New Rad Rover 6

The battery used on the bike in that link is a twin to the batteries used on the 3 Espin bikes I've bought in the last few months. As mentioned earlier, all 3 of those all say "Reention" on them...

If you're up for a grin, note the front tire on the bike in the pic has had the front wheel installed backwards. The disk is opposite the caliper... Mental giant there for sure! Not the sort I want to buy from....
Air Brakes ,
I have seen people riding around like that. There is guy who works at my closest supermarket who has the forks flipped 180. Mentioned it to him, doesn’t,t care 😙

Someone was selling a mission here last weekend, pics show forks on backwards.
Oops, I didn't see that!

So RadRover 6's battery case says "Reention"?

So it's not a proprietary battery designed in-house then.
I didn't say that. I said it appears to be a similar battery/battery installation. Until somebody has one in their hands and looks, we're not going to know for sure!
I didn't say that. I said it appears to be a similar battery/battery installation. Until somebody has one in their hands and looks, we're not going to know for sure!
The video and pictures shows battery being installed from above. Not the rather common Re-ention Dorado.
The video and pictures shows battery being installed from above. Not the rather common Re-ention Dorado.
The installation method from the top, or the shape of the battery?
The installation method from the top, or the shape of the battery?
Dorado is inserted from the left side of the bike. The electrical connection is on the right side.

The RR 6 looks to have the electrical connection under the battery. The Espin you mentioned does look similar.
Just an FYI for those not familiar. Reention batteries take several different forms. They are NOT all alike, and clearly they are not all Dorados. The only thing they share, to my knowledge, is the fact that a lot oof them are inserted, somehow (top, sideways, and bottom), into special down tube.

I dont think there was a lot of requests for speed decrease so maybe he just misspoke. The speed increase option has been gone since 2020 probably he was not aware of that.
I don't understand all the hate here for Rad Power bikes. Our first experience with e-Bikes was on RadCity rentals. We had a ton of fun and decided to rent those bikes for a couple of months (rate was something like $110/month each) to see if we were going to stick with this and give us time to decide what to buy. We dragged those bikes up and down California for a summer. While we did eventually buy much more expensive mid-drive, full-suspension, carbon-fiber bikes, my wife and I still look back fondly on our RadCity experiences.

We've introduced others to eBiking, typically through the same rental shop. One person had borrowed a friend's mid-market Bosch-powered mid-drive bike for one of the rides, and for a subsequent she rented a Rad. She was much more comfortable on the Rad with its hub-drive motor, step-through frame, and upright riding position. While I pointed her at other bikes (everything from Juiced to Evelo and others), she ended up buying the Rad and is still happy with it.

Rad obviously fills a market need, and while for many of us the design and component selection choices they make are not what we would choose, Rad is making bikes at a price point that people enjoy riding. Many people are not climbing 15% grades, barreling downhill on technical single-tracks, or riding 50 miles a day. A 25-30 mile ride with a rack that can hold a picnic lunch and a jacket is often the ticket, not to mention commuting with a laptop. There's no doubt that for newbies hub motors are easier to ride, especially if you're in the wrong gear you can just hit the throttle to get over the hill or through the intersection quickly. They're durable, as the rental shop doesn't turn over its inventory every year.

Compared to something like a Pedego, which are way overpriced for what you get, I'd much rather see newbies getting into the sport via Rad.
A point I like to push as well, for those that are uncertain if e-biking is for them, they likely have the best resale of any bike out there......
A point I like to push as well, for those that are uncertain if e-biking is for them, they likely have the best resale of any bike out there......

I rented a Rover in CA after first demo-ing one at the Seattle HQ. Then I purchased one.

3000 miles later, I only resold during the pandemic because resale prices were high.

Like others have said, it’s an excellent value as a first buy if you are not sure about whether e-biking is for you. Lots of upgrades too, and I expect the usual players like Bolton will develop RR6 upgrades as there is a significant market.

I see more Rads around here than anything.
I think Even the old style battery was considered propriety , but was just a slightly modified readily available battery and cradle.

AHicks post about possible re-ention sources was very interesting. Of course until someone does a full technical tear-down who knows.

I do like the integration of the battery, looks more professional . It is not Bafang motor but could be a clone.
I think integrated battery looks great, however, if they wanted to an integrated battery, they could've just gone with Reention Dorado like any other ebike company.

The reason why they went with proprietary route is likely because so that people can't upgrade it or go with other battery options.
Why in the world are you so stuck on the Dorado model cases? Not everyone needs huge battery capacity, or the weight associated with that capacity (says the owner of a 19.2ah equiped, Ultra powered Rize bike). You don't pick a battery that size up with one hand! The stylish (flush fitting) Reention that's used in the Espin and some others are 13.5ah or so. I can get 35-40 miles using one of those in PAS 1 and 2 on that bike. That's twice the capacity of my butt, which has had enough at 20 miles.

The BIGGER point here, as I see it, is if it turns out RAD has gone with a Reention built case, they are NOT proprietary and will be available for a long time! There's that, and the potential that the same slot or "tray" will possibly work with several other battery cases that use that same slot JUST LIKE THE DORADO. WE DON"T KNOW! Stop guessing/complaining/bad mouthing until we do,
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On a forum like this, we are most likely gonna see a over representation of advanced users. A bigger proportion of users here have already upgraded one way or another our Rad bikes which isn't the case for the general population which have left their Rad bikes untouched and rightfully so since the stock bikes already fulfill most of their needs.

That being said, as an advanced user, I appreciate the hydraulic brakes (way higher comfort, easier to maintain and more efficient on average). But I fear the alleged custom battery pack might restrain upgrading or replacing options with third party brands. Though, I do understand the appeal of a more integrated look for the mass audience. On the plus side also, the battery pack seems to pop off in an easier manner and Rad is providing a waterproof cache for the battery port.

Cable management is also improved.

Overall, it is quite positive but for geeky users, if the proprietary battery is confirme, it is a big pill to swallow.
On a forum like this, we are most likely gonna see a over representation of advanced users. A bigger proportion of users here have already upgraded one way or another our Rad bikes which isn't the case for the general population which have left their Rad bikes untouched and rightfully so since the stock bikes already fulfill most of their needs.

That being said, as an advanced user, I appreciate the hydraulic brakes (way higher comfort, easier to maintain and more efficient on average). But I fear the alleged custom battery pack might restrain upgrading or replacing options with third party brands. Though, I do understand the appeal of a more integrated look for the mass audience. On the plus side also, the battery pack seems to pop off in an easier manner and Rad is providing a waterproof cache for the battery port.

Cable management is also improved.

Overall, it is quite positive but for geeky users, if the proprietary battery is confirme, it is a big pill to swallow.
On the bold, nicely put. I agree100% and will try to temper my future responses to reflect that.
I dont think there was a lot of requests for speed decrease so maybe he just misspoke. The speed increase option has been gone since 2020 probably he was not aware of that.

I was able to immediately reset the motor-assist speed limit on my 2021 Rad MiniST from 32-40kph and would be annoyed if I couldn't have. Looks like the Rover 6 is locked to 20mph from the vids I've seen so far, and I still think having to monitor two displays instead of one is pretty dopey. Might be some opportunities here for Bolton and others to create upgrades if possible.
I was able to immediately reset the motor-assist speed limit on my 2021 Rad MiniST from 32-40kph and would be annoyed if I couldn't have. Looks like the Rover 6 is locked to 20mph from the vids I've seen so far, and I still think having to monitor two displays instead of one is pretty dopey. Might be some opportunities here for Bolton and others to create upgrades if possible.
The Bolton upgrade, if there was one available for this new model, will most likely replace both displays with one mounted in the center.
Sorry if I didn't make it clear. I keep talking about Dorado because it's one of the most popular semi integrated case.

I don't think Rad case is Reention, unless I missed something, I don't see it on Reention website.
I also didn't guess, Rad Power said it is proprietary. I know you already mentioned Rad Power isn't the best source to get the info on Rad Rover battery, but that's where I initially got the info from.

With all the discussion about the new battery form-factor and supplier, is anybody as skeptical as I am about the failure to improve battery voltage and capacity in an "all-new" bike, even with a much-higher price tag?