Poor support from Specialized

John Dombrowski

Active Member
So before I got this 3rd Turbo S, @Douglas Ruby gave me a support person's name out in Utah or Colorado or somewhere that I was emailing with quite a bit on the issues of the Turbo S. Ken Wood and John Friedrich were the specialists I was talking with. They were really on top of the situation at that time but since getting my 3rd S I have emailed them a half a dozen times or more about the still ongoing issue with the charging and I have heard nothing. Poor support I feel for a $7000 bike of theirs.
I get the same response from my dealer. They do a group "sigh" whenever I show up with my bike. My dealer doesn't seem to have much training on e-bikes. They were not able to perform a software update on my old 2014 Turbo S. And my 2014 bike is permanently stuck on kph. No one can change it. My display refuses to go into settings mode.
The user manual is wrong on the subject of how to get the display in to the "set back light on/off and mph/kph" mode. I called Specialized in Utah and had someone walk me through the procedure. I will post it here when I get back home...on the road in an airport just now.
I had this info in an old post. To change the UNITS or BACKLIGHT settings, start with the bike off. Press the joystick (while in center position as if it is a button, not left right up down) for 10 seconds while holding the powerbutton down for 3 seconds (I had to count this off clearly). You should boot in to UNITS. Change units to mph. Then press the joystick again. You should go to BACKLIGHT. Turn backlight on. Then press the joystick again. You should switch to operational mode. The documentation on page 15 of the user manual is not corŕect.
Yes, that is the procedure for the 2016 models. For the prior years, it was a slightly different method since the displays were different. The older ones were designed to feed power back the battery when you apply the rear brakes. They dropped that feature in 2016. I tried both procedures many times to no avail.