $3.00.
🧤 Red gloves: mesh material on front and some kind of rubberized material on palms. Walmart $6.00

✨ I see upgrading in your future
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🔩 Rize Bikes (Rize Bikes)

Mar 22, 2022, 11:38 AM PDT
Hello G,
No, it is not an error code. Everything should be fine!
Kind regards,
Peace out!
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Eyes are feeling rough today, even with my cheapy safety glasses on while riding.

▪️First pair of goggles are the Smith brand that were ordered for me by my bike garage. I will review here when they arrive.
Cost $150.00 CAD

▪️Second pair of OTG goggles ordered today off of Amazon. The brand is Outdoor Masters.
Pink lens at VLT 46%. How these will work for me, only time will tell. Will write a review here.
Cost: $37.00 CAD (cheap)

🔹Signal Lights
Added front and rear signal lights today.

🔹Secondary Battery
I phoned Rize today and asked if my secondary battery was shipped and they said the battery is on back order. No problem, just making sure that my order is still on the books. Yes, and will be shipped when they are available. Good enough for me.

🔹Rize Liberty - Handling
A happy discovery is how easy this model is to handle while stand up riding at low speed. Incredibly balanced and easy to pivot around tight spaces and zig-zagging while standing.

🔊 UPDATE: May 5, 2022
Cons about this model so far -
▪️Not a simple solution for carrying cargo (shopping, tools, etc.)
▪️Rear fender too short and what-ever is on the rack is going to need protection from tire muck.
▪️Lack of accessories available on website


▪️Display: How do you get the display light to remain on longer than one second after power on? I'd settle for 10 seconds. I need more time as I often start out in dimly lit areas.

ANSWER: BY EBR MEMBER - https://electricbikereview.com/forums/members/harrys.2638/ - If your display has an up button, does holding it down for 10 seconds activate the LCD backlight?

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🔹Battery Life
How far can I go from a fully charged battery to an empty battery? Today would have been a good day to answer that question as I ran it dry again.
I can't wait until my secondary battery ships.
I am fully charging the battery tonight then starting a km log to look at the health of my battery.
There are many different views on battery care out there and there are lots of video discussing same to start watching again.
Because of my life-style I need to have this 52v fully charged at all times.
I was not keeping it fully charged before today. I was thinking that I would run it down to about 50% empty before recharging.
Bottom line, my main ride (the Liberty) needs to be fully charged at all times.
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Motor seems to be making a howling sound while running at low speed.

Rode my RadRunner + today for the first time in quite a while since I bought the Liberty.
The differences between these two bikes is interesting to compare.

🔹I've noticed
▪️There are people in my life whom I would allow to ride the RadRunner+ as a safe starter bike to charge around on.
Not so with the Liberty. It is too responsive, torquey, I guess. It would be irresponsible for me to allow some people to jump on it and take it for a spin. The RadRunner+ that I own is glitchy though. For instance, PA 0 engages the motor, therefore, the throttle is always hot. Not so with the Liberty. With the Rad, in Pedal Assist 0, I've hit speeds into the 48 km range with no pedaling. So, it isn't that the Rad is slow that I would apply caution with the Liberty and not the Rad. I think that it is because of the torque of the Liberty that I would keep it close to me only, unless I trusted that the person is an experienced rider. Specs: Throttle - 100% Power on Demand

🔊 UPDATE: May 7, 2022
My RR+ is going to go through an upgrade soon, so the above description of torque etc. is based on stock only.

▪️In the ergonomics area, the Rad and the Liberty force a different posture between the two designs - is it because of the handlebar positioning or is the sitting position partially because of the design of the forks? Something to start paying attention to in reviews maybe. Both the Rad and Liberty offer an upright seating position but not in the same way. I think that the Liberty stretches me out slightly. Let's not even talk about the saddles themselves. Rad loses in the seat department and does not even make it into any kind of comparison unless you were to compare the Rad seat with a fence post. As far as I am concerned, Rad is where they are because of marketing and not quality. But, I could have bought worse, so not complaining. I've got a replacement seat on the Rad, which limits comparison to memories of same. The Liberty is working out ok on two hour rides.
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Two red 20x4 tires arrived in the mail today. I originally wanted to install them on the Liberty this winter. But I changed my other mind and decided to put them on the RadRunner Plus now.

▪️Appointment made for bike drop-off on Friday
▪️Tires dropped off at the garage today.

🎱 I hit max speed unlocked today.
I hit unlocked max speed today. 🚫
🚳 I hit speed unlocked max today.
I hit max unlocked speed today. ⛔
⚠️ I hit unlocked speed max today.
I hit speed max unlocked today.☣️

Transitions - part one - part two

I upgraded my phone. Clear pictures to follow, I hope.
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My Outdoor Master goggles came in. They feel like an overkill for riding around town, but I guess it's what people do if you want to protect your eyes.

🔹Outdoor Master goggles (39.00 CAD)
〰️ Eyes feel relaxed
〰️ Less stress on face while riding
〰️ Company customer service is almost immediate, polite, and communicates with Amazon
〰️ Feels soft to the face
〰️ No wind enters eyes - well protected
〰️ After the ride eyes don't feel like a gravel pit

〰️ Bulky
〰️ Right tool for the job?
〰️ Limited peripheral vision
〰️ Communication with people feels limited
〰️ Possible reaction to the pink lens tint - headache (I know that I can't wear brown tinted lenses. Maybe pink will also cause problems)

🥽 UPDATE: April 1, 2022
Smith Goggles came in at $150.00
Quality Comparison: I see no difference in quality between these two goggles.
Fit: size - medium. Feels small and pushes my glasses into my face. Narrow. Low brow feel.
Profile: Lower profile than the Outdoor Master. Not by much
Strap: can unbuckle from the back. Outdoor Master strap does not. Same quality strap.

🥽 UPDATE: April 5, 2022
Health Benefits of wearing goggles!
Sounds severe but I actually thought that I had some kind of eye disease or something for the past nine months (which is also the time that I started riding) because I felt little small walking around things and building a construction site on both of my eyeballs. The activity was incredible. Now with the goggles everything has settled down and the construction has ended.

🥽 UPDATE: April 14, 2022
Both goggles are working out great in terms of fit and quality (I believe), but still up in the air regarding the pink tint. I may need a clear lens or very slight tint. They do fog up when first put on, then when I get going, the lens usually clears up within a half a minute or so.

🥽 UPDATE: April 24, 2022
I usually wear the $39.00 Outdoor Master goggles. They are more comfortable than my 150.00 Smith.

FedEx was here. They left a note for parcel pick-up point & time to pick up.
Went to pick-up point after time stated - parcel not there.

🔹Liberty - One Month Review
▪️It's the one I need for my location, i.e. hilly terrain
▪️The rear rack will not stay tight
▪️Breaks squeak
▪️Motor howls when riding slow - EBR members talk about this as being a Bafang motor issue.
▪️I want my rear mud guard to be longer. Everything on the rack gets muddy - I placed a thin plastic cutting board on the rack to prevent muck spray troubles.
▪️I like that the controller is tucked away under the seat - HEAR THAT RAD?
▪️This bike should come with signal lights
▪️Ships with slick street tires - not usable for my terrain
▪️Charging time from empty is as stated
▪️Downward thumb throttle ergonomically awkward. Sucks for stand-up riding. Hard to keep speed modulated over time. UPDATE: April - I am used to it now.
▪️The paint work and low profile logo design is superb and not repeated all over the bike (Rad)
▪️Suspension - experimenting with adjustments Watching some videos
1) Suspension Set-up
2) Preload
3) Pogo and nogo
4) Rebound and Compression

Whisky Throttle
Whisky Throttle in Action

🧠 UPDATE: April 7, 2022
I experienced Whisky Throttle yesterday. The bike was a light weight commuter with a full twist throttle. The problem was arm extension because, A: I was not familiar with the bike. B: Not familiar with the hand behavior needed to properly use a full twist throttle and C: It is a very bad idea to stand next to a bike with A, and B taking place and popping the throttle = Cluster F#$k.

🧠 UPDATE: April 9, 2022
The Liberty got away from me today. Two scratches now need attention on the bike.

🐦 Binocular Disparity
:eek: Fear and Learning Zone
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A Pro when riding a heavy bike is not getting blown away (too much) when riding through a storm.
▪️Breaks squeak
▪️Downward thumb throttle ergonomically awkward and painful. Sucks for stand-up riding. Hard to keep speed modulated over time.

If you look closely, my bet is that throttle can be loosened and rotated to a position that's a better sitting/standing compromise. Have never seen one where this isn't possible.

Regarding squeaky brakes, there are dozens of YouTube videos where you can educate yourself on what needs to be done to quiet them. Patience required......and rarely will anyone do anything for you under warranty here.
referencing the rize being torquier and not sure this is bothering you other than for friends riding, but it might be a little calmer if you put it on pas 9 levels instead of 7..

going from 5 to 9 levels made a dramatic difference on my espin in controlled pas, i was very unhappy with it on 5 pas levels

i know nothing about rize, but think some displays allow to change 0 to not have throttle , the same as your radrunner if you want it that way

is it possible to get into an advanced settings screen on your rize?
referencing the rize being torquier and not sure this is bothering you other than for friends riding, but it might be a little calmer if you put it on pas 9 levels instead of 7..

going from 5 to 9 levels made a dramatic difference on my espin in controlled pas, i was very unhappy with it on 5 pas levels

i know nothing about rize, but think some displays allow to change 0 to not have throttle , the same as your radrunner if you want it that way

is it possible to get into an advanced settings screen on your rize?

My advanced settings were adjusted and everything works well on my Rize - thanks anyways!
I am recording my experiences here on this thread, but not looking for assistance to change anything.
If I am looking for advice or assistance, I will definitely shout it out in caps or something.
Will likely record that I have contacted Rize about the situation first and then I would ask members here for advice.
I have had questions and have found answers by surfing the threads, such as my howling Bafang motor - I found my answer on some other threads.
Again, if I am looking for advice I will definitely ask.
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Outsider and sister Liberty. Rad is in the shop getting red tires on her. Apollo City scooter waiting for a shot in another corner.

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You are on ignore. Holler when/if you need a hand. No interest in your documenting.
🔹Costs are Rizing
Using ebikes to commute does not mean a great deal of savings on travel costs, at least not when I am first starting out.
Accessories, tools, and gear all have a shelf life.
Looking for a new helmet. I didn't know any better and bought a used one.
Now I know.

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So Rad is in shock right now after returning from the garage. I expected red tires and what I got was an orange! Oh well.

🎡 Update: April 7, 2022. The saddle bags that used to be on this bike with the stock tires were two Marc Jacobs Natasha, Petal To The Metal handbags, in light gray. Those bags have taken a good beating and it's time to retire them from this bike (unbelievably, they are both still usable. goes to show . . . ). The mini MJ, PTTM flap pouchette in black is still firmly secured to the front end of this bike and will remain there for some small tools, etc. The front facing pouch is a Roots cross body bag. My wallet, phone, and the bike's security remote fob are always in the Roots bag. In my saddlebags my daily carry is usually at least a fold-up saw, bear spray, first aid, cleaning cloths, walking shoes (I will explain later), and my UTook fold up lock that I share with my two other bikes. The UTook lock housing attachment thing is on the Outsider. A second roll lock is mounted on the lower tube.

Saddlebags: For these lobster tires I think that I will go for a more structured, boxy, industrial look. I am tending towards black, likely PU leather, with a design in the centre of the bags. Buckles would be perfect, but not likely to find. Red stitching would be interesting. But I am still open to what-ever is out there and not opposed to a structured heavy canvas set of saddlebags. I wonder if army surplus may have something?

Something like - Find a dupe for that waxed canvas one
Saddlebags for Liberty: Wild Heart waterproof saddlebags ("mainly suitable for motorcycles without side frame")
Saddlebags for Rad: Waxed Canvas

On second thought, there is a bridge that I cross sometimes with an extremely narrow pedestrian walking space. With steel bridge arches and other encumbrances in the way as I walk the bike - while straddling it - across while tilting left then right to miss getting my already folded up end of handlebar mirrors from getting knocked out. So, will look at bags with some give and not too susceptible to scratching. I love the idea of a structured set of bags for this bike, but not practical for the off-road uses the bags will be put through. But, if I see something irresistible in a structured design, I just may buy and then carry across said bridge. Ya never know.

I carry walking shoes in my saddlebags because I am a short rider and most bike frames are too large for me to ride on at my present comfort level. Therefore, I wear 2 inch platform boots to comfortably ride on these hills. The Liberty is easier to ride without platforms on than the Rad.
The boots are cosplay ordered off of AliExpress. They do the job. Update: July 2022. I just found out that those cheap boots are actually dupes for Demonia boots. I've thrown out those broken and tattered dupes and now wear 2 inch Demonia boots. Will stay with Demonia until the next stage of upgrade - which would likely be a pair of NewRock boots. I don't really like any of the current styles, but maybe by the time I would have to upgrade (years I hope) there will be a look that I can use.


UPDATE: April 13, 2022
I'm waiting on three sets of panniers.
1. Green
2. Camo
3. Black

The green one will hopefully be more of a khaki or army green. The camo one is low key in greens, I think.
The black is black. Will try to keep everything else on this bike blacked out. Will likely buy a black helmet in the same style later. The Rad is my shopping and running around town bike. I also forage with this bike. The Liberty is for steep hills and, hopefully, out of area long distance trips. That was my original plan anyways. But I am realizing the limitations of the Liberty in terms of luggage control. I have to come up with different plans for the Liberty than I did on the Runner. That rack is a major bummer man. It needs to go, or there needs to be a different set-up back there for me to work this bike the way I want to work it. It effectively is getting me from point a to b, but I can't bring anything with me as it sits right now. All I have room for on that rack is a tools bag. I carry a cross body bag on my person for anything else. Will go back and take a look at what is happening with the Blade in terms of luggage and have a look at what others may be doing. Will edit this posting as it goes. . .

The difference between a scrambler/moped ebike and other bikes, I think, is that they are really life-style driven as they are so versatile. And, once you go up to a certain price point, can do most things that all of the other bikes can do. Where-as most other bikes are specific to the style of riding you are interested in pursuing. So for me, it's about baggage. I am sure that most all-weather riders would tell you the same. And those of us only using their bikes for all travel (not me) and those who are resolving to drastically limit using their gas vehicles (me). Throw in there those of us riders who ride only in the area where we live. i.e. we are not throwing our bikes into a vehicle and driving off somewhere for a day of riding.

This leads me back to the reality that I will need to buy a trailer for the Liberty to tow.
It will need to be strong enough to tow light furniture, (chairs, etc.) and easy to store.
I have seen some fold-up ones.


🔊 UPDATE: April 14, 2022
I'll phone Rize tomorrow and see if I can get details about their nice pannier on the Rize website.
Question: Can this pannier fit on the Liberty? Likely a big fat no.
Then I'll ask for a suggestion on how I can upgrade the rear rack for something more industrial.
And if it would void the warranty of the bike should I find a shop to do said work on rear rack.

🔊 UPDATE: May 7, 2022
RR+ getting a power upgrade and Liberty found a pannier frame to work with the rack. Bought a cargo trailer for both - trailer is still in the box and unopened.

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