I have a trip to Arran planned for tomorrow (car journey this time) so I went for an easy ride today! Another lovely day for a ride with light winds once again and wall to wall sunshine, what's not to like?

I had a nice view of the Campsie Hills right at the start of my ride!
I was riding on my lovely quiet back roads with hardly a car in sight for many miles, it was pure bliss! I was nearing Avonbridge and had to stop to grab some photos of the horses, they were looking very happy today but reluctant to come and say hello!
After passing through Avonbridge I took the single track road to Standburn, once again it was very quiet and such a joy to ride with no cars around! I turned the corner to see these 2 lovely Clydesdales enjoying the morning sun, the one nearest me started to walk towards me but decided it didn't like me and stopped in its tracks! It might be the cycle helmet they don't like, or maybe because there was no food on offer so who knows!
The big climb just before reaching Standburn, lovely smooth tarmac to enjoy here!
A nice view of the valley and yet another Clydesdale!
I was now on the road to Linlithgow which is mostly downhill and although I was now seeing some cars they were all well behaved and gave me plenty of room! I then climbed the big hill out of Linlithgow towards the Beecraigs Country Park, I was there earlier this week so continued on past it this time and headed for Torphicen!
The view at the top of the climb out of Linlithgow, looking down to the Forth Valley with the Ochil Hills in the distance!
I continued climbing and reached a fork in the road where I normally take a right which is a beautiful long descent, I thought I should check the road to the left and I was very glad I did! It was very undulating and mostly smooth, some lovely twisty descents also!
The view from the top of the climb!
I was just about to start the big descent when I spotted these cool little shelters, I couldn't see any signs saying what they were so I guess the owners were keeping them private!
I enjoyed the descent down through Torphicen and I was now heading for Westfield, for months a villager has been working on this entrance to make it look nice! He always gave me a cheery wave as I passed, he did a rather splendid job I think! I like how he has added the flower displays on the bikes!
Loving the use of the tractor and car tyres also!
I continued on into Westfield and took the quiet road up into the hills, with no cars in sight once again! Eventually I turned a corner to find the road totally blocked by a tractor and trailer, I was just about to get off the bike and survey the situation when the tractor burst into life and set off with me in pursuit, it was actually holding me up! Thankfully he eventually pulled in just as I was coming to the big climb, not sure if he was stopping there or just letting me past but I was just happy to get some speed up again!
The road then leads to Blackridge and its virtually a straight road home from here, I was passed by a few trucks here but I think the nice weather was making them very happy and they gave me lots of room! Nothing really to report after this other than I had such a great ride once again and can't wait to get out again on Friday after my trip to Arran tomorrow! This month has been very fruitful with 727 miles covered from 10 rides, not hard to work out the average there!

My best month of the year so far, only another 49 miles to reach 4000 for the year and I have averaged of 55 miles per ride!