Our Rides in Words, Photos & Videos

I set myself a ride reaching most of the corners of my LGA (local goverment area) last night.

Some context: our state has been under strict lockdown restrictions for about three months in response to a regional Delta outbreak. What the restrictions entail varies depending on the LGA. In Newcastle's case it meant strict stay at home orders, so no non-essential travel, masks on at all times when outside your property boundary unless exercising, and movement restricted to within the LGA. Exercise is permitted, also providing it is within the LGA or if near a neighbouring LGA within 5km of your residence. So this has been my exercise playpen for the last three months: https://newcastle.nsw.gov.au/council/about-council/ward-maps. These restrictions ease tomorrow for all fully vaccinated individuals due to the state reaching a vaccination milestone of 70%, with further easing at 80%.

So that's the background, now back to the ride. My route took me on a grand lockdown farewell tour of the LGA (I didn't go into ward 4 in the map above). I confess at a shade over 40km it was my longest ride yet. I'm primarily a commuter and recreational cyclist, so I do a lot of 20km-ish rides but rarely have the excuse or time for anything longer. Except at night when the household is asleep. My tour took me on a mix of road and mixed use cycleway (I avoided the bush tracks this time out). I really enjoy riding at night. I don't have to worry about sun protection (8 months of our year present high UV risk), and I think with my lighting I'm a lot more visible to the motorists. Plus there's a lot less foot and road traffic around. All photos were handheld with my mobile so you'll have to forgive the odd shaky shot.

There was a lot of this. Imagine a beautiful calm estuary to the left.

Our port and fishing fleets peeping over a bridge:

A small section of our foreshore promenade. This would usually be packed on a Saturday evening but I passed only the odd groups out for a stroll:

The lighthouse and break wall sheltering our port:

The Newcastle Ocean Baths. It really is a spectacular coastline by day:

Newcastle Beach. Again, stunning by day:

Empty rotunda in King Edward Park. There were a few lingering picnics winding up around the park.

The Newcastle Memorial Walk at Strzelecki Lookout. Imagine sweeping coastal views in the inky darkness to the left. The walk is a stunning elevated path along a 100m high clifftop that features panoramic views of the city and beaches, and is dedicated to those who fought in the Great War. The lookout is named after our second favorite Pole - Pawel Strzelecki, who contributed to the development of our coal industry. (You'll always be my favorite Pole @Stefan Mikes)

A blurry view of the city from the lookout:

From there it was a big, fast descent back down to more of our beaches, then a long climb back up a ridge line on the other side of the basin.

My favorite tunnel in the area. Although when I pulled up to take the photo I heard a sharp and LOUD burst of death metal and hair raising crazy screaming coming from the other end. A little freaked out, I paused to assess the risk. I didn't hear anything further so jumped on the pedals and shot down at a brisk pace, on edge. A little further down the track I saw a headlight in the distance coming my way. When it saw my light it quickly turned around and headed away. I saw a teenager on his bike still further down. I think on reflection he was probably just goofing around with the tunnel acoustics and was as surprised to see me as I was to hear his vocal efforts.


The back half of the trip was a lot less eventful. It was mainly through suburban streets and pathways with zero foot traffic and little in the way of cars. I use a Cateye 800 for lighting. It gives me a good view of the path about 50m ahead and lasted on full blast for the two hour ride.

Yet another path besides sporting fields:

More path, this time through Jesmond Park towards the western extremity of my ride:

One final image from a foot and cycle overpass in Jesmond. Aren't modern smartphones extraordinary? This was a 15 second exposure handheld but braced against the overpass handrailing. Obviously not DSLR + tripod quality but staggering compared to past phone cameras.

And that brings our lockdown exercise tour to a close. Thanks for joining me on my ride.
My curiosity sent me to October 2020. Interesting to see photos from last year.
Speaking of bikeway, I will be riding them today.
Not very modern like Australia but unique in its own way.

Keeping us apart…

Kedron Brook Cycleway, Brisbane

Kedron Brook Cycleway, Brisbane
The only photo I took on yesterday's ride was of the bikeway.

Overcast sky and only a hint of shadows: perfect! But, as so often is the case, the 'satellite view' reveals that the suburban sprawl is dominant…

Ride down the Kedron Brook Cycleway
Jerzy's First Gravel Cycling Ride

Only @Jerzy Bańkowski answered my call for the Saturday group ride. The weather turned to be gorgeous, albeit it was rather a cold day.
We met at the Specialized Warsaw Brand Store at noon.


This weekend means Open Days for Specialized Warsaw. People (who could afford buying a Spesh bike/e-bike) had their rental contracts signed, a tech was setting the seat height and mounted preferred pedal type, then you could ride a Specialized for a day free of charge. There actually was a crowd of people willing to take a ride!


I paid a visit to the service area of the LBS. My Vado 5/6 made a furore there, as those friendly and competent personnel had the very first chance to actually see a Speed-Pedelec! (They sell a lot of regular 25 km/h e-bikes but the 45 km/h "mopeds" have never been in high demand here). "Did you really register that e-bike?!" -- "No, I bought the number plate in a bazaar! :D Of course I registered and insured the bike..." The diagnostics of my Speed Vado brought many surprises to all of us. For instance, the dealer was unable to adjust the wheel circumference for different tyres, as Electrak 2.0 ones of WhC = 2300 mm are type approved!

We had a lot of fun with Jerzy regarding free coffee there. Neither of us had any experience with office coffee machines (like, to replenish water in the canister or remove the dregs), and it required help of two guys in row before we could brew coffee for both of us! :D


Jerzy is an urban cyclist who prefers riding the pavement. He asked me if we could try a "gravel cycling" ride, so he could gain some new experience. I invented a ride route on the spot. We rode pavement, gravel, dirt, and easy singletrack. Jerzy was suffering because of lack of any suspension and with narrow tyres of his bike but could make it!


A railroad somewhere.


At the Spa Park in posh Konstancin-Jeziorna. As bikers, we had to order some Bike Coffee! :) (The price was exorbitant!)


I took Jerzy as far as to Zimne Doły (Cold Pits), a recreational area on River Zielona. My friend has never been there before!

I was hungry. People around had a barbecue but there was nothing on sale around. People nearby who attended a corporate party offered coffee or tea to us but no grilled sausage! So we escaped towards Piaseczno in a hope you could get some food in the bigger town.

Already in Piaseczno, we were making a left-turn when I heard a despairing cry "Stefan!" from behind. It turned out Jerzy had a crash! He rode onto narrow-gauge rails and fell with his bike! Although the crash was painful to him, it apparently did no big damage. To console my friend, I took him to the nearest restaurant for a lunch.


Located at the old narrow gauge train station, the "Odjazd" (Departure/Groove - double meaning) restaurant turned out to be a posh hipster place...


The narrow gauge railroad of Piaseczno is still operable, with paid trips (a corporation could rent a trip for their employees, for instance). The signage reads "Narrow Gauge Piaseczno City" which funnily could suggest Piaseczno was a Narrow Gauge City :D


Six tiny pierogies for twenty-six zloties?! (US$6.50) A robbery on a bright day!


After we parted our ways with Jerzy, I rode to my neighbourhood to beat E-Bike King Of Mountain Strava records. Got two KOMs of which I am very proud of because these are local :) I'm a local E-Bike King now! :D And trust me: it is a terrible feeling when you sprint with all your might to discover the speed-limiter engages well below of 45 km/h (28 mph)...

Google Maps Is A Joke

If anyone of you thinks Google Maps is a good thing, just see this:


Everyone here knows the river flowing through Zalesie Górne is Zielona (Green). It is shown on the local signage as well. Yet Google Maps know better that river is named Czarna (Black)... :D
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The path I rode is quite a local celebrity and has resulted in many court cases over the years.
It seems it was used in the 30s for motorbike trails and car hill climbs and they were eventually banned to keep the area free from modern 4x4 and dirt bikes which basically are very unbritish and make a terrible racket and more importantly arent driven by the middle classes in tweed.
The two groups met at dawn and very old books of law were delved into, it was decided the horse and carriage had a longer history than the motorcycle.
Whoever took a horse and carriage over that deserves my admiration.

The arguments were not based on trail damage..simply who has the historical right to claim most passage, but I strongly agree with comments from the ban group how motorcycles churn up ruts that promote water to flow down the track which starts an erosion process that eventually makes the track unwalkable.

The efatbike is perfect, not enough power to spin the wheel and the low weight compared to a dirt bike is spread over a large area by the tyre.

I would say I cause less damage than a hiker.


Back to the scene of my first ever e bike ride in April 2018, the forecast said wall to wall sunshine...I got some sun! ;) I wasn't complaining though, it was much milder this time and the sky looked amazing with the cloud formations!

Oh there is the sun!


Some amazing roads once again, I wasn't the only cyclist enjoying them! The guys in the distance were enjoying the 25mph tailwind, for me it was a 25mph headwind! I had a real scare on this road a few years ago when I was hurtling down one of the big descents at over 30mph when a car decided to overtake another car coming out of a bend, I had to ride on the verge at high speed to avoid the idiot!

One for @Prairie Dog the sheep whisperer was at work again! ;)

There was a threat of rain later in my ride but I only got a sprinkling thankfully, there were some pretty dark clouds around!

After days of heavy rain there were many floods around, which I managed to avoid for the most part! Near home I came across one which had me thinking twice but after seeing a small car go through I chanced it and made it with dry feet!🤣 Luckily I know the road very well and knew there weren't any potholes hiding below! My bike was properly filthy when I got home but what a brilliant day that was, quite a workout and lots of ups and downs to enjoy, cycling at its glorious best! One of my batteries was charged to 95% and the other 85% and I almost used both up by the time I got home!


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Jerzy's First Gravel Cycling Ride

Only @Jerzy Bańkowski answered my call for the Saturday group ride. The weather turned to be gorgeous, albeit it was rather a cold day.
We met at the Specialized Warsaw Brand Store at noon.

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Jerzy is an urban cyclist who prefers riding the pavement. He asked me if we could try a "gravel cycling" ride, so he could gain some new experience. I invented a ride route on the spot. We rode pavement, gravel, dirt, and easy singletrack. Jerzy was suffering because of lack of any suspension and with narrow tyres of his bike but could make it!

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A railroad somewhere.

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Six tiny pierogies for twenty-six zloties?! (US$6.50) A robbery on a bright day!

The pierogies had to stay but, hmmm, a helmetless Jerzy and he crashed!!!
One tree; many roots…

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Moreton Bay Fig
Shorncliffe, Moreton Bay

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Google Street View : Palm Avenue / Rainbow Street, Shorncliffe, QLD, AU

What I know about native fig trees is limited, so here is an excerpt from an ABC TV gardening program to provide some introductory information:

Quick Intro to South Pacific Fig Trees
If only he spoke English! ;) It was like attending a Shakespeare play - takes some time to adjust to the dialect/accent! Amazing trees and those root systems are something!
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Gravel Sravel

The above is an untranslatable idiom related to how I despised "gravel cycling" on this Sunday! Not my day, in general. Let us start with RideWithGPS, which was recommended to me by Przemek The Gravel Man as the ultimate (he said) route planner for Wahoo bike GPS computer. If RWGPS tells you the planned route would be 75% of paved, and the rest of unpaved roads, it usually really means... Read on!


Three weeks ago, I organized a group ride for beginners. You might remember the picture of a narrow gauge railway stop in the woods of the Kampinos National Park. The railway extends all the way between Wilcze Tułowieckie and the city of Sochaczew. On my today's ride, I found a closed bridge over River Bzura in Chodaków, and had to pedal to Sochaczew. Interestingly, I found an unkempt rail trail along the narrow gauge railroad...


As usually, I didn't take any food with me on the ride (which was silly, as it is very hard to find food on a Polish Sunday far from civilization). This ice cream had been my last meal for the next four hours!


I have run out of places I haven't been to before yet! To find anything new, I found some exotic place names on the map and rode up there.
In Polish, a place name ending with -pol means "a city named after someone". Like Constantinople (Konstantyno-pol) - "polis" meaning "city" in Greek. I wonder who that (certainly beautiful!) Bibiam really was, as the name is totally foreign to Polish... :D And what a "city"?! A depopulated village in the middle of nowhere! :D


I admit I might not be proficient with my Wahoo ELEMNT Roam yet. If you set the ride type to "HYBRID" (mixed terrain), I can bet that Roam will "take you to" your destination over the worst trails possible... :D On my way to Juliopol.


I can bet that when a guy named his own village after his beloved Bibiam, his neighbour had to name his village after his beloved Julia... :D


There are only three bridges over River Bzura between Sochaczew and the place where the river joins the Vistula. This wooden bridge in Mistrzejowice is the second of them.


Swans on the Bzura. The river looks to be very clean.


Fancy you are a medieval knight riding his horse among fields. Suddenly, you see THIS.


A fortified Gothic church in Brochów. The tradition says, a Teutonic Knight Andreas von Dinheim was kept war prisoner after the Battle of Płowce. He should pay a huge ransom. Instead, he fell in love with a daughter of a Polish castellan, and eventually the ransom money were used to build that church. The construction started in 1331.

Historically, the church in Brochów is important because it is where the parents of Frederic Chopin were married, and also there the future composer was baptized in 1810.


As I was riding on a single battery with 33/35% assistance, I was more and more hungry, exhausted and despaired. Here, the crossroads chapel where my friend Anita had a photo on Sep 19th this year. And guess what? I lost my way, to walk my Vado on sandy roads sometimes...


After I got back to my car in Kampinos, I packed the e-bike and drove straight to Klimatyczna for my first meal since four hours... :)


RWGPS "75% paved, 25% unpaved" translates to "48% paved, 31% dirt and 21% of bumpy gravel" in Strava...
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Here I am..all the shops are shut..even the 24hr megamarket closes early on sunday... and you post that goddam desert.

I can taste it though, just close my eyes and wish.

Why does that bibiampol sign have a space between the first two letters?
a ride to a new expensive part of Lake Oswego. I found, these paths on google so routed a ride to them. a few of the path starts were stats so I found one that we could ride our tandem on. cool tunnel under the road I was looking for pennywise. I found at least 3 other tunnels on this path network. it was all paved with a lot of short steep climbs. too many doglegs a few we could not make the turn on the tandem and had to walk. the big forrest area only had a path we can ride along the edge. no bikes on most of the paths. a strage fountain in that really yuppie part of Lake Oswego. Plus a new sculpture at the start of the bike path. a gate going to the route through ha cool cemetery that someone was going the hard way to get into. you dont usually see a building with all rafters and nothing tying it together and a bunch pee bottles outside the portapotty.

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