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What a fantastic day, I just love Arran!

It was one of those days when everything went right, they don't come along very often but when they do we just have to rejoice!

The last time I travelled round the island in a clockwise direction so I wanted to try the anticlockwise route today, I can confirm its more difficult!

I think this was actually harder than my 78 mile ride round the island almost a month ago and I'm not complaining, it was just awesome! Next year I'm going to take all 3 batteries and enjoy a 100 miler round this wonderful island!
The ferry going in the opposite direction from me this morning, with the Holy Island in the background!
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Arran coming into view!
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As you can see the weather started very well, it did cloud over but it wasn't cold and the winds were only around 15mph! The coast road from Brodick, I kept passing the other cyclist after my photo stops...I'm sure I was annoying him!
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The coast road is pretty flat for the first few miles and then this view appears, the last time I flew down this freewheeling at 45mph!
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A good reason to stop the climb part way up!
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Finally at the top of the climb and looking forward to the awesome descent down into Lochranza!
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The bay at Lochranza!
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I timed it nice for the ferry arriving at Lochranza, maybe next year I might try this one!
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The cars and motorhomes disembarking!
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I stopped here for a short break and continued on along the coast towards Blackwaterfoot, a small fishing boat looking rather close to the rocks here!
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Some of the roads here are a little rough but there are some parts that have been resurfaced recently and they are just sublime to ride on!
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Yet another boat (trawler perhaps) enjoying the calm waters I'm sure!
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Guillemots enjoying the sun on the rocks!
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A few miles along the coast and I was treated to some seal action, one was really staring me out and letting me know not to come any closer!
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I continued on towards Blackwaterfoot and noticed this beautiful lodge with the Arran mountains in the background!
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Another nice view of the mountains!
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I was getting hungry now so I stopped for lunch and had a pretty amazing view to enjoy, I just finished lunch and the sun disappeared behind a big cloud and didn't return again!
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I arrived in Blackwaterfoot and noticed I had made good time and wondered if I might make the earlier ferry and miss the rush hour going home, so I turned up the assist and put the hammer down and enjoyed many big climbs and big descents all the way to Brodick and arrived with 5 minutes to spare!The real bonus was I managed to catch the plush ferry with lovely big reclining seats to enjoy, I almost fell asleep on the crossing back to Ardossan!
What a brilliant day, I'm so glad I decided to give Arran a go this year and I will be back next year for sure! Its pure cycling heaven if you like hills and twists and turns and very fast descents! The best part about catching the earlier ferry was getting home in just over an hour with much lighter traffic, if I had waited for the later ferry it would have been close to 2 hours to get home...
@Readytoride That really sucks about your failed motor, I hope they will fix it under warranty!