removing the display unit key?


New Member
I just got a EVO 27.5 yesterday and cant get the display unit to come off? Afraid of forcing it and breaking it. Thought I'd ask first. Do you press down on the little thumb tab and pull up at the same time? The dealer did remove the key at the shop so I know it does come off. The manual seems to indicate that this is correct although the manual is not great. Thanks for any help. ~mark
The display on my EVO Cross is a little difficult to get off. Push from the bottom of the display. There is a little tab underneath that can be pressed, but it seems to make no difference whether I press it or not. Also note that there is a little screw that can be used to deter theft (I think it is screwed in from underneath the display), but my bike came without that installed.
Mine was also quite difficult to remove. Yes, you do need to push that bottom tab and push it in firmly with one hand and keep that tab pushed in. Then with the other hand slide the display up to get it out. It's quite a tight fit but you can do it. I have to push hard from the bottom middle edge of the display to get it to slide up.
Ahh, it was the slide the display "Up" part that I wasn't doing. I thought it just popped straight off. Well its off now. Thanks a lot for responding.