Possible to Switch Batteries? (cross posted to Trek Forum as well - please delete if that's not allowed)


I have a 2019 Domane+ the (per the specs here) has a Bosch PowerTube 500wh. I am looking at options for my wife and came across an in-stock Allant +7 at the LBS and description says Bosch PowerTube 500. Other than the navy v. matte black fashion statement, is there any reason I couldn't use those 2 battery packs interchangeably? Thinking about doing some century rides and 1 charge won't get me there in the same day. If there was a way to "park" a battery at a rest stop halfway through the ride, I could make the switch and keep on going. Obviously it would be good to have a backup for other redundancies as well. Just wondering if it is possible.
Great question!

[edited for accuracy 6/22] Trek uses the PowerTube vertical variant for everything RIB system. 500 vertical to 500 vertical would be a direct swap in terms of the bare Bosch battery, BUT I believe the Allant+ frame is designed to use a 625 Wh battery. For the Allant+ models that are sold with a 500 Wh battery, Trek incorporates a spacer into their RIB design to give the 500 Wh battery the effective length of the 625.

With some swapping of parts, you should be able to equip the battery from the Allant+ to work on your bike, but it wouldn't be a direct swap without removing the spacer, swapping the cover, etc. You should definitely confirm this with your Trek shop as the parts in question are all Trek parts/designs.
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Great question!

Trek uses the PowerTube 500 Wh in the vertical variant for their RIB system. This would be a direct swap in terms of the bare Bosch battery, BUT I believe the Allant+ frame is designed to use a 625 Wh battery. For the Allant+ models that are sold with a 500 Wh battery, Trek incorporates a spacer into their RIB design to give the 500 Wh battery the effective length of the 625.

With some swapping of parts, you should be able to equip the battery from the Allant+ to work on your bike, but it wouldn't be a direct swap without removing the spacer, swapping the cover, etc. You should definitely confirm this with your Trek shop as the parts in question are all Trek parts/designs.
Thanks for the quick and detailed response.
My Trek Rail 5 and wife’s Allant+7 Lowstep were interchangeable right out of the box. Should be capable of adjusting any RIB battery to fit any other one.
Great question!

[edited for accuracy 6/22] Trek uses the PowerTube vertical variant for everything RIB system. 500 vertical to 500 vertical would be a direct swap in terms of the bare Bosch battery, BUT I believe the Allant+ frame is designed to use a 625 Wh battery. For the Allant+ models that are sold with a 500 Wh battery, Trek incorporates a spacer into their RIB design to give the 500 Wh battery the effective length of the 625.

With some swapping of parts, you should be able to equip the battery from the Allant+ to work on your bike, but it wouldn't be a direct swap without removing the spacer, swapping the cover, etc. You should definitely confirm this with your Trek shop as the parts in question are all Trek parts/designs.
It’s just a spacer so the 500 fits in the same space as the 625. Don’t think it has any other purpose.
You are correct. It allows Trek to produce a single frame style for a given product line (Allant+ in this case), but to spec different size batteries on different models.