Nyon MY21 - Initial Thoughts

The capabilities of a Bluetooth/ANT+ compatible e-bike related to Strava.
This is just a way how bike export (or not export) the data to the external devices. Bosch has one approach, Specialized - another. Both have pros and cons. Honestly, I like Bosch Connect portal a lot - thinking about cancelling my Strava premium, since I have better (and more precise) data on Bosch Connect versus Strava and I don't care about Strava social capabilities at all.


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It is because ANT+ e-bike systems deliver power, cadence, speed/distance, battery level, and Assist Mode as direct input to bike GPS computers, and the latter know how to talk to Strava. Including the ambient temperature for the ride!

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The capabilities of a Bluetooth/ANT+ compatible e-bike related to Strava.
Hello Stefan.

Is the 2oC shown in your screen capture ambient temperature sensed by the Wahoo device?

That's one parameter Nyon21 doesn't appear to have. Would be handy.
Hello Stefan.

Is the 2oC shown in your screen capture ambient temperature sensed by the Wahoo device?

That's one parameter Nyon21 doesn't appear to have. Would be handy.
Yes, it is Peter. Although I think it was the temperature when I have just brought my e-bike into my car post-ride ;) I should have "stopped the ride" just at the ride-end instead of pausing it.

Besides, I'm finding the Wahoo's temperature entries somewhat strange. The Wahoo's thermometer was showing steady -5 C during my morning's ride today, and it is -2 C in Strava? Very strange!

Rather then try to make the NYON work with mapping, I simply throw my GARMIN into my bag which I have used for years and it keeps track of all as it always has. When I use the app on my iwatch for a ride, it keeps track of my BP and mapping and such. The NYON is a terrific computer and well worth the upgrade for an R & M e-bike
Rather then try to make the NYON work with mapping, I simply throw my GARMIN into my bag which I have used for years and it keeps track of all as it always has. When I use the app on my iwatch for a ride, it keeps track of my BP and mapping and such. The NYON is a terrific computer and well worth the upgrade for an R & M e-bike
As I am not a Bosch software engineer, my only option is to use an alternative navigation solution . However, for me, the main differentiating/advertised feature of the Nyon is broken. No one should settle for this! Although you're trying to help, I strongly disagree with your opinion that it is well worth the upgrade given the main feature that would justify the upgrade for many (from Kiox) is next to useless. Listen to any review (or shill) of the Nyon the 1st or second thing they say is "it has navigation," for me it doesn't! We'd all "rather" Bosch fix what is likely a software problem we've been forced to work around for almost a year.
As I am not a Bosch software engineer, my only option is to use an alternative navigation solution . However, for me, the main differentiating/advertised feature of the Nyon is broken.
Well, I think we should be more detailed here. Navigation on the route on Nyon works fine, what is broken is building the route on device. I used Nyon several times to navigate me though using the route I built in Komoot earlier and it is working fine, not worse than Garmin or Wahoo. However they routing engine sucks a lot - they probably should just license/integrate it from Komoot to solve the issue.
Rather then try to make the NYON work with mapping, I simply throw my GARMIN into my bag which I have used for years and it keeps track of all as it always has.
I tried both Garmin and Wahoo before I upgraded to Nyon and while creating a route on them is much better than on Nyon, constant U-turn suggestions from Garmin when you are slightly off track (or it thinks you are off track) is very annoying and made me turn off re-routing at all. Wahoo was better in this aspect (I tried Wahoo Bolt v2). So, if we take overall experience for navigation (route building, route navigation, re-routing), nothing can compete with proper software solution on the phone unfortunately.
As I am not a Bosch software engineer, my only option is to use an alternative navigation solution . However, for me, the main differentiating/advertised feature of the Nyon is broken. No one should settle for this! Although you're trying to help, I strongly disagree with your opinion that it is well worth the upgrade given the main feature that would justify the upgrade for many (from Kiox) is next to useless. Listen to any review (or shill) of the Nyon the 1st or second thing they say is "it has navigation," for me it doesn't! We'd all "rather" Bosch fix what is likely a software problem we've been forced to work around for almost a year.
as long as you plan out your route before hand it works fine. but I would do that on my garmin too. if I need something else I usually use Apple Maps while on the go as its a hassle to try to use garmin or nyon to get directions.
Still no luck connecting Nyon MY21 to my phone. I will continue to try. 1 question: if I do a "hard reset" (assuming there is such a thing) to start back at factory settings, what information will I need to know to completely start over as if it was fresh out of the box? I assume once it connects to the eBike connect app or website with the same login information I have already established the history will be there.

Anybody else have the same issues with the routes? To summarize, I am looking for a way to "jump into" a route without starting at the route origin point OR routing to that origin point to start. For example, if the route was a clock that was a circle starting and ending at 12:00, I would like to enter the route (circle) at 6:00 and tide that route (circle) to 12:00 (end of route). In a perfect world, I'd like to be able to ride back to 3:00 where I started, but maybe that's asking too much. For now, I don't see any way to do that. I have the option of either riding to 12:00 as the origin (A) or end (B) in the most direct route (straight line from 6:00 to 12:00 [using suitable roads, I presume]) but not to ride to either A (reverse route) or B (follow route) along the actual route chosen. Am I using the routing function wrong or are those just not an option?
Nyon MY21 Bluetooth connection to iPhone.
Did you get any resolution finally, JPA, with your iPhone Bluetooth connection issue? I hope so, because it's been a while ago now since you posted about it, but anyway I had the same problem in October that took me two months to resolve (and two months worth of lost data). I did a lot of research, including this forum, and couldn't find a solution anywhere, but eventually I fixed it, so thought I'd post my experience to maybe to help others.
In my case it seemed to be a quirk of the iPhone (iPhone 8) operating system: the Bosch Ebike Connect app insisted I was connected by Bluetooth to the Nyon after lots of pairing, hard resets etc. but I still could never upload any ride data to the Bosch portal.
So what solved it in the end was, on the iPhone, go to Settings>Bluetooth, and then on 'My Devices' look for the Nyon (B350-etc. etc.). Whether it says the Nyon is 'connected' or 'not connected', just open the blue-circled information icon and click on 'forget this device' anyway. If you then repeat the pairing process again from scratch it might all work properly. Did for me anyway. It seems that internally, within the Apple world, if the app shows as 'connected', it just ignores the re-pairing process, so you have to 'forgot this device' before trying again. Simple, I know, but I couldn't find that out anywhere and there was a lot of trial-and-error involved.
Ya you have to forget the device. Hey I had to work out how to connect a new and a old nyon. I had to manually connect the old nyon it wont work through the nyon menu. every time I ride I have to open the bosch app and connect to either nyon.
Any other u
The new Nyon MY21 was installed on my computer this week. I'd like to give a shout-out to Ravi Kempaiah who made it his personal project to get that computer on my bike. Thank you, Ravi!

The Bosch Nyon is, by far, the best bike computer I have ever used. It's elegant, intuitive, and robust -- quite an upgrade from the simplistic Purion display that came with the bike. It's got a beautiful touch screen that changes color based on the assistance level as well as a touchpad operating unit. My touchpad is mounted by the left brake lever which enables me to easily switch screens and change the assistance level without taking my hands off the handlebars; a real safety improvement.

Screen editing is simple and intuitive. Surprisingly, I already hit the limit of 24 data tiles, forcing me to remove redundant data (e.g., "Trip Distance" in multiple screens.) It's helpful to have the additional information, including power output (me vs. engine), time in assistance zones, granular battery status, ascent, gradient, cadence, and of course, navigation. I paired the Nyon with a Polar Verity Sense armband heart rate monitor, which is comfortable and worked flawlessly. All in all, I'm delighted.

I purchased both the Custom Riding Modes and Lock Feature. I might not ever use the Lock feature; I have an irrational fear of losing the computer and finding myself SOL. Isn't it like that? The more you worry about making a mistake, the more likely you are to do it.

Now, the Custom Riding Modes is another story. I couldn't wait to start messing with that. My bike, with an 85 Nm Performance Speed motor, is probably overpowered for what I'm doing, even though I'm an almost 68-year-old woman riding in hilly Western North Carolina. I insisted on a 1X drive train but now find that I am too often in the slightly cross-chained and decidedly noisy highest gear. I typically spend 55% in Eco; 30% in Tour and 15% in Sport. I never use Turbo. I've been fiddling with bringing the support levels down in all of the modes. Interestingly, a relatively minor change resulted in significant battery savings. Just taking each of the bottom three levels down 10% (60->50, 140 ->130, and 240 ->230) reduced my battery consumption from 53% to 40% on the exact same ride (27 miles, 2500 feet of climbing), with nearly identical speed and assistance. Unfortunately, I was still too often in the highest gear. I will continue tinkering with the assistance modes and report back. BTW, I like that I can change from custom riding modes to the Bosch default modes on the fly. It gives me the confidence to experiment.

Now for the wishes, questions, and problems:

  1. Navigation/Route Planning: Sometimes I can't turn a ride into a route. The Bosch ebike Connect site gives me the following message: "Could not map your route to existing roads. Your route will be visible on Nyon without turn by turn directions." This happens when I import the ride as GPX tracks from RideWithGPS and when I select Convert to Route in eBike Connect. None of the roads are new. This is a real problem for me, as I generally don't ride in the navigation screen and depend upon it telling me when to turn. Does anyone know of a work-around?

  2. Is there any way to see what the default Power Assistance profiles look like? Are they flat power, or are they curved? And how does the top Nm for each mode fit in with customized modes? There doesn't seem to be an option to fiddle with that when customizing the assistance modes. My guess is that it's a top-end limit, which wouldn't impact an old fart like me, but still, idle mind want to know. Also, I'm assuming that the Range is less meaningful for customized zones?

  3. There is data on the Nyon which is not accessible on the app or website, and is lost once the trip is reset (e.g., maximum slope, max/average power). I wish there were a way to select which data elements are accessible post-ride. I also wish that there were a field for battery watt consumption; my husband gets that on his Specialized Turbo Creo. It can be calculated reasonably accurately for a brand new, full battery, but otherwise is unattainable.
That's it for now. Should I post my navigation question to the Bosch Problems area?
Any more updates on those custom riding settings? I am upgrading from Purion to Nyon this week and -just like you- I can’t wait to play with the custom ride settings. Would love to see screenshots of your settings. How are you liking the Nyon so far?
Nice! Thank you that is helpful! What was your goal/purpose for these custom settings (longer battery life? more comfortable? Etc) What kind of mileage are you getting from these settings vs from the default settings?
Nice! Thank you that is helpful! What was your goal/purpose for these custom settings (longer battery life? more comfortable? Etc) What kind of mileage are you getting from these settings vs from the default settings?
it was to let me use eco more as it was way too large of a jump from tour . less on tour as the speed I wanted to travel kept me lower on my power output then I wanted. I didn't not need as much power on the sport and turbo. I didn't to see a huge improvement in range but my energy levels vary so much its hard to really know. I have found if I am really tired and average less then 130 watts per ride Get more range than if I am between 130 and 145 watts that seems to be the battery sucking range. then above that I start getting more range.
As I am not a Bosch software engineer, my only option is to use an alternative navigation solution . However, for me, the main differentiating/advertised feature of the Nyon is broken. No one should settle for this! Although you're trying to help, I strongly disagree with your opinion that it is well worth the upgrade given the main feature that would justify the upgrade for many (from Kiox) is next to useless. Listen to any review (or shill) of the Nyon the 1st or second thing they say is "it has navigation," for me it doesn't! We'd all "rather" Bosch fix what is likely a software problem we've been forced to work around for almost a year.
Interestingly, the Nyon has a bunch of helpful functions on it, in particular a screen that can tell you what gear you are moving on, let alone a lot of other useful stuff. I have been able to copy a navigation I have made and then save it, for future use, but I stil have a lot to learn about doing this more effectively; but all things, saving navigation methods, are extremely well done and well worth the expense of buying the computer…
Interestingly, the Nyon has a bunch of helpful functions on it, in particular a screen that can tell you what gear you are moving on, let alone a lot of other useful stuff. I have been able to copy a navigation I have made and then save it, for future use, but I stil have a lot to learn about doing this more effectively; but all things, saving navigation methods, are extremely well done and well worth the expense of buying the computer…
I have not seen a screen that tells you what gear you are in. Is that a custom tile? Is that available for road bikes or just mountain bikes?