Nyon MY21 - Initial Thoughts

I've tried WiFi off and never had any success. I've never even been able to see the Nyon in my BT on my iPhone. Push the light and get it to go into pairing mode and it just spins. Never comes up to connect. My bike and info are in the Nyon due to being connected via WiFi in the past and can sync via that as well. It just shows "bluetooth is off" when looking at connections in the ebike connect app.
I have a IPhone 8 and had issues connecting Bluetooth. I found I had to open the Bosch ebike connect app and go to the ”My ebike” tab and connect from there. Could not get it to work going under settings on the phone. After 1st time it connects automatically as long as I open the app on my phone before I get on the bike, if doesn I have to open that page.
@William - Bosch Team is it possible to select and only show a route on the map and not do anything else (i.e. no navigation instructions etc) on the Nyon 2? (If not can I put a request on this?). The closest I get to this is setting up 'no recalculating route' and start using the route '... from(or to) next point'. Most of the time I just want to see what the original route is like and take some detours in somewhat the same direction as the route goes.
I have a IPhone 8 and had issues connecting Bluetooth. I found I had to open the Bosch ebike connect app and go to the ”My ebike” tab and connect from there. Could not get it to work going under settings on the phone. After 1st time it connects automatically as long as I open the app on my phone before I get on the bike, if doesn I have to open that page.
I still have to do that. but I think its because I have two Lyons but to sure. I have to select the one I want to use.
@William - Bosch Team is it possible to select and only show a route on the map and not do anything else (i.e. no navigation instructions etc) on the Nyon 2? (If not can I put a request on this?). The closest I get to this is setting up 'no recalculating route' and start using the route '... from(or to) next point'. Most of the time I just want to see what the original route is like and take some detours in somewhat the same direction as the route goes.
Good question, and I'm not sure. @Stephen - Bosch Team might have a better answer, otherwise I can try to test it later this week.
Still have had no luck getting Nyon MY21 to connect to iPhone 12 ProMax. I've tried all the sequences and resets. Just using WiFi for now until I can figure it out.

Another issue I've encountered is trying to use routes. I am often trying to jump onto a route from close but not at the A or B. It seems you have the options to route yourself to A and then start the full route ending at B. It also seems you can just route yourself from your current location to B, but it doesn't seem to jump on the route and follow it as if you had started at A. It seems to route you the shortest route to B which is not what I am looking for (and not what most would be looking for, I wouldn't think). Am I doing something wrong?
Still no luck connecting Nyon MY21 to my phone. I will continue to try. 1 question: if I do a "hard reset" (assuming there is such a thing) to start back at factory settings, what information will I need to know to completely start over as if it was fresh out of the box? I assume once it connects to the eBike connect app or website with the same login information I have already established the history will be there.

Anybody else have the same issues with the routes? To summarize, I am looking for a way to "jump into" a route without starting at the route origin point OR routing to that origin point to start. For example, if the route was a clock that was a circle starting and ending at 12:00, I would like to enter the route (circle) at 6:00 and tide that route (circle) to 12:00 (end of route). In a perfect world, I'd like to be able to ride back to 3:00 where I started, but maybe that's asking too much. For now, I don't see any way to do that. I have the option of either riding to 12:00 as the origin (A) or end (B) in the most direct route (straight line from 6:00 to 12:00 [using suitable roads, I presume]) but not to ride to either A (reverse route) or B (follow route) along the actual route chosen. Am I using the routing function wrong or are those just not an option?
Still no luck connecting Nyon MY21 to my phone. I will continue to try. 1 question: if I do a "hard reset" (assuming there is such a thing) to start back at factory settings, what information will I need to know to completely start over as if it was fresh out of the box? I assume once it connects to the eBike connect app or website with the same login information I have already established the history will be there.

Anybody else have the same issues with the routes? To summarize, I am looking for a way to "jump into" a route without starting at the route origin point OR routing to that origin point to start. For example, if the route was a clock that was a circle starting and ending at 12:00, I would like to enter the route (circle) at 6:00 and tide that route (circle) to 12:00 (end of route). In a perfect world, I'd like to be able to ride back to 3:00 where I started, but maybe that's asking too much. For now, I don't see any way to do that. I have the option of either riding to 12:00 as the origin (A) or end (B) in the most direct route (straight line from 6:00 to 12:00 [using suitable roads, I presume]) but not to ride to either A (reverse route) or B (follow route) along the actual route chosen. Am I using the routing function wrong or are those just not an option?
You wont need to add anything but say wheel size if you changed it and all your screens and such I cant remember on the personal info. .all the real info is stored in the motor. I know the old Nyon I can do that start on the route if I am on the route and start it it will pick up. but I dont use navigation on the new one that muhc. it should but but nyons navigation is only so so.
Still no luck connecting Nyon MY21 to my phone. I will continue to try. 1 question: if I do a "hard reset" (assuming there is such a thing) to start back at factory settings, what information will I need to know to completely start over as if it was fresh out of the box? I assume once it connects to the eBike connect app or website with the same login information I have already established the history will be there.

Anybody else have the same issues with the routes? To summarize, I am looking for a way to "jump into" a route without starting at the route origin point OR routing to that origin point to start. For example, if the route was a clock that was a circle starting and ending at 12:00, I would like to enter the route (circle) at 6:00 and tide that route (circle) to 12:00 (end of route). In a perfect world, I'd like to be able to ride back to 3:00 where I started, but maybe that's asking too much. For now, I don't see any way to do that. I have the option of either riding to 12:00 as the origin (A) or end (B) in the most direct route (straight line from 6:00 to 12:00 [using suitable roads, I presume]) but not to ride to either A (reverse route) or B (follow route) along the actual route chosen. Am I using the routing function wrong or are those just not an option?
I think it did this the other day without any issues.

So I had a route/tour planned via Komoot that was pushed to my Nyon. I decided I wanted to start off without navigation and just ride. When I got about mid-way through the original tour route, I wanted to activate navigation and use the rest fo the planned route for the way back home...so I went to navigation, opened up the tour route and just started it.
The Nyon figured out where I was on the route and then navigated the remaining original path I had planned.....

I think this is what you're trying to do right?


I think it did this the other day without any issues.

So I had a route/tour planned via Komoot that was pushed to my Nyon. I decided I wanted to start off without navigation and just ride. When I got about mid-way through the original tour route, I wanted to activate navigation and use the rest fo the planned route for the way back home...so I went to navigation, opened up the tour route and just started it.
The Nyon figured out where I was on the route and then navigated the remaining original path I had planned.....

I think this is what you're trying to do right?


Absotively. Maybe I am just doing it wrong. I'll try some more scientific approaches to gather data and report back.
I think it did this the other day without any issues.

So I had a route/tour planned via Komoot that was pushed to my Nyon. I decided I wanted to start off without navigation and just ride. When I got about mid-way through the original tour route, I wanted to activate navigation and use the rest fo the planned route for the way back home...so I went to navigation, opened up the tour route and just started it.
The Nyon figured out where I was on the route and then navigated the remaining original path I had planned.....

I think this is what you're trying to do right?


I was half way through a ride that I commonly do, and was getting low on battery. I loaded up the route in nav and told it to start from next point. It did that successfully providing the correct blue line home, but no turn directions or ETA or battery info. This was disappointing, I cancelled that and started "ride to home". This time I got all the info including battery remaining estimates.

Has anyone had any success with getting the weather to sync? I get the feeling that this has to sync over bluetooth, not wifi, but I'm not sure.
I called Bosch USA and they couldn't get theirs to work either.
That's disappointing.
In Las Vegas I'm not in danger of getting rained on, but the sunset time, and wind estimates would be useful.
View attachment 100501

Has anyone had any success with getting the weather to sync? I get the feeling that this has to sync over bluetooth, not wifi, but I'm not sure.
I called Bosch USA and they couldn't get theirs to work either.
That's disappointing.
In Las Vegas I'm not in danger of getting rained on, but the sunset time, and wind estimates would be useful.
never tried it. dont really see a need with our phones. I battle my garmin not to give me the weather. it always gets me warnings when I am about done with the ride.
Nyon sync the weather page via bluetooth when the phone is connected. Given that you have to have the phone with you to get current weather, it is just as easy and way more customizable to just get weather info on the phone via your preferred app. Mine is Windy,
Nyon sync the weather page via bluetooth when the phone is connected. Given that you have to have the phone with you to get current weather, it is just as easy and way more customizable to just get weather info on the phone via your preferred app. Mine is Windy,
what he said! Open the Bosch connect app on your phone so you get the phone connected icon on your Nyon, weather should sync then
There are 3 world famous bridges that connect Brooklyn to Manhattan in probably the worlds most famous city. Why does Nyon 21 want to route me over a ferry boat in order to travel between them? I know I have already voiced my frustrations here about the Nyon BUT this is a 100% non-starter/deal-breaker/crippling bug for me. There has to be a quick(ish) fix for this obvious flaw. Moreover, a quick explanation as to why this is happening. Ive spoke to the Bosch team directly months ago and they should have been given the reasons why by their engineering team by now.
Why does Nyon 21 want to route me over a ferry boat in order to travel between them?
Answer is obvious - the maps they are using don't have bike paths between Brooklyn and Manhattan. Making and maintaining maps (especially cycling) is not an easy task to do and so far Bosch is mostly failing this. This is why I am not expecting much from the Bosch built-in navigation. However what Bosch can do quite well is to navigate you via the built route. So this is what I normally do - design route in Komoot and use my SmartphoneHub (or Garmin Edge) to route me over it. With their size and capabilities they probably need to license/integrate with Garmin for the mapping/routing to solve this problem and focus on eBikes stuff, leaving maps and navigation to Garmin, who knows how to do this and has lots of experience in this area.
Answer is obvious - the maps they are using don't have bike paths between Brooklyn and Manhattan. Making and maintaining maps (especially cycling) is not an easy task to do and so far Bosch is mostly failing this. This is why I am not expecting much from the Bosch built-in navigation. However what Bosch can do quite well is to navigate you via the built route. So this is what I normally do - design route in Komoot and use my SmartphoneHub (or Garmin Edge) to route me over it. With their size and capabilities they probably need to license/integrate with Garmin for the mapping/routing to solve this problem and focus on eBikes stuff, leaving maps and navigation to Garmin, who knows how to do this and has lots of experience in this area.
It's interesting that google.maps has no problem routing me by bicycle from Wash Sq Park to Williamsburg over the Williamsburg bridge.

I think the problem is that Bosch is so eurocentric that they don't want to invest to get a decent USA biking database. It's curious, because the expense isn't the database itself. Just look at the maps (which are databases) that ridewithgps can use. To give a different example of Bosch's focus, one of the choices I have for Cobi.bike is "Rydies" which is only useful in Gemany, Austria and Switzerland!
its OpenStreetMaps I thought which does have bike path routing between Manhattan & Brooklyn.
OSM is a map. Routing for OSM is done using two separate projects OSRM (Open Source Routing Machine) and GraphHopper, and they are far from being perfect. Does Bosch specify how they make routing for their displays?
I think the problem is that Bosch is so eurocentric that they don't want to invest to get a decent USA biking database.
Makes sense. Do to avoid constant frustration I just expect not to relay on the built-in navigation in Bosch displays (and this is the reason I see Nyon 21 not worth the price asked).
Makes sense. Do to avoid constant frustration I just expect not to relay on the built-in navigation in Bosch displays (and this is the reason I see Nyon 21 not worth the price asked).
I have the smartphone hub, same routing issues, so I don't use it for routing, just navi. I do my routes separately. I like ridewithgps's routing system best, so I plan routes there. To get them to my device, I need to go through Komoot, another eurocentric app, then to cobi.bike. If I ever needed to re-route while on the road, I'd do it on my phone, then hotspot to get it to my bike.