Our Rides in Words, Photos & Videos


today, a humbling ride which reminded me why i love having an eBike ... and need to have an eBike. lol. after some recent very pleasant (if taxing!) rides on my creo with decent climbs on which i used no motor at all, today i took a long lunch for a 37 mile loop through the east bay hills, with around 3,100 feet of climbing. this COULD have been the kind of ride i might need a bit of assist here and there (i've been doing a 21 mile ride with 1,500 feet with no assist, no problem!) ... but poor route selection found me on a brutal 1,300 foot ascent over 2 miles with extended stretches of 12-14% grade and a few moments way in excess of that, including a short little 22% section that was most likely laughing at me !

so, 37.09 miles, 3,156 feet of gain (half of which was in a very short stretch!), 63 wH of my creo's battery used (20%) with an average support of 11.63% ... and i had to use every mode, including 100% full power.


the bike room had 7 bikes in it today! more than i've ever seen. glimpses of return to normal...

but still very few people on the trains. :(

after a short ride through the urban flats of oakland and berkeley, beautiful winding mountain roads, both uphill and downhill.


this innocuous snap is around 2/3 of the way up a brutal climb, the road pictured is probably "only" a 12 percent grade.

made it to the top!

after a somewhat unsatisfying descent, and some more urban flats, back to the office.
After helping out with our Saskatchewan ranch family Charl and I finally get to spend some time living the dream of what retirement should be. We are enjoying the last few days of warm weather camping and biking at Cypress Hills interprovincial park that straddles the provinces of Alberta and Saskatchewan. Today was truly an amazing day for biking that we will surely repeat tomorrow.20211008_125728.jpg
Chargeride and DiggyGun will certainly agree London is the most difficult city to learn English :D
The English accent can vary quite considerably in a short distance. London is certainly the most diverse city in the UK and as pointed out, with a number of accents in the one city. Plus we also have rhyming Cockney slang, which further complicates it.
The English accent can vary quite considerably in a short distance. London is certainly the most diverse city in the UK and as pointed out, with a number of accents in the one city. Plus we also have rhyming Cockney slang, which further complicates it.
The accent can even vary over the length of a single London street (think of Brick Lane, for instance).

Herr Mikulski in a Jewish bakery, Brick Lane, London, UK (2016). Later we were walking through Asian neighbourhood to complete the walk by a mosque.
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I was at the stage of playing a bass guitar then :) We visited Denmark Street at one of my London trips on those years (I only talked with the bass-guitar-store sales guy and bought ten picks to be polite).

London I love.
I grew up with a crowd of Mods..scooters, two tone suits and paisley scarves.
Paul was their god.
The accent can even vary over the length of a single London street (think of Brick Lane, for instance).
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Herr Mikulski in a Jewish bakery, Brick Lane, London, UK (2016). Later we were walking through Asian neighbourhood to complete the walk by a mosque.
They spell BAGEL wrong! Did they have Jewish Corn bread (which is not corn bread!) or Babka?
Afta(after) making my appearance at the office
I went and gone go for a ride on my Bulls.
Today I have a purpose. Visual inspection of RHINO beetle traps (snare).
Destination intrepid point, its an exclusive trail for me being It's in Federal land.
Although I have not seen a live rhino beetle, some have made it to the Island couple years ago.
As a means of counter measure Hawaii Department of Agriculture systematically placed traps in areas where such pests could thrive.
Feeling very confident having had my bike thoroughly inspected yesterday. Off I went.
To Intrepid Point. To visually inspect, note, count the traps along the trail.

Photos of my exclusive trail.
Nice photos. Looks like a BIG beetle
Another nice ride out today. Weather was a bit kinder today, not as windy or cold. No wind proof clothing needed, but it did get a bit chilly as we got to the end of the ride as the sun was starting to go down.

Saw a nice thatch covered seat around a tree today in Botolph Claydon.
